Thursday, June 2, 2011

Victor Davis Hanson: The Factory of Selective Moral Outrage

Townhall  "Last week, President Obama quietly signed a renewal of the once-hated Patriot Act -- rather nonchalantly from the United Kingdom via mechanical autopen. There was no media outrage, there were no hyperbolic campus protests, no juvenile outbursts from a Hollywood celebrity about shredding the Constitution. Most even forgot that senatorial candidate Barack Obama had once promised to help repeal the Patriot Act.
"But then such moral outrage belongs to the now fossilized age of George W. Bush's presidency, when the exalted goal of stopping a conservative Texan justified any means of opposition necessary. We may continue almost all of his antiterrorism protocols, but they can no longer earn elite outrage."
"So either the retirement age must be upped, benefits cut, high payroll taxes further increased, or portions of the entitlements privatized to spur competition and efficiency.
"And the progressive response to proposed remedies? Instead of a detailed plan of salvation, we see ads portraying a Rep. Paul Ryan look-alike, who is not just throwing an elderly woman out of her wheelchair, but sending her over a cliff as well. "

Obama's abandonment of America

Caroline Glick  May 20, 2011  "While this sounds fair, it is anything but fair. The fact is that if you don't distinguish between your allies and your enemies then you betray your allies and side with your enemies. Bahrain and Yemen need US support to survive. Iran and Syria do not. So when he removes US support from the former, his action redounds to the direct benefit of the latter.
"I hope the US Navy's 5th Fleet has found alternate digs because Obama just opened the door for Iran to take over Bahrain. He also invited al Qaeda - which he falsely claimed is a spent force - to take over Yemen."
"Beyond his abandonment of Bahrain and Yemen, in claiming that the US mustn't distinguish between its allies and its foes, Obama made clear that he has renounced the US's right to have and pursue national interests. If you can't favor your allies against your enemies then you cannot defend your national interests. And if you cannot defend your national interests then you renounce your right to have them."

Israel: Well done, Mr. Obama; U.S. to Boycott Durban III Racism Conference

Atlas Shrugs " I applaud the Obama administration's decision to boycott the racist, antisemitic Islamic conference sponsored by the UN."....
"...The U.S. has announced it won't attend the 10-year commemoration of the UN Durban conference on combating racism on Sep. 21 in New York. Acting Assistant Secretary of State Joseph Macmanus said that the U.S. voted against the UN resolution establishing the 2011 event because the so-called Durban process "included ugly displays of intolerance and anti-Semitism and we did not want to see that commemorated."....

 Conference of Presidents Lauds Administration Decision Not to Participate in "Durban III" Conference  "Senator [Kirsten] Gillibrand led a bipartisan effort urging the U.S. not to participate in the conference. She noted that it is “an insult to America that the United Nations has decided to hold the Durban III conference in New York City just days from the tenth anniversary of the September 11th attacks. We all witnessed how extreme anti-Semitic and anti-American voices took over Durban I and Durban II and we should expect the same thing to happen with Durban III.”
"“The global campaign of delegitimization against Israel was launched at Durban I. It has remained a lasting scar on the reputation of the UN and ought not to be commemorated or celebrated. "
It's always a pleasant surprise when Democrats exceed my expectations.
Pat Condell on Jew hatred (Video) Though an atheist who rejects Israel's Scriptural claims to the land, Mr Condell offers articulate, solid, and slightly profane arguments for the existence of Israel and the Jews.  Caroline Glick

Photo: Pat Condell

TV Executives Admit That Hollywood Pushes a Liberal Agenda

Hollywood  "In the book, subtitled "The true Hollywood story of how the left took over your TV," Shapiro also tells anecdotes of bias against conservatives. One example is Dwight Schultz, best known for his roles as Murdock in The A-Team and Barclay in Star Trek: The Next Generation.
"The late Bruce Paltrow knew that Schultz was a fan of President Ronald Reagan. When Schultz showed up to audition for St. Elsewhere, a show Paltrow produced, to read for the part of Fiscus, Paltrow told him: "There's not going to be a Reagan a--hole on this show!" The part went to Howie Mandel."
"...and president of MTV Networks Entertainment Group Doug Herzog talking about his network having “superpowers” when it comes to its influence over young people."
"Another video has Leonard Goldberg — who executive produces Blue Bloods for CBS and a few decades ago exec produced such hits as Fantasy Island, Charlie’s Angels and Starsky and Hutch — saying that liberalism in the TV industry is “100 percent dominant, and anyone who denies it is kidding, or not telling the truth.”
"Shapiro asks if politics are a barrier to entry. “Absolutely,” Goldberg says."   Emphasis added.

This is related to our topic: NBC News to Hire Embattled Former NPR Chief Vivian Schiller   Firing  Fox News commentator Juan Williams has been a resume enhancement.

Photo of Schiller from Politics, Family and Religion

His saving grace is not being a Republican

Tunnel Wall is primarily interested in the difference in how a Republican is treated by the media and how they treat a Democrat. If this were a "Law and Order" episode, Mr. Weiner would be portrayed as a conservative who was a public champion of morals and family values.

Weinergate  By Neal Boortz  "Looks like Weiner needs to start looking for a new profession.  But wait a minute.  I’[m(sic) forgetting something here.  The Weiner is a Democrat."

Weinergate: Now the Democrats Are circling the wagons "The Democrats are taking oaths of fealty to Weiner’s veracity, one by one. Now we’re getting somewhere."