Friday, July 30, 2021

California's recall is America's final warning

Mike Cargile  . . . "We the People.  The recall signature effort shocked the world just by forcing the vote to happen.  The establishment greatly underestimated how much Californians loathe this governor.  He's toast.  Damaged goods.  The challenge now is to mitigate his impact going forward.

But the California Republican Party (CAGOP) has no interest in seeing Gavin Newsom recalled.  They didn't support the recall effort until the eleventh hour and then basically used it as a fundraiser.  Minimal effort, maximum credit taken. 

"Realizing the inevitable, they positioned their de jure candidate early on in Kevin Faulconer and lined up all the right consultants to make sure the money would flow in the right direction.  And we're talking millions.  

"But then the unimaginable happened.  Larry Elder entered the race, and suddenly Faulconer is barely polling in the top five!  What is the CAGOP to do?  Aha!  New strategy — we will endorse Faulconer!  But since the CAGOP has no mechanism for a special recall endorsement, it decides to change the rules.  And that's exactly what the Republicans have done.  Rep. Kevin McCarthy's surrogate, Chairwoman Jessica Patterson, convened a "special session" of the Executive Committee to force an emergency amendment to the bylaws." . . .

Biden, At Mack Truck Facility, Brags He Drove 18-Wheeler

 Why would he do it? What conceivable kind of insecurity could drive him to make such a ridiculous and useless claim at this point in his life and career

Biden, At Mack Truck Facility, Brags He Drove 18-Wheeler

. . . "Even leftist Shaun King took aim at Biden for his history of prevaricating, saying in 2020, as the Washington Times reported:

Since the early 1970s, Joe Biden has been a serial liar … In 1987, when Joe Biden was running for president for the very first time, his campaign got swallowed up in a swarm of lies that [he] told about himself all over the country. First, Biden was caught plagiarizing a famous speech from, then, British Labor Party Leader Neil Kinnock — including parts of the speech that came straight from Kinnock’s personal life that were not true for Biden.

Then, he plagiarized yet another speech from the late Robert Kennedy and another from JFK and another from Hubert Humphrey … Soon, it was discovered that Biden had not just plagiarized those four speeches, but had lied about academic awards [that he never earned], lied about scholarships [that he never received], and lied about his ranking in law school [stating he graduated in the top half of his class when in fact he finished 76th out of 85]. . . .

The award-winning talents of Pelosi's cast of characters

A Capitol Police officer who's a BLM activist?   "Among the many weeping people paraded before the House on Tuesday to testify about how deeply traumatizing it was for conservatives, rather than the usual left-wing activists, to protest at the Capitol, was one Harry Dunn, a giant of a man who claimed that he was intensely traumatized by the fact that protesters called him the "N" word.  The horror of it all!  Except there's reason to believe that Dunn may have been lying.  There's no footage of this alleged racial outrage.  Additionally, it turns out that Dunn is a BLM activist, a Trump-hater, and a supporter of political violence — his political violence, not your free speech or protest.

"Leftists were incredibly affected by Officer Dunn's testimony.  As far as they were concerned, he proved that not only were the people at the Capitol on January 6 (who killed no one, looted nothing, and set no fires) the worst mob ever in the history of America, but they were racist." . . .

Congressmen weeping on television embarrass themselves and us  . . . "No matter how many medals appear on the chests of the Capitol policemen, they mean nothing if those officers continue to hide the killer of Ashli Babbitt.  That's cowardice — not heroism."  . . .

Release the Videos Showing Capitol Rioters Calling the Crying Police Officer the 'N Word'   "The hearing was front-loaded with crying law enforcement officers who depicted the outrageous riot as an “insurrection” and the protesters and rioters as “terrorists.”

"As readers of PJ Media know, we abhor the violence from that day as we abhor the violence over the years by BLM and antifa rioters, looters, liars, and arsonists."

Conspiracy Theorist Gavin Newsom Says the People Leading His Recall Are Capitol Rioters Who Want to Implant Chips in People

Capitol Hill Officer: Jan. 6 ‘Bigger Threat’ than Violent BLM Riots in 2020  "Dunn warned that “we need to make sure we’re prepared and we continue to shoot down all rhetoric that could possibly lead to violence” in what seemed to be a reference to the public exchanges before Jan 6." . . .