Thursday, July 16, 2015

4 Marines killed in attacks on Chattanooga military facilities. Terrorists announced attack just before it happened

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 No Firearms Allowed sign on door of Chattanooga recruiting center

CBS News  (Video)  "A U.S. official told CBS News that Abdulazeez was not on law enforcement radar concerning possible terror links or aspirations. The FBI was not aware of him as being any kind of threat.

Authorities identified Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez as the gunman responsible for the shooting in Chattanooga, Tennessee, July 16, 2015.
CBS News
""We're going to do an intense look at him to see what his connections are," FBI Special Agent in Charge Ed Reinhold said. "We'll look at his friends, family, associates -- anybody who is associated with him to determine the cause or the reason why he conducted this attack."

""Today was a nightmare for the city of Chattanooga," Mayor Andy Berke said. "As a city, we will respond to this with every available resource that we have."
. . .
"Within minutes of that attack, the shooter then opened fire at the Navy Operational Support Center and Marine Corps Reserve Center Chattanooga, about 7 miles away. Reinhold said all of the dead were killed there."

EXCLUSIVE BREAKING: Islamic State Account Tweets Warnings About Chattanooga Moments Before Shooting Began
. . . "Indicating that it is part of Ramadan effort, still another tweet before attack, ‘distribution of gifts':

Can't we all remember to coexist?

Bad Major Garrett! Bad! Bad! Never ask Obama about our hostages in Iran

Ridiculed White House Correspondent Strikes Back At Obama: ‘Clearly It Struck A Nerve
After being scolded by President Obama for asking a question critical of the Iran nuclear deal, CBS’ Major Garrett said that intentionally provoked the president (RELATED: Obama Ridicules CBS White House Correspondent For Asking Critical Question)

Disrespected the president? What about the press and other media's treatment of President Bush?
David Colbert bullied President Bush publicly

WH Reporters Stand For Obama, But Not For Bush?

Press attacks Bush speaking fee without comparing it to Clinton's
Want more? Just ask. TD

Exposing Iran Deal Is Congress' Most Important Job In History

Michael Ramirez Cartoon
IBD Editorial   . . . "Then comes debate on the House and Senate floors, and finally a vote. Even short of two- thirds majorities — that is, all Republicans and some Democrats — will make it clear Americans oppose this deal.
Granted, public opposition didn't stop Obama on ObamaCare. But mushroom clouds are a bigger attention-getter than skyrocketing health care premiums.

A couple if minor details on the Iran deal press conference

 Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy
Obama Official Lied On Iran Deal: “We Never Sought ‘Anytime Anywhere’ Inspections”

Video; "Three months ago during a discussion about a possible nuclear deal with Iran, Deputy White House National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes said that the United States would require inspection access “anywhere and anytime.”   . . .
"Really? Because on Tuesday, he told the same network that “we never sought, in this negotiation, the capacity for so-called ‘anytime, anywhere’ where you could go basically anywhere in the country.' ”  There's that term "snap back" again.

CBS reporter shrugs off 'spanking' by Obama 
Political Cartoons by Henry Payne
 Obama values an American deserter/traitor more than 4 innocent Americans held hostage by Iran. . . "Left behind were four innocent American hostages imprisoned by the regime for years.  On Wednesday, CBS White House correspondent Major Garrett asked about them.  Barack Obama, the snarkiest, most thin-skinned president in American history, lashed out – not at the Iranians, but at the temerity of Garrett for daring to ask him the question."

PHOTOS: Protesters Welcome Obama To Oklahoma With Confederate Flags


"Supporters of the Confederate flag rallied Wednesday in Oklahoma as President Barack Obama arrived in the state for a series of events, including the first ever visit to a federal prison by a sitting President."

"About 10 people waving Confederate battle flags were among the crowd that gathered Wednesday night outside the Oklahoma City hotel where Obama was expected to stay, according to a White House pool report. One person waved an American flag and another held up a pro-Obama sign, the report noted.
"Protesters also gathered earlier in the day near Durant, Oklahoma before Obama arrived at a local high school to deliver remarks on a program expanding high-speed Internet access, according to local TV station KFOR.

Hillary favorability: Drip, drip, drip …

Legal Insurrection     "Cumulative effect of years of scandals, down to 39% overall and falling among Dems."

"Long ago and far away I predicted that the effect on Hillary’s presidential campaign of the multiple scandals would be cumulative.
"Since a large portion of the electorate, the younger generation, didn’t know the real Hillary of the 1990s, Hillary’s vulnerability was that the manufactured “nice grandma” and glass-ceiling breaker image of her would be supplanted by the controlling, paranoid figure of the 1990s.
"There is increasing evidence that the scandals, particularly the email scandal, is having an effect.
You can see from the HuffPo Pollster chart that Hillary has been on a horrible favorability trajectory for the past two years:

"There is more evidence today, in an AP-Gfk Poll that shows Hillary’s favorability dropping to 39% among all voters, and even dropped among Democrats (though still high):" . . .

We interviewed the Obama voter at right who said he was all for Hillary. 
"Count me among the 39% ", he proclaimed.
 At least we think that was what he said.

Daniel Pipes: The Left is the Biggest Threat to the United States

What does Daniel Pipes, President of the Middle East Forum, consider the biggest threat to the U.S.?    Via Conservative Bloggers on Facebook

Thanks to Edward W Wagner, Massachusetts