Sunday, September 3, 2023

The De-Civilization of America

Victor Davis Hanson is the Martin and Illie Anderson Senior Fellow in Residence in Classics and Military History at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, a professor of Classics Emeritus at California State University, Fresno, and a nationally syndicated columnist for Tribune Media Services. He is also the Wayne & Marcia Buske Distinguished Fellow in History, Hillsdale College, where he teaches each fall semester courses in military history and classical culture. Victor discusses current political and social events and ideas, and current and past cultural trends.

  Victor Davis Hanson - YouTube

From the comments to the video:
Worse than politicians and judges not enforcing laws and jailing criminals is that anyone who attempts to fight crime and criminality on their own find the full force of the law brought down upon them. It is not just a failed experiment in criminal leniency it is a full throated effort to destroy the average man in America. Somehow the very law enforcement resources that are not available to arrest criminals are available in droves to arrest and prosecute a person who defends themselves against criminals.

My 71 year old mother is a staunch Democrat who only watches mainstream news via cable tv. She is never informed about any of the consequences of failed policy. The TV scares her with reporting on crime, but never discusses the pros and cons of policy. To her, the Democrats are the party that takes care of everyone and has empathy. It boggles my mind how everything can be falling apart and there is no connection made between policy and results.

The biggest fear and the biggest frustration of those of us living in the destination cities where the California/Oregon/Washington refugees go to is that, knowing that they left because their home cities are utter disasters, they continue to vote for the same policies and the same types of politicians that caused these disasters in the first place.

'Why Do Democrats Hate Black Americans So Much?' Dan Bongino Blisters Democrat Party Hypocrisy


While Sharpton was far from blunt and blatantly skirted the issue, he clearly suggested that increasing numbers of people of color have begun to see through the Democrats' hollow promises.

"Before we get to Bongino's blistering takedown of the Democrats, the above "dirty little secrets" should more accurately read: "dirty little non-secret secrets." 

"The Democrats know it. We know it. And they know we know it. The challenge for the Democrats is to do their dishonest damnedest to keep a majority of Black America from knowing it. 

"Anyway, Bongino needed just one tweet to accurately and incisively describe the Democrat Party's mistreatment treatment of the nation's Blacks.

Why do Democrats hate Black Americans so much? Between talking to them like children, lecturing them about how they don’t have agency over their own lives, calling any independent thinker vile, disgusting names, and destroying their communities with their piss-poor governance, it’s appropriate to ask “is this intentional?” The answer is “yes.” Of course it is.

"Hell yes, it's intentional — from Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas to prominent Black conservatives to Black urban Americans who've been lied to by the Democrat Party for six decades." . . .

A compendium of everything wrong with Barack Obama's legacy


Kenneth Levin- American Thinker   "Perhaps the greatest service of Barack Obama's True Legacy, the recently published collection of penetrating essays on the Obama presidency by a number of knowledgeable and trenchant authors, edited by Jamie Glazov, is its contribution to collective memory.  

"President Obama's assault on Americans' constitutional rights and protections as well as on the nation's constitutionally defined governmental institutions and their respective authority entailed myriad particulars.  It included undermining of First Amendment guarantees of freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and religious freedom.  It extended to usurpation of the legislative authority of Congress and disregard for the constitutional authority of the Supreme Court. 

"In addition, Obama compromised the rule of law and protection of rights more broadly.  He ignored the findings of lower federal courts.  He subverted federal agencies, including the Department of Justice, the FBI, the CIA, the IRS, and other departments of the federal government, to illegal politicization and lawless attacks on perceived political enemies.  He promoted federal intrusion in and subversion of state and local law enforcement, also in the service of political ends.  

"The collective impact of Obama's abuses of power, the "transformation" of America that he so often promised, was the creation of a less democratic, post-constitutional, authoritarian nation.  Consistent with his pursuit of this transformed America, Obama, throughout his presidency, lent his support to and openly advocated for groups and individuals, domestic and foreign, associated with anti-American, anti-democratic, authoritarian ideologies, particularly of the pro-communist and Islamist variety. " . . .

Kenneth Levin is a psychiatrist and historian and author of The Oslo Syndrome: Delusions of a People under Siege.