Tuesday, September 11, 2018

“I am Spartacus” will stick to Cory Booker

Cory Booker’s flub will stick, too. It is concise and memorable, and it captures a side of Booker that seems revealing. It says, “I am grandiose, self-inflating, and narcissistic.” Every candidate for President probably shares those features. So, obviously, does the current occupant. It’s just that most politicians don’t make them the centerpiece of their campaign rallies. Or high-profile Congressional hearings.

Charles Lipson
"Why some mistakes, like “I am Spartacus,” stick to politicians and others don’t"

"Political rule number 1: Don’t take a selfie with Bozo the Clown. Your opponents will use it forever in political ads.
"Political rule number 2: Don’t call yourself Spartacus. You will be ridiculed today, tomorrow, and forever.
"Somebody forgot rule number 2, and the man who forgot it, Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ), will pay a price.
"The junior senator from New Jersey is looking ever-more junior by the day. He is now the butt of every prankster with Photoshop and a picture of Kirk Douglas in a gladiator’s costume.
"True story. Today, when I Googled “Spartacus,” the search engine helpfully added a second word, “Booker.”
"Although the ridicule will fade, it will return every time Sen. Booker seeks the presidency, which will probably be for the rest of his life. Breathtakingly stupid comments like Booker’s “I am Spartacus” are like red wine spilled on a white carpet. You can mop and scrub them, but they don’t really disappear.
"Why do some mistakes like this live so long and others fade away so quickly?
The ones that live are those that reveal—and congeal—our deep-seated images of the person who made them. They do so succinctly, memorably. Their opponents know that and seize upon them. So do comedians and editorial cartoonists, unless they are unwilling to joke about a candidate they support (an all-too-common ailment these days).
"Consider a few Great Fumbles from recent U.S. political history." . . .

Tony Branco

All cartoons added by TD

WaPo Fact-Checker Warns Dems: Don’t Keep Propagating Kamala Harris’ Falsehoods On Kavanaugh

We have yet to hear to hear definitively from Susan Collins or Lisa Murkowski, who hold the key to confirmation. However, the quality, hyperbole, and sheer dishonesty of the arguments being deployed against him likely will cement their desire to ensure those tactics do not get rewarded and therefore deployed in the future. (Lets just hope they don't pull a McCain)

Hot Air

"Not only should Kamala Harris stop trying to sell her argument* on Brett Kavanaugh and abortifacient drugs, Glenn Kessler advises at the Washington Post, Democrats should stop buying it. Yesterday, Politifact — hardly a bastion of conservative action — threw a flag on Harris’ claim that Kavanaugh himself thinks of all contraception as abortive, and noted that several of her fellow Senate Democrats had picked up the argument, too. Kessler drops four Pinocchios on Harris in a detailed fact check, and tells Democrats to drop it:" . . .
. . . 
"Oddly, FactCheck still hasn’t weighed in on this, although they had been tracking claims made in the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing all last week. A check of the “Kavanaugh files” this morning doesn’t show any discussion of Kamala Harris’ claims, although they do have a lengthy analysis of the debate over abortion. That’s dated the same day that Harris tweeted out her deceptive and dishonestly edited video clip of Kavanaugh’s answer, but it doesn’t even get a mention there. Hmmm."

*Politifact concludes that they rate Harris’ statement “false,” but it’s worse than that. Harris spent all of last week shredding her own credibility, complete with a “cross-examination” stunt that became an embarrassing failed bluff. This intellectually dishonest cheap shot completely ignores how attorneys, courts, and arguments work. The only thing Harris has proven over the last week is that she’s spectacularly unfit for the Senate Judiciary Committee, and for the Senate as well. The very best thing that can be said about Kamala Harris is that she’s consistent.

The son of a 9/11 victim spoke out against Democrats and members of the media using the terror attacks as “political theater” on Tuesday.

Daily Caller  Video at the link:  "Nicholas Haros, who lost his mother in the attacks, was one of the volunteers reading the names of victims at Ground Zero in Tuesday’s memorial.
"After completing his list of names and paying tribute to his late mother, Haros slammed Democrats Rep. Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Cory Booker and a member of the media for using the 9/11 victims as “props.”

“ 'And one more thing, if I may,” Haros started, talking over the music meant to end his speaking time.
“ 'This year, a representative of the House referred to our loss as just another incident. This year, a network commentator said the president’s performance in Helsinki was a traitorous act as was 9/11,” Haros asserted. “And last week, a senator attacked a Supreme Court nominee and called him a racist for alleged comments after 9/11.”
“ 'Stop. Stop,” he pleaded. “Please stop using the bones and ashes of our loved ones as props in your political theater. Their lives, sacrifices and death are worth so much more. Let’s not trivialize them or us. It hurts.' ”

He was believed to be referring to a comment by Sen. Cory Booker during the Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court confirmation hearing
"He named specific instances with lawmakers, which are believe[d] to be House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi and New Jersey Senator Cory Booker"

Nine-Eleven: 2001 - 2018

9-11 Memorial and Museum

Political Cartoons by Pat Cross

Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

Political Cartoons by Tom Stiglich

Political Cartoons by AF Branco
Tony Branco

I say if leftism is some cultural fad then that's why it's immune to critical thinking

It is mind-boggling that without any evidence, leftists have successfully falsely branded Trump the same as Hitler in the minds of many of my fellow blacks. In reality, Trump is the best thing for blacks since sliced bread. Black unemployment is at historic lows. Lloyd Marcus

Strange how so many words are written about the demise of the Democrat Party. That seems to conflict with the popularity of Democrats in factions around the nation and assumes a wisdom in the American voters that I fear may not exist. TD

Enemies Within, by Lloyd Marcus  "For decades, we have allowed the American left (public education, Hollywood, the Democratic Party, and fake news media) to indoctrinate our children, teaching them that America sucks and is the greatest source of pain and suffering for people both here and abroad.  We're still allowing leftists to mold and shape our kids into their anti-Christian radical progressive image as early as preschool. 

"Consequently, we have young adults in positions of power and influence who literally hate their country.  Like sleeper cells, leftist young enemies-within operatives are seeking to bring down by any means necessary America as founded, openly advocating violence and treason
"Mega-millionaire pro-football player Colin Kaepernick is an operative of the leftist young enemies within movement.  Nike executives who gifted Kaepernick hero status for hating his country are also members of the young enemies within movement.  Facebook and Twitter are active members of the movement, boldly censoring conservative, patriotic, and Christian speech, claiming that such talk is hateful.
"Starbucks executives believe the leftist lie that America is overrun with rabid racists.  Therefore, Starbucks sales clerks were instructed to lecture customersabout race when ordering coffee.  I suspect that Starbucks clerks lectured only white customers." . . . 
I am encouraged that young blacks are on the national stage informing blacks about the American left's deceptions and betrayals
Leftist women are in denial  . . . "Finally, need I even discuss what occurred during the Judge Kavanaugh confirmation hearings?  Denial is in full force!  In the name of social justice for all, these women bellow in our capitol against a superb candidate who follows the Constitution.  Their so-called peaceful message sounded like anything but.  As usual, the left, especially the women, expresses umbrage about women's reproductive rights being jeopardized.  God forbid they think about thinking and taking responsibility for their actions and escapades.  Oh, no!  We must continue this moral relativism in order to feed a pathological denial." . . .

These are the people who want to control you
. . . "So what do liberals in control look like?  Here are a few examples from the week just ended.
"Liberals in control looks like Serena Williams pitching a fit when suddenly realizing she is going to lose the U.S. Open title to Naomi Osaka.  Williams asserts that she is fighting for her daughter, for women, for black people, for equal treatment from tennis officials, for her honor, and all the little fishies in the sea." . . .
. . . 
"Liberals in control looks like exhibitionists hanging and screaming from the rafters at Judge Brett Kavanaugh's judicial hearing.  The animals were escorted out two by two, but they should have been herded out 20 by 20.  This is how liberals behave when discussing civic matters of importance to the whole nation."

Earl of Taint