Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Bain is our Bane

Obama picks immigration reform advocate to lead domestic policy

The Hill    "The White House announced Tuesday that Cecilia Muñoz, a former senior vice president of the National Council of
La Raza, would replace Melody Barnes at the top of the council. White House press secretary Jay Carney announced the appointment during his press briefing."....
 "All of this has led to questions about whether Obama will garner strong support from Hispanics in his 2012 reelection bid. It is crucial to Obama's reelection that he win a large majority of the Hispanic vote, particularly in critical swing states such as Florida, New Mexico and Colorado." 
Be sure to read the comments to this article.
The Mexican flag flew over a crowd of pro-amnesty marchers
 in New York. Marches like this across the U.S. have been supported
by the “La Raza” movement.
The Truth About 'La Raza'  "MEChA and the La Raza movement teach that Colorado, California, Arizona, Texas, Utah, New Mexico, Oregon and parts of Washington State make up an area known as "Aztlan" -- a fictional ancestral homeland of the Aztecs before Europeans arrived in North America. As such, it belongs to the followers of MEChA. These are all areas America should surrender to "La Raza" once enough immigrants, legal or illegal, enter to claim a majority, as in Los Angeles. The current borders of the United States will simply be extinguished. 
"This plan is what is referred to as the "Reconquista" or reconquest, of the Western U.S."....
"As Miguel Perez of Cal State-Northridge's MEChA chapter has been quoted as saying: "The ultimate ideology is the liberation of Aztlan. Communism would be closest [to it]. Once Aztlan is established, ethnic cleansing would commence: Non-Chicanos would have to be expelled -- opposition groups would be quashed because you have to keep power." "

For now, they are just looked upon as potential Democrat voters and welcomed into the halls of power.

Won't you go home, Bill Daley?

Rick Moran:  Why Daley had to go  "His power gone, his relations with Hill Democrats frosty, perhaps the biggest reason for his departure was that he didn't fit in with the newly hyper-liberal, hyper-partisan Obama White House where the inner circle is transforming the administration into a cog in the re-election machine:

WaPo: White House Chief of Staff William Daley resigns; budget chief Jacob Lew fills post

"In one particularly embarrassing episode, Obama requested to speak to a joint session of Congress in September only to be rejected by House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio), who invited him instead to come a day later. The White House claimed that Daley had earlier secured Boehner’s agreement for the original date, but the speaker’s office denied that an agreement was in place."

Greens to Daley: Don’t let the door hit you in …Bill Daley left plenty of fingerprints on energy policy during his yearlong stint in the White House, but environmentalists will remember him most for undercutting EPA’s attempts to set tough new air pollution limits.
The outgoing White House chief of staff, who announced his departure Monday, is seen as the person to blame for successfully urging President Barack Obama last summer to halt the ozone standards.


Blackfive  "Over the years I have seen more “new” defense strategies than one can shake a stick at.  And I’ve noticed one thing about all of them: for the most part they’ve been uniformly wrong.  We have mostly had an abysmal record in divining what sort of a military we need in the future, and I doubt this particular version will be any better. "

"Libya, for instance, seems anything but a success with Islamist militias poised to take over.  It certainly may be seen as a “military” success, but military success should tied to a strategy of overall success, not just whether it was able to defeat a rag-tag enemy.  After all the the military is but the blunt force of foreign policy, used when all less violent means have been exhausted.  There should be an acceptable outcome tied to its use.  Libya’s descent into Islamic extremism seems to argue against “success” on the whole.  Couple that with the fact that al Qaeda has set up shop there, and you could argue that even if al Qaeda has been “seriously weakened”, it has just been given a new lease on life in Libya."

Obama's Fascist America in 10 Easy Steps

Timothy Birdnow  "Writing back in 2007, Naomi Wolfe catalogued the steps to creating a dictatorship (which she sought to apply to George W. Bush).  Interestingly enough, they apply far more to the man who replaced him.
"Wolfe's steps include:" (Each step is enlarged upon in the article linked.)
1. Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy
2. Create a gulag 
3.  Develop a thug caste 
4. Set up an internal surveillance system 
5. Harass citizens' groups 

6. Engage in arbitrary detention and release 
7. Target key individuals 
8.  Control the press 
9.  Dissent equals treason 
10.  Suspend the rule of law 

A graduate course in propaganda: "Michelle Obama and the Evolution of a First Lady"

Hassan Nurullah in American Thinker:  This article is about Jodi Kantor'scolumn the Tunnel Wall linked to last Saturday.

"This was written specifically for the Matt Damons, Sean Penns of the world. The hardline leftists who have been critical of President Obama for not being more forcefully liberal, not doing enough to drive a hardcore pink agenda."
"The right is very good at serving up red meat to stir up its own base. Yet the right is woefully bad at selling conservative ideas to anyone not already smart enough to know how bad the leftist agenda is for the country. And that is why the right is losing the culture war and why the country continues to decline spiritually and temporally."
"This is the reason the Roves and Krauthammers fight so desperately hard to ensure a safe man like Mitt Romney secures the Republican Nomination for President. Better to appear the good presidential candidate than to actually have any real ideas to substantively change the nation for the better. Real ideas are an instant disqualifier sure to get you labeled unelectable."

Romney's "fire people" comment

Neal Boortz

"Mitt Romney is being fired on for something he didn’t even really say.  What we have here is a classic case of something being taken out of context.  But unfortunately for him, he will have to battle this soundbite from now through November if he is the nominee."....
"What’s the problem?  Well there shouldn’t be a problem.  But liberals and GOP opponents are glomming onto this “I like being able to fire people.”  Relax, people.  Mitt Romney is expressing his affinity for the power of choice, and if Barack Obama has his way … it’s something that will become a precious commodity that we will one day look back on and realize we took for granted."

And this is how Debbie W-S used it.

Legal Insurrection and Newt Gingrich point out the obvious distortion of Romney's words.  Romney is right: being able to "fire" a health-care provider is a choice the Obamacrats will deny us if Obamacare goes through. If you want to see how dealing with agencies that you can't fire, just go to the nearest Department of Motor Vehicles office and do business. Picture those unsmiling, somber clerks behind empty shelves in those government-owned department stores in the old Soviet Union.

Speaking of firing providers, how about this?  Read "Kodak and the Post Office", by Thomas Sowell:

"Great names of companies in other fields have likewise vanished as new technology brought new rivals to the forefront, or else made the whole product obsolete, as happened with typewriters, slide rules and other products now remembered only by an older generation. That is what happens in a market economy and we all benefit from it as consumers.
"Unfortunately, that is not what happens in government. The post office is a classic example."...More...