Friday, April 29, 2011

Carter says US withholding food from NoKos a 'human rights violation'

Rick Moran "Jimmy Carter is a walking, talking human rights violation. He is violating the right of the entire world to be rid of this meddlesome twit and his pious moralizing. No mention by Carter of how Kim and his gangsters brutally oppress their own people, making them into the most regimented, fearful, hopeless nation in the world. Instead, he takes his own country to task for not giving food aid that would end up in the hands of the military, not ordinary people."
Who's the Worst?

Muslim Group Cancels Protest Outside Royal Wedding

PHOTO: Islamic protestors hold a banner as they speak with media in London, April 27, 2011. The protestors have been banned by police from demonstrating during the royal wedding.

ABC  ""Careful plans were laid out," said the group in its online statement, "in order to inflict maximum damage both to the reputation of the Crusader and Nazi Prince William as well as Queen Elizabeth II and the British government in general. Unfortunately, it is has recently come to our attention ... that the threat of an imminent attack against those attending the royal wedding on 29th April 2011, is too strong to substantiate the presence of any Muslims within the locality." "

Superman Renounces U.S. Citizenship in 'Action Comics' #900 (Updated)

JAWA Report

Fox News  "The Man of Steel, created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster in 1938, has always been recognized as a devoted American warrior who constantly fought evil, but as of Thursday, he is no longer the country's own to claim."

Superman Renounces His U.S. Citizenship in 900th Issue of Action Comics   Were these people taught American History from  Howard Zinn's history books?
Political Cartoons by Mike Lester

Whoopi Goldberg: ‘I’m Playing The Damn [Race] Card Now’

Pajamas Media  "“I’m getting tired to trying not to find things slightly racist. It is very difficult, on a daily basis, to see this stuff and not say, you know, this is what it is. I have been raised to think, ‘Well, maybe that’s not what they mean. Let me figure it out.’ But, being black, when you say, ‘Y’know, this is racist,’ 9,000 people say, ‘Oh, you’re just playing the race card.’ Well, you know, I’m playing the damn card now.”"
The article also cites this gem from Whoopi: 

Cartoon: Whoopi Goldberg (medium) by Nenad Vitas tagged portrait,whoopi,goldberg,actress,usa,movies,cinema

Whoopi plays the ever predictable race card against The Donald on The View.  "Only an absolute dumb ass or a racial manipulator could come up with a premise that if a person supports the strict interruption of the constitution, he or she must somehow support a return of slavery." How's this for street cred? This comes from Wake up Black America

Video of Whoopi Asking McCain If His Court Appointments Would Bring Back Slavery  "In response to Goldberg's ridiculous question, McCain says that she made an "excellent point." Why did he say that?"

Hysterical Attack Machine in Full Force Targeting Ryan Plan

Heritage  "The right way to reduce spending is complete transformation of the program in a way that empowers patients and allows market forces to achieve better value for each dollar spent. The only other option is to empower government to reduce costs from the top down, which would entail across the board cuts, restricted access to providers, and more government intrusion into health care decisions.
"The truth about the Ryan plan is much different than its detractors would have America believe, but their attacks are par for the course given the utter lack of seriousness accompanying the left’s approach to the budget crisis."

Then this: Gen Xers, Baby Boomers and Seniors Prefer Ryan’s Budget Over Obama’s Plan

Brian Williams Wonders If Tornadoes Caused by 'Something We Have Done?'

MRC  "On Thursday night, looking at the tornadoes across the South, ABC’s Sam Champion ridiculously claimed “everybody is asking if climate change played a role here.” Brian Williams blamed humans: “What's going on here? Is this something we have done?”"
These people not only vote- they tell other voters what to think and how to vote.