Thursday, June 30, 2011

Glenn Beck vs. The Mob

Ann Coulter  "A liberal's idea of being a bad-ass is to say vicious things to a conservative public figure who can't afford to strike back. Getting in a stranger's face and hurling insults at him, knowing full well he has too much at risk to deck you, is like baiting a bear chained to a wall.
"They are not only exploiting our lawsuit-mad culture, they are exploiting other people's manners. I know I'll be safe because this person has better manners than I do.
"These brave-hearts know exactly what they can get away with. They assault a conservative only when it's a sucker-punch, they outnumber him, or he can't fight back for reasons of law or decorum.
"Liberals don't get that when you're outnumbering the enemy 100-1, you're not brave."

Fox News host Glenn Beck: My family was harassed during New York Bryant Park movie '39 steps'  "Beck, 47, said cinemagoers turned on him during Monday's screening of Alfred Hitchcock's "The 39 Steps." One person, he said, shouted "We hate conservatives here" and another yelled "We're in New York and we hate Republicans.""

Some give another account  Though Beck's wife did get wine spilled on her somehow.

Hot Air: Angry moviegoer harasses Glenn Beck’s wife in NYC park Update: Another moviegoer says no animosity evident, but Twitter tells different story"Hmm. Twitter also turned up tweets from friends, suggesting she “accidentally” spill something on him. Which, of course, her friend “accidentally” did."  See the screenshot below:

Afghanistan and Obama's policy

The Weekly Standard: Gen. Keane Blasts Obama's Decision to Withdraw from Afghanistan  "Keane calls the president's decision "reckless" and said that it would result in more American causalties in Afghanistan." Jun 29, 2011

Wall Street Journal: The Coming Afghan Debacle; The Taliban is jubilant at Obama's strategy. So is Iran.  "Finally, it signals that the United States, like Britain before it, is a waning power. In his speech last week, Mr. Obama waxed eloquent on the point that "what sets America apart is not solely our power—it is the principles upon which our union was founded." Very true. But a nation that abandons to the Taliban those it was once committed to protect shows that it lacks power and principle alike."

Anybody out there old enough to remember the phrase, "Peace with honor"? Think Vietnam.

Blackfive: Obama ignored military on Afghan withdrawal  "LTG Allen testified to the Senate that his decision was not among any of the plans put forth by the military."
Allen's claim, which came under oath, contradicts the line the White House had been providing reporters over the past week—that Obama simply chose one option among several presented by General David Petraeus.
Andy McCarthy; Our Sharia-Compliant Afghan War; Our policy in Afghanistan is part tragedy, part farce.  "Private Abdo may not approve of al-Qaeda. He may not want to see the Taliban retake control of Afghanistan. But that is not the point. They are Muslims. He, like the Muslims of Afghanistan, sees himself as a Muslim first. He is not going to side with us over them. It doesn’t matter that he may privately believe they are reprehensible. Since they are Muslims, he sees it as Allah’s place, not his, to condemn them. In this life, in the sharia schema of Muslims versus non-Muslims, he is with his fellow Muslims — and would risk grave peril, both here and in the afterlife, were he to cross over to the other side."

Lisa Benson on the Economy

Obama's press conference

Obama Presser: Another Interminable Exercise in Blame and Evasion   "In case you missed it, Katie offers a fairly comprehensive recap of President Obama's press conference below. As is often the case, his performance was rather frustrating to watch, and seemed interminable. A few initial reactions:"

From American Thinker: Obama-supported tax break for private jets comes under fire - from Obama  "Obama will try and avoid debates this time around for that reason. Challenging his fact flakes on national TV while calling him out for his creation of straw men to buttress his arguments will be fairly easy pickings for a good debate opponent like Mitt Romney or Michelle Bachmann. I don't think he will debate unless he absolutely has to, and then if he debates more than once I will be surprised.
"So far, I have yet to find a mainstream media source who recognizes the irony of Obama criticizing a tax break his own stimulus maintained. This means the president is free to continue dishonestly berating Republicans for it."   Rick Moran    More here:

14 Obama Seconds Americans Will Not Forget  "Thanks to Ed Morrissey and Guy Benson for pointing this out to me. I'm sure we will be dragging this sucker out many a time before the 2012 election." (video)

The Daily Caller: President Obama’s war on facts  "In other words, by highlighting such a small issue, Obama cherry-picked an effective tool for making the debt ceiling vote a “clash of classes,” in the words of National Journal’s Ron Fournier, while wildly distorting its importance. Given the relatively tiny scale of the tax incentive, it does not force Congress to choose between it and “kids’ safety” in any meaningful way."

Powerline: Lead? Who, Me?  "My overarching observation is that Obama’s performance exemplified his chronic inability to lead. Here’s why:"....
"President Obama has been in office for two and a half years now. If there are steps he can take “right now” that will help create jobs, why didn’t he take them a long time ago?"  John Hinderaker

National Review Online:  More Obama Soak-the-Rich  "But basically his message today was class-warfare, soak-the-rich. Somehow, Democrats are for your kids but Republicans are for your fat cats. It’s so tiresome. It will never sell.
"Obama is in political trouble and he knows it."  Larry Kudlow 

Neal Boortz: Us vs. Them  "My disgust with and contempt for Barack Obama grows every time I hear that dangerous man speak.  Obama’s press conference yesterday was little more than an exercise in class warfare, big government rhetoric."....
"Now that we have our facts straight, let’s talk about the fact that Barack Obama is standing up there at his podium telling you what you can and cannot afford. He said that taxes are “lower than they’ve been since the 1950s. And you can afford it.” That’s Obama channeling Karl Marx: “From each according to their ability. To each according to their need.”
"We have a Marxist in the White House."

The Least Serious President in the History of the Republic™ Holds a Press Conference  "Sometimes you hear hypocrisy so thick you can cut it with a knife. Think Bill Clinton telling us he did not have sex with Monica Lewinsky, John Kerry throwing someone else's medals over the White House fence (his are hanging on his senate office wall), think Joe Biden plagiarizing Neil Kinnock's campaign speech, or John Edwards... saying anything at all! This president may have set the new gold standard in hypocrisy today."