Tuesday, September 13, 2011

10 Years Later: 9/11 Ticket Agent Let Hijackers Board b/c “I’m Not Prejudiced”

Debbie Schlussel  "One of real lessons of the 9/11 Islamic attacks on America continues to go unheeded because so many Americans would rather die or sacrifice their fellow Americans’ lives, rather than be accused of prejudice. "....
"And while the ACLU files lawsuit after lawsuit every time a Muslim gets a paper cut or breaks a nail."
They seem so nice.
"Remember, political correctness–especially PC pandering to Muslims–kills. It didn’t just kill 3,000 Americans on 9/11. It killed plenty before and plenty since, including the 13 murder victims of Islam at Fort Hood.
"Sadly, the U.S. Government contradicts itself in its absurd message. On the one hand, it tells us, “if you see something, say something.” But, then, it tells you that if you say something, you are prejudiced against “innocent, peaceful Muslims.” Don’t believe it."

 DOROTHY RABINOWITZ :  A Dark Day's Enduring Life   "A note about CNN's "Footnotes of 9/11," which takes up the subject of people who are mentioned in the "9/11 Commission Report." They were part of the history of the day, if peripheral figures, though in one or two instances they emerge as more. One of the more memorable of the eight subjects here is the Dulles Airport ticket agent who checked in two of the hijackers—Middle Eastern men whose look and demeanor immediately raised his suspicions. The agent followed the men, he reports, then stopped himself from alerting anyone. He didn't want to be accused of prejudice, of harboring suspicions because of racial feelings. A vignette from a footnote—but one that has much to tell about some of the underlying reasons for the ease with which the hijackers were able to board the planes and fulfill their murderous mission."

Israel Remembers 9/11

United with Israel  " Israel remembered the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on Sunday with a memorial at the 9/11 Living Memorial in Jerusalem.
"“September 11th, to quote former U.S. President Roosevelt is ‘a date which will live in infamy,’” said Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon, speaking at the event. “Even 10 years after the horrendous terror attack, we are still shaken to our core by the enormity of this heinous and cowardly act.”"

9/11 anniversary: across the Islamic world opinion is against the militants   "One key factor in the rejection of militant extremism from Morocco to Malaysia appears to be the proximity of violence. In country after country, support for Osama bin Laden, for al-Qaida's methods or for violence against civilians, relatively high when the attacks occurred thousands of miles away, declined steeply when militants struck at home."....

"One of the most dramatic examples of this shift of opinion happened in Jordan: before the hotel bombings in Amman, in November 2005, support for suicide bombing (outside Israel-Palestine) stood at 57%, according to Pew; that declined to 12% by 2009, dropping by more than half in the months after the hotel attack."

The American people can handle the truth about Obama’s phony jobs bill

Legal Insurrection  "There is a good reason Obama did not unveal his jobs bill prior to his jobs speech.
It’s because the jobs bill is not a jobs bill, it is the tax increase Obama has been hoping for since he was a candidate, taking $400 billion from people making $200,000 or more (couples making $250,000 or more). Had Obama released the plan, all the talk surrounding the speech would have been about the tax increase, the opposite of what the Axelplouffe message machine wanted.
"What Obama misleadingly calls a jobs bill literally takes $400 billion from the demonized “top 2%” over 10 years to give to almost everyone else now, a pure redistributionist plan. There is some revenue taken from oil companies and corporate jet owners (yes, that’s in there), but that is just political cover, a relatively small percentage of the total tax increase, as this chart shows:"
"Pass this bill!"

The Mark of Zero

The uninvited guests of 9-11

Some American heroic moments