Thursday, July 12, 2018

Report: Congressional Black Caucus Questioning Nonblack Members Of Congress Who Haven’t Defended Maxine Waters…

Weasel Zippers

"Yes, please, all Dems must listen to the CBC and publicly support Mad Max.
"Via Buzzfeed:
Top Democrats and lawmakers of the Congressional Black Caucus are questioning nonblack members of the House Democratic caucus who haven’t stepped up to publicly defend Maxine Waters.
They are also stewing behind the scenes over public rebukes from House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, according to three sources familiar with internal conversations.
In particular, at least two black lawmakers were said to be angered by Pelosi’s usage of the phrase “make America beautiful again” in her tweet on the subject.
Late last month, Waters encouraged people to confront and protest members of the Trump administration while speaking a rally against family separations at the border. “Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd,” she said. “And you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”
 Politicians currently signing up in support of Maxine Waters:


As Obama turned America into a third-world nation; the liberals have made us a silly nation

Rich Terrell
Papa John's founder forced to resign for saying someone else used the 'N-word'  . . . "The context?  It was during a conference, where Schnatter claimed that Colonel Sanders allegedly called blacks the "N-word."
"In other words, Schnatter had to resign not for calling a black person the N-word, not for even using the N-word to describe blacks around white people, but merely saying that someone else used the N-word.  As of this writing, there was no context that showed that Schnatter approved of Sanders's alleged use of the word, a word that is commonly used to this day by some black people.
"But apparently, it is now a crime for white people to use the N-word to recount that someone else used the N-word." . . .
Starbucks, guilty over environment, introduces sippy cups to replace straws  . . . "So, instead of imposing drippy sippy cups on fastidious coffee-drinkers, Starbucks should make Asia's turtles, sharks, and other watery creatures safer by donating to waste management plants in the offending Asian countries." . . .

Yale Law School Students and Alums: “People Will Die” if Kavanaugh is Confirmed  . . . "Remember when repealing Net Neutrality meant everyone would die? Do you recall the same thing being said about repealing Obamacare, and pulling out of the Paris climate agreement? That same argument is being employed here." . . .

Administrators at Cal Poly are pursuing a variety of "Diversity Action Initiatives" designed to reduce the percentage of white students on campus.

University of Wyoming profs protest ‘Cowboys’ slogan  
"Several professors are urging the University of Wyoming to "shelve" its new marketing slogan, "The World Needs More Cowboys," because they feel it evokes the image of a "white, heterosexual male.' "

Feckless Obama, Iran's Green Revolution, and a second chance for the West to do the right thing under Trump

2011; Pamela Geller: Why Obama Betrayed the Iranian People  . . . "In 2009, demonstrators filled the streets of Iran, denouncing the regime and crying out for freedom.  It was a glorious opportunity for the leader of the free world to demonstrate his support for free people everywhere and strike a decisive blow against the bloody regime that had considered itself at war with the United States for three decades.
"But Barack Obama didn't help them.  Quite the contrary.  The leader of the free world was too busy extending his hand to those same mullahs.
"It was monstrous when Obama stood by and did nothing during the abortive Iranian revolution; instead, he bought ice cream and posed for photo ops on the golf course while the only revolution against Islamic rule in a Muslim country was taking flight in Iran." . . .

Why Obama Let Iran's Green Revolution Fail
"The president wanted a nuclear deal, not regime change."

Looking for help from America; abandoned by Obama
Amil Imani Iran Is Ripe for Regime Change
. . . "Let me re-emphasize that the current protests in Iran are just as much against the Islamic Republic as they are about Shi’a Islam. In fact, much of it is against Islam itself. People have experienced what a primitive and defective system of belief Islam is and aim to abandon it for good. Many will still hang on to it for some time.
"Time has arrived to end the Mullahs’ reign of terror. We Iranians and Iranian-Americans -- in spirit free people of the world -- greatly cherish individual liberty and freedom, where the mind is imbued with enlightenment, and every individual by virtue of being born human is afforded measured freedom. It is within the open expanse of liberty that each and every person can be at his or her best. And when the individual person is at his best, humanity is as well." 

Hillary Clinton, in her typical honest forthrightness told the press her Iranian advisors recommended the US not act. One such advisor was Trita Parsi, Referred to by Ms. Geller as the "president of the George Soros-funded National Iranian American Council (NIAC), a" powerful Iranian lobbying group in Washington.  Arash Irandoost of the Pro-Democracy Movement of Iran calls Parsi "an intellectually dishonest regime apologist and an unofficial and unregistered lobbyist for the Iranian regime.' " 

"While millions of Iranians were in the streets opposing the regime, Obama ignored this historic moment and continued his outreach to the Iranian rulers.  His appeasing attitude was a signal that the US is so eager to reach a nuclear deal and befriend the regime that it would tolerate Mullahs’ brutal repression in Iran and hegemonic policies across the region." June 3, 2015  Iranian American Forum

An Open Letter from Yale Law Students Illustrates the Decline of the Radical Legal Mind

David French at National Review
Progressives’ anti-Kavanaugh hysteria is already in full bloom.
. . . " To the extent that any conservative can be a part of the elite academic club, Brett Kavanaugh belongs. He’s a double Yale graduate (college and law school) and a former Harvard Law School professor. How did he get there? Allow the Boston Globe to tell the story:
When Elena Kagan was dean of Harvard Law School, she was in search of rising conservative legal stars. The traditionally liberal campus, the thinking went, could use a little ideological diversity with more robust debate and the challenge of different viewpoints.
Among Kagan’s hires, as a visiting professor, was a newly appointed federal appeals-court judge from Washington named Brett Kavanaugh.
Yes, that’s right. Justice Kagan hired Brett Kavanaugh at Harvard Law. He’s no radical. He’s a serious conservative legal mind, and it is entirely right and proper for a school that enrolls conservative students and even (on occasion) hires conservative professors to put out a simple press release celebrating the elevation of one of its own to the highest court in the land.
. . . "At this point, a radical reader might nod along and say, “Yes, any originalist nominee will cost lives.” But if you look at the Yale letter, it fails to make its case. It’s a long screed claiming that, among other things, Kavanaugh is insufficiently protective of the administrative state (I wonder if any of the signatories are also demanding that Congress “abolish ICE”), overly protective of religious liberty, and lacking in sympathy for favored plaintiffs. It doesn’t contain an ounce of serious legal analysis." . . .

These are the "skulls full of mush"