Sunday, April 14, 2013

Why Aren’t More People Repelled by the Left?

Powerline  "Here is something I don’t understand: liberals are often revealed as vile, vulgar hatemongers–not all of them, of course, but far too many–yet they never seem to pay a penalty at the polls. Why is that?
"Margaret Thatcher’s death has been the latest occasion for the Left to show its true stripes. All across the U.K., there have been demonstrations–vulgar at best, and violent at worst. In Bristol, lefties celebrating a Thatcher “death street party” started fires, destroyed property and battled police:"
"Here in the U.S., the last similar display from the Left was the Occupy Wall Street movement, but liberal violence and general hatefulness have a long and consistent history.....
"It is notable that violent leftists are never denounced by Democratic Party politicians. On the contrary, as we have seen most recently with Kathy Boudin, they find them well-paid jobs as professors when they can. ....nearly every communication that emanates from the Democratic Party is a hateful, over-the-top smear against Republicans."

Related: Police: NY man attacked Army officer at Wal-Mart  "The Army captain told police that a man behind him in line began to yell derogatory comments at him about the United States and his service to the nation. Police say Wu then struck the officer several times in the face. The officer was treated at the scene.
"The video shows the officer, dressed in camouflage fatigues, confronting the man before being attacked."

TIP LINE FOR JOURNALISTS: Did Your Editor Spike Kermit Gosnell Coverage? Report It Here Anonymously

PJ Media  "In an immoral, unprofessional, bizarre — surely, several other negative descriptors are apt — display of unity, virtually the entire U.S. media industry save for those generally referred to as “conservative outlets” have instituted a blackout of the trial."

Infanticide — the crime that gave even Timothy McVeigh pause — is a left/right issue for your employer? 

 "The media behavior regarding the trial of monster Kermit Gosnell is a turning point: with all of conservative media’s complaints regarding the liberal bias of U.S. media, we never imagined this could happen
Political Cartoons

"We know there are journalists out there infuriated by their employer’s current behavior: The change must start with you.

 "We are looking for whistleblowers: if you have any information regarding why your employer is not covering the Gosnell trial, please submit it here. Your anonymity will be protected."

The Gosnell silence: Murder, abortion and the media "The sensational nature of this case alone justifies massive media coverage. The doctor ran a filthy, uninspected clinic for decades as state regulators looked the other way. He infected women with diseases by using unsterile equipment. Two of the women who came to him for abortions died. But Kermit Gosnell is not a household name for one reason: His crimes raise uncomfortable questions for supporters of unlimited abortion on demand."

Not Obama’s Gettysburg Addresses

Legal Insurrection   "Will the media compare Obama’s speeches against the Illinois Born Alive Infant Protection Act to the Gettysburg Address, as it did for Obama’s Newtown speech?
"I think not. Certainly not after Kermit Gosnell.
"They were not Gettysburg Addresses.
"The ground in which the dead were buried was not hallowed.
"The dead were not honored.
"Nor resolved that they shall not have died in vain." 


I Went to Bed a Christian and Woke Up a … Terrorist?

Doug Giles  "Yes my brethren, your love for God and country has caused thou to be deemed a menace to our national progress at least as the Leftists’ deem progress. Congratulations.
"Indeed, according to “them” we must forget the fact that it’s been nutty Muslims that have terrorized us for the last couple of decades and that it’s been radical leftists that have aggressively eroded our constitutional liberties. Parts of our armed forces and police departments have been told to just white all that stuff out and believe that it’s guys like Chuck Norris who are the real hazard that our cops and our military need to be concerned about.
Mr. Giles gives us a checklist to determine if we are a terrorist that includes these items:

....If you recognize, appreciate and wish to pass on to the next generation America’s godly heritage – you might be a terrorist.
· If you like the Declaration of Independence, our Constitution and the Bill of Rights – you might be terrorist.
· If you have Jesus Take the Wheel on your iPod – you might be a terrorist.
· If as a single man, you have told a homely single lady that, “all you’re looking for is a godly woman and that you don't care that she’s not attractive." – you might be a terrorist.
· If you believe Jesus is Lord and not the state – you might be a terrorist.
· If you raise your kids to be productive, independent and righteous kids who love God and our country and not be narcissistic entitlement hookers – you might be a terrorist.....