Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Arab Times: Screw Palestine, we're with Israel

 [Palestinian Arabs] also hamper progress. President Trump fully understood that leaders in the Gulf states want to move on. His Abraham Accords got 5 Muslim nations to recognize Israel's right to exist. That brought the total to 7 in 75 years.

Don Surber: Arab Times: Screw Palestine, we're with Israel

"Ahmed Al-Jarallah, Editor-in-Chief of the Arab Times, has had it with the Palestinians. He wrote a stinging column calling for cutting the Palestinians loose.

"His newspaper is in Kuwait. You know, the nation we saved in the Gulf War in 1991.

"He wrote, "Why are we the ones being insulted by the Palestinians?

"When they are happy, they curse the Gulf leaders and people. When they are angry, they use all of the defamatory and abusive words in their dictionary against us.

" 'We, the Gulf nationals, overlook all that by sending them aid. We also participated in all the Arab wars for defending the right of the Palestinians for self-determination and the establishment of an independent state on the 1967 borders."

"He then detailed 54 years of Arabs rescuing these losers.

"And for what, he asked.

"They are ingrates. They also hamper progress. President Trump fully understood that leaders in the Gulf states want to move on. His Abraham Accords got 5 Muslim nations to recognize Israel's right to exist. That brought the total to 7 in 75 years.". . .

And they produce children's TV such as this:

If Whoopi Read 'Maus,' She Wouldn't Have Stepped on a Rake with Her Abysmal Holocaust Remarks

After reading the minutes of the meeting, Mr. Spiegelman said he got the impression that the board members were asking, “Why can’t they teach a nicer Holocaust

Townhall   "The View co-host Whoopi Goldberg got torched when she said that the Holocaust wasn’t about race. She tried to water it down, saying it was more about our inhumanity toward each other. That’s historically illiterate drivel. Of course, it was about race. That was the ethos and the overall agenda of Nazi Germany. The creation of a dominating empire led by the white Aryan race. Wiping the Jewish people from the European continent was the first step. Killing all the Slavs was another action item as everything west of the Ural Mountains was to be deemed lebensraum (“living space”) for the new Aryan race. The absorption of Austria was critical for the greater union of German peoples or “Anschluss.” The Holocaust has become a subject bastardized by political correctness and ignorance. The emerging anti-Semitism among American liberals compounds the issue as they dominate institutions of learning." . . .


Who Will Follow Biden Into No Man’s Land?

 Conrad Black

The media cheerleaders are taking to the boats as Biden’s approval numbers sink.

"If Afghanistan was the worst disaster in American military history, not in terms of lives lost but of profound incompetence in planning and executing a vital military operation, last week must stand as the single greatest one-week showcase of political miscalculation in modern American history. 

"The administration had run on and propelled itself through its first year in office on the slogan “Build Back Better” and particularly on the multitrillion-dollar cornucopia of expanded money supply scattered among the favored causes of the Sanders Democrats. The Democrats’ most important legislative measures are the Freedom to Vote and John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Acts to assure an almost indefinite Democratic hold on the federal government by banning voter identification rules (which are popular with all groups of voters), expanding mailed and harvested ballots, and restricting voter roll updates and signature validation. These measures passed their trial run when enacted in the swing states of the 2020 election generally by state governors and courts, and not the state legislatures as required by the Constitution, supposedly to encourage voting despite the COVID pandemic.

"The Democrats have also made it clear that they intend to impose no restraints at all on the influx of illegal aliens, who could total 6 to 8 million people for the current presidential term, whom the Democrats propose to permit to vote without becoming citizens (which, like much of this protracted attempted coup d’etat, is unconstitutional, if anyone still cares).". . .

'I voted for you, and I feel disappointed right now': Mother of woman, 19, killed by drunk illegal immigrant criticizes Biden and demands to know why his Homeland Security stopped his deportation

Rhonda Exum, mother of a 19-year-old woman who was killed by an illegal immigrant in a hit-and-run in 2020, said she is 'disappointed' with the Biden administration's new policies that will see her daughter's alleged killer stay in the country

 UK Daily Mail Online    "The mother of a 19-year-old who was killed by an illegal immigrant in a hit-and-run said she is 'disappointed' with the Biden administration's new policies that will see her daughter's alleged killer stay in the country despite being in the U.S. illegally.

" 'My message is, look out for the American people first,' Rhonda Exum told Fox News during a panel of victims of crime by illegal immigrants when asked what she would tell Biden's team when it comes to border policies.

".'Truth be told, this was literally my first time voting and I voted for you, and I feel disappointed right now,' Exum added.

"Heriberto Fuerte-Padilla, an illegal immigrant from Mexico, was driving drunk in November 2020 when he caused a car crash in Texas, killing 19-year-old Adrienne Sophia. The accused tried to flee the scene but was caught by police.

"While the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) initially wanted authorities to deport Fuerte-Padilla after Texas issued its punishment, the federal agency changed its mind because the individual does not qualify for priority deportation under Mayorkas' new rules issued in September 2021 to try and lower the number of removals.". . . 

Run, Trudeau, run!


"Canada's truckers are pushing back against tyrannical COVID restrictions that have made life a misery in that once free nation.  The government will not yield, and the establishment — politicians and their propaganda (i.e., "news") outlets — using both defamatory statements and efforts at physical force to remove the truckers from Ottawa, but the truckers won't go, and the locals seem to be on their side.". . .

“You’re going to be able to get your vaccine as soon as you turn five. And I know you’re excited and I know that you are eager. In some places across the country, you can even start making your appointment now for shortly after your [fifth] birthday.”

"It is instructive to watch him to say this so that one can directly see just how misguided and dangerous this man really is."

“Canada Freedom Convoy,” editorial cartoon by Yogi Love for The American Spectator

Trudeau condemned the protesters, calling them a “fringe minority” that isn’t representative of Canadians at-large. The demonstrations garnered some support in the U.S. from celebrities like Joe Rogan and Elon Musk, as well as Republican politicians and media figures like former President Donald Trump.

The Canadian prime minister is one of many world leaders to test positive for the virus in recent months. Canada is experiencing decline in its Omicron wave of the virus, from a recent peak of more than 40,000 cases per day.

Election Fraud Deniers Will Have a Hard Time Shrugging Off This ‘Never-Before-Seen Surveillance Video’ (Watch)

 Trending Politics

. . ."Despite the widespread blanket denials from the mainstream media, surveillance video has bubbled up showing that ‘mules’ illicitly dumped ballots into Zuckerberg “drop boxes.”

"The film contains startling video evidence of “2,000 mules” dropping off what appears to be thousands of illicit ballots into the drop boxes. The details of how the evidence was gathered is recounted by researcher Kanekoa on his Substack page.

“ 'This week surveillance footage emerged of an illegal ballot harvesting operation that took place during the 2020 election,” the article notes. “True The Vote has spent the last year collecting more than 27 terabytes of geospatial and temporal data—a total of 10 trillion cell phone pings—between Oct. 1 and Nov. 6 in targeted areas in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Texas.”

“ 'The data includes geofenced points of interest like ballot drop box locations, as well as UPS stores and select government, commercial, and non-governmental organization (NGO) facilities,” the article added.

“ 'The vote monitoring organization based out of Houston, Texas, was able to take cell phone ping data and piece together that over 2,000 people—suspected ballot harvesters—were making multiple trips to multiple drop boxes,” it continues. “From there, True The Vote gathered 24 terabytes of surveillance video on ballot drop boxes to match the cell phone data.”

UPDATED: CNN President Jeff Zucker Suddenly Resigns Over Undisclosed Romantic Relationship

 What if CNN turns into a real news source? What's the fun in that?

PJ Media

It goes without saying that the change of leadership could have a major impact on the future of CNN.

Former President Donald Trump made Zucker’s CNN the foil for his campaign and time in the White House, and the network has lately been struggling significantly with ratings.

It is unclear who the new CNN president will be, but it will be fascinating to see if they shift the direction of the network.

The Tunnel Wall: "American Pravda" CNN: Everything but the News

Justin Trudeau on Twitter:

Today in the House, Members of Parliament unanimously condemned the antisemitism, Islamophobia, anti-Black racism, homophobia, and transphobia that we’ve seen on display in Ottawa over the past number of days. Together, let’s keep working to make Canada more inclusive.

 I went to the CNN link given by Lucianne and got this: Error (

Other sources besides CNN, on the other hand: CNN president Jeff Zucker quits amid Chris Cuomo fallout; admits to having affair with ...

. . .Zucker made a long-list of enemies over the years at CNN, most notable of whom is Donald Trump.  

Trump celebrated his resignation on Wednesday, saying in an emailed statement: 'Jeff Zucker, a world-class sleazebag who has headed ratings and real-news-challenged CNN for far too long, has been terminated for numerous reasons, but predominantly because CNN has lost its way with viewers and everybody else. 

'Now is a chance to put Fake News in the backseat because there may not be anything more important than straightening out the horrendous LameStream Media in our Country, and in the case of CNN, throughout the World. Jeff Zucker is gone—congratulations to all!' he said. 

Jeff Zucker's legacy:

 UPDATE: The End of the Most Toxic Man in Media – RedState

If there is any reason that viewers’ trust in the media in general and CNN, in particular, has tanked, it’s the fact that Zucker designed the network to be an opinionated network that was supposed to attract partisan consumers. It failed miserably, primarily because the personalities he chose were just diet versions of what was already offered at MSNBC. People who wanted those kinds of opinions already had a place to get them. They weren’t going to go with Lemon, who is just Rachel Maddow Lite.

 CNN's Brian Stelter roasted for complaining about Americans trusting Joe Rogan over his own network | Fox News

. . ."Critics took to social media to blast Stelter, with some calling his complaints "laughable," and others accusing CNN of creating propaganda rather than reporting the news.". . .

 "The ‘newsroom’ that pushed 4 years of Russia collusion and ‘mostly peaceful’ protests, or downplayed stories such as covid's origins, can't figure out why people started tuning them out," wrote Rep. Dan Bishop, R-N.C., while Fox News contributor Katie Pavlich joked that she couldn't stop laughing at Stelter's comments."

The "newsroom" that pushed 4 years of Russia collusion and "mostly peaceful" protests, or downplayed stories such as covid's origins, can't figure out why people started tuning them out.

'Fredo' Cuomo's Revenge? – RedState 
 "So Jeff Zucker's alleged paramour at CNN was Allison Gollust, CNN's executive vice president.
"Her job before that? Gov. Andrew Cuomo's comms director. "This article suggests their relationship is why CNN protected the Cuomos for so long."


The Left Doesn’t Just Want More Criminals On The Streets. It Also Wants Police To Be Scared Of Doing Their Jobs

 The Federalist

"The left is keen on letting criminals, even those who ransacked the nation’s cities in 2020, off the hook in the name of social justice. Now, that same left is trying to deter law enforcement from doing their jobs by denying officers who fought off violent 2020 rioters legal representation while U.S. attorneys lobby to let agitators off scot-free.

"At least one federal employee who sought legal representation from President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice after being sued for protecting the federal courthouse during the 2020 summer-of-rage riots was denied by the legal agency. After Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., threatened to stall any Biden administration DOJ nominees due to the agency’s unwillingness to represent a federal agent for doing his or her duties and defending government property from rioters, the DOJ admitted that’s exactly what it had done but did not apologize.

“ 'These courageous officers were attacked by left-wing street militants with weapons such as mortar fire, ball bearings, and blinding lasers,” Cotton wrote in a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland. “A refusal to represent these Deputy Marshals would violate the Department’s long-standing practice — not to mention its moral duty — to defend law-enforcement officers when they’re sued for actions in the line of duty.'”. . .

Suspect arrested in ambush shooting of 2 LA sheriff's deputies - ABC News

"This cowardly ambush was followed by bystanders celebrating and cheering that the deputies had been shot, and that followed at the hospital -- the sanctity, the quiet sanctity of the hospital -- with protesters cheering and chanting for the deputies to die,'' Villanueva said. "These acts and that day, I will not forget it, and it represents the worst in humanity and it shocked the whole nation. And that evening, I said we will find this man. And I can report today, we have found our suspect.'' 

Democrat politicians surrender police authority: 

Philadelphia police and National Guard take a knee at the suggestion of Philadelphia Police Deputy Commissioner Melvin Singleton, unseen, outside Philadelphia Police headquarters in Philadelphia, Monday, June 1, 2020 during a march calling for justice over the death of George Floyd,

Anti-Asian Hate Leaves Asian-American Seniors at Risk of Hunger -

Maxine Waters and Al Sharpton, please help put a stop to this!


Even a short trip to the grocery store or visiting a local center with hot-meal services can mean racist harassment – or worse.

"Asian-American seniors like Derek Tang, a 68-year-old refugee from Cambodia, typically go to Homecrest Community Services in Brooklyn to socialize, have lunch and maybe play mahjong. But now Homecrest is also offering safety webinars and distributing panic alarms so Tang and other patrons can feel more secure stepping out of their homes.

"Tang hasn’t been employed since suffering a heart attack in 2006. His wife was working in an Asian grocery store, but the shop closed during the pandemic. That makes the meals served by Homecrest a vital lifeline. So he still needs to get himself there, despite concerns about safety. One member of the center, an 89-year-old Chinese-American woman, was lit on fire near her home in Brooklyn in the summer of 2020. Tang, a genocide survivor, took Homecrest’s online class and studied pamphlets. He’s vigilant when he leaves home.

“ 'Always be careful,” Tang said.

" 'A surge in anti-Asian hate crime across the U.S. has made the most vulnerable in the community, especially seniors, more afraid to leave their homes. For the low income, that can translate to worsening hunger. Adults in Asian households were twice as likely to report not having enough to eat because of fear of going out than their White counterparts, a government analysis showed last year.

" 'Even a trip to the grocery store or visiting a local center with a hot-meal service can mean racist harassment — or worse.". . .

Remember these people during the Rodney King riots in LA? Roof Koreans | Know Your Meme

The Real, Tragic Story Behind That ‘Roof Korean’ Meme You May Have Seen | HuffPost Communities