David Ryding with his wife Nicola and daughter Mollie
The story as reported: "A 26-year-old former soldier from Moreton has died after being attacked in the town of Rugby in the early hours of Sunday morning. David Ryding was so badly injured he was put on a life-support machine at University Hospital Coventry & Warwickshire."A statement from Warwickshire Police today said: “It soon became apparent that nothing could be done to save him and life was pronounced extinct at 3.30am this morning and his life-support machine has been turned off.”
"Police arrested a 21-year-old man from Rugby on suspicion of murder following the incident, which occurred at 5am on Sunday, at the Clock Tower in Market Place, Rugby. Two further men aged 25 and 27 have been arrested on suspicion of affray.
"Mr Ryding was a member the First Battalion the Mercian Regiment but retired from the service in 2011." Emphasis in the original
Gee, I wonder who convinced the wife of a former British soldier murdered in the street to say she does not want people to “speculate about what happened?” "Britain has weathered many storms and the amount of devastation wreaked by the Luftwaffe during WW2 is not quite appreciated. Whole cities, not just London were bombed into semi oblivion.
"Were we told then, go easy on the Hun, old boy. They’re only human just like us’?
"Of course not. Newsreels promised retaliation and bombed out Britons took grim satisfaction in knowing that their Nazi counterparts would soon be suffering similar fates.
"It worked because those beleagured bombees knew that the state establishment was with them, on their sides and understood the feeling of anger."
Audio: Churchill speaking after the evacuation of the British army from Dunkirk: We shall go on to the end, whatever the cost may be. The terrible destruction of British cities by the Nazi Luftwaffe was to begin.