Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Dems' Post-Election Plan: Send More Immigrants to Virginia

Ann Coulter

          But critical race theory isn't taught in Virginia schools!   

The Republican sweep in Virginia Tuesday night has nullified that claim. Glenn Youngkin beat Terry McAuliffe in the governor's race. Republicans took the lieutenant governor's office and, most important, beat the incumbent, George Soros-installed attorney general. In a shocking upset, the GOP even flipped the House of Delegates.  

  All this, despite the incessantly repeated claim on MSNBC and CNN that "CRT isn't taught in Virginia schools!" uttered every five minutes like "Weather on the Ones!" Who were they trying to fool? Liberal women in New York? They don't vote in Virginia. But MSNBC and CNN so enjoyed sneering about the stupidity of Republicans that they never bothered to consider that the people who would be voting could see with their own eyes what was being taught to their children.

 Disturbingly, even with McAuliffe announcing that parents should have no say in what their children are learning in school -- and then telling Virginia teachers that the white ones would have to go -- the election was ridiculously close. The current tally is about 51% to 49%.

"After Tuesday's election, it looks like the Biden administration is going to have to ship a lot more immigrants into the Old Dominion. Bus in tens of thousands of Haitians and, in five or six years, McAuliffe can come out for white slavery and win." . . .

The Democrats Choose Wokeness Over Winning

                        Their complacent elitism finally trips them up.

The American Spectator   "Whenever Democrats get thumped at the polls, they blame their defeat on poor “communication,” as if the fundamental problem is not the irrationality of their ideas but a mere failure to present them persuasively. But sometimes they absolve themselves completely and just blame the people for a lack of enlightenment. That appears to be the subtext driving much of their post-election analysis this week. They would rather call the people delusional than admit their own delusions.
"The party’s vaunted wokeness, after all, rests on an implied contempt for the people: that they are insufficiently enlightened and must be pushed into the light. This attitude makes for poor politics, as Democrats found out on Tuesday night. Terry McAuliffe, in particular, paid the price for this complacent elitism. He campaigned alongside Barack Obama, whose comment about “made up culture wars” was a thinly veiled insult of the people. Obama might as well have said to Virginians: Stop whining and simply sit back and let us impose wokeness on you.
"Even on Wednesday morning, Democrats cast McAuliffe as the victim of a deluded people, worked up over something that “doesn’t exist,” critical race theory in public schools. But it so obviously does exist. As a former governor, McAuliffe had pushed it on Virginia schools, and he ran a campaign based on its lies. All of his lazy slurs against Glenn Youngkin as a racist stemmed from the mindset of critical race theory.". . . 

Capturing this scorn for parents perfectly, Nicole Wallace on MSNBC gasped, “I think the real ominous thing is that critical race theory, which isn’t real, turned the suburbs 15 points to the Trump insurrection-endorsed Republican. What do Democrats do about that?”