Saturday, September 5, 2009
From Preparedness to Appeasement and Back/ Are we about to repeat this tired cycle?
By Victor Davis Hanson "We are more likely now to put CIA interrogators on trial than to arrest and berate new terrorists. Dick Cheney, not Osama bin Laden, has become the new national threat. George W. Bush has been reduced to Orwell’s Emmanuel Goldstein, the “He did it” collective menace at whom we are supposed to yell out in hatred each morning. We now live in an era of renewed appeasement, faith in the United Nations, no “inordinate fear,” and all the usual tired slogans."
Time to End the Hyphenated American Thing
By Lloyd Marcus "These same Americans who so desperately want to be united without hyphenations are called racists by the Obama administration for disagreeing with his radical agenda.Freedom to identify one's self in whatever way one pleases is a part of the greatness of America. While I acknowledge my African descent, I will always proudly refer to myself as an American!"
AP is 'truly appalling' - UPDATED
Mudville Gazette "Associated Press says photo of Lance Cpl. Joshua Bernard shows realities of war. Ms Jacobson wanted people to see the 'realities' of war. She not only photographs his death she describes explicitly how he was injured and his last moments for his parents and family to read." Photos are available, but we have elected not to overtly link to them.
White House Memo to Al-Qaeda: Now Is the Time to Strike
Pajamas Media " was equally ludicrous to suggest that a president of either party would embrace a policy that would directly lead to the death and injury of more Americans under his watch for his own political purposes. That is because before last week it was ludicrous to suggest that any president would order criminal investigations of executive branch employees for performing their duty to keep the country safe from attack."
Obama’s Friends ‘Out’ the Death Panels
Jennifer Rubin "We need look no further than the worshipful David Brooks, Obama’s political soul mate. He confesses, in a sort of Jack Nicholson code red moment that yes, darn it, he wants death panels. He chats with colleague Gail Collins in the New York Times blog: “I’m pro-death panel. We spend so much money on end-of-life care we have to have some way of talking about it.”"
Breaking the Afghan-Deployment Divide
By Max Boot "Here’s one idea that Obama should embrace: military historian Mark Moyar’s suggestion of assigning American officers and NCOs to command Afghan army units. This is an idea based on long-standing practice..."
Fox Will Not Broadcast Obama Speech
Variety "Here's a statement from the network: “The Fox Broadcasting Company will not air the Presidential Address to Congress on Wednesday, September 9 at 8:00 PM (ET). FOX’s sister networks, Fox News Channel and the Fox Business Network will air the presidential address in its entirety. " Emphasis added.
Unwillingness to Have Obama in Classroom Symptom of Why Schoolchildren 'Are So Dumb Today,' Says MSNBC Guest

Newsbusters "The activist tradition of government schools using students as junior lobbyists cannot be ignored. Zealous teacher's unions have enlisted captive schoolchildren as letter-writers in their campaigns for higher education spending. Out-of-control activists have enlisted their secondary-school charges in pro-illegal immigration protests, gay marriage ceremonies, environmental propaganda stunts, and anti-war events."
Van Jones' Nuttiest Belief "I debated this subject with Jones on a radio show last year, and my impression was that he is a true believer in the broken planet fallacy. The problem is that Jones was hired not despite but because of this nutty idea, which his boss also espouses." Language advisory.
While on the subject of czars: Obama Regulation Czar Advocated Removing People’s Organs Without Explicit Consent
CNS News "...advocated a policy under which the government would “presume” someone has consented to having his or her organs removed for transplantation into someone else when they die unless that person has explicitly indicated that his or her organs should not be taken." You go sit in the corner by Mr. Jones till I get ready for you!
Thousands of Christians to Gather at Courthouses on 9/11 to Pray for New ‘Great Awakening’
CNS News "In studying America’s spiritual history, Wilson said Christian leaders have discovered that America has known great spiritual awakenings --and times of spiritual decline."
'Massive' ancient wall uncovered in Jerusalem
CNN "It was found inside the City of David, an archaeological excavation site outside the Old City of East Jerusalem on a slope of the Silwan Valley.
The wall is believed to have been built by the Canaanites, an ancient pagan people..." We apologize to any Canaanites who may be offended by the term "pagan".
AP picture of wounded Marine sparks debate
Yahoo News "...showed Lance Cpl. Joshua "Bernie" Bernard, 21, lying on the ground with severe leg injuries after being struck by a grenade in an ambush on Aug. 14, his fellow Marines tending to him. Bernard later died of his wounds."
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