Politico "The Senate on Saturday cleared a crucial hurdle in repealing the controversial 17-year-old ‘don’t ask, don’t tell” ban on gays serving openly in the military, all but ensuring the repeal will become law. "....
"But with support from all but one member of the Democratic caucus and help from six Republicans, the bill overcame the 60-vote threshold required to move forward.
"The Republican senators voting “yes” with the Democrats were Mark Kirk of Illinois, Scott Brown of Massachusetts, George Voinovich of Ohio, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska – and Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins, both of Maine."
Gays in the Military: Still Illegal For Time Being "For the next few months and possibly for as long as a year, gays and lesbians in uniform will still be subject to investigation and discharge if they acknowledge their sexual orientation, Pentagon officials said. Despite action in Congress to repeal it, the controversial policy banning gays from serving openly remains in effect until, in essence, until the Defense Department is good and ready to wipe if off the books." David Wood, Chief Military Correspondent, Politics Daily
Senate Blocks Bill for Illegal Immigrant Students "The vote by 55-41 in favor of the bill, which is known as the Dream Act, effectively kills it for this year, and its fate is uncertain. The measure needed the support of 60 senators to cut off a filibuster and bring it to the floor."....
"Five Democrats joined Republicans in opposing the bill. They were Democratic Senators Max Baucus of Montana, Kay Hagan of North Carolina, Ben Nelson of Nebraska, Mark Pryor of Arkansas and Jon Tester of Montana.
"And three Republicans joined the balance of Democrats in favor of it: Robert Bennett of Utah, Richard Lugar of Indiana, and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska."
Saturday, December 18, 2010
The new comeback kid
Charles Krauthammer "If Barack Obama wins reelection in 2012, as is now more likely than not, historians will mark his comeback as beginning on Dec. 6, the day of the Great Tax Cut Deal of 2010."
Obama Talks Competitiveness as Japan Cuts its Corporate Tax Rate

'Christmas Capital' of Texas Says 'Humbug!' to Tea Party because of Complaints from Local Dems
P/Oed Patriot "Every year the Grapevine Chamber of Commerce sponsors the "Parade and Carol of Lights". The event is open to all and according to the 2008 parade application has few rules on who can participate.
"But that could change in 2011 because of complaints this year about a Float Sponsored by the Local Tea Party."
"But that could change in 2011 because of complaints this year about a Float Sponsored by the Local Tea Party."
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Photo: star-telegram.com |
WikiLeaks conspiracy theorists target Israel

Teaching their children to hate "Israel's former premiere, Golda Meir of blessed memory, was once asked when peace would end the Israeli-Arab conflict. She quickly replied
"Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us."
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barenakedislam/ john Cole |
Is FCC Commissioner Michael Copps Trying to Reinstate the Fairness Doctrine?
Newsbusters "What Copps fails to grasp is that "public value" is such a subjective term that it is almost unavoidable for political factors to play into a determination of whether or not certain content satisfies the definition. In other words, there is not official regulation of political speech, but such speech will almost surely be regulated indirectly."
Obama's Indian name: One Who Helps People Throughout the Land
USA Today "The president also noted he signed a recent resolution acknowledging "broken promises and grave injustices against the First Americans.""
How to Fix Medicare: A New Vision for a Better Program
Heritage "Medicare can be saved—but not by ever more burdensome government bureaucracy and micromanagement, such as prescribed by the misnamed Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Patient choice and market competition, along with strong budget controls, are the keys to reforming Medicare so that it will be available to future generations. And for those looking for guarantees—this paper details five principles on which future Medicare enrollees should be able to count."
In Medicine, Money Matters: Real Health Care Reform Would Change Incentives "...if you get the incentives right, most of the big problems will take care of themselves, leaving a far smaller and more tractable set of problems to be addressed through regulation, litigation, and benign neglect. But if you do not get the incentives right, no amount of speeches, op-eds, law review articles, whining and hectoring, moral preening, regulatory oversight, legislation, lawsuits, or lectures about fairness and justice can take their place."
In Medicine, Money Matters: Real Health Care Reform Would Change Incentives "...if you get the incentives right, most of the big problems will take care of themselves, leaving a far smaller and more tractable set of problems to be addressed through regulation, litigation, and benign neglect. But if you do not get the incentives right, no amount of speeches, op-eds, law review articles, whining and hectoring, moral preening, regulatory oversight, legislation, lawsuits, or lectures about fairness and justice can take their place."
Urgent - Call Your Senators Now on Don't Ask Don't Tell and DREAM Act votes
Heritage Just a few days ago, the Senate voted against beginning debate on a Defense Authorization bill that would repeal the military's Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy. The heads of the Air Force, Army, and Marine Corps disagreed with a Pentagon study that concludes that it would be just fine for Congress to repeal the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy.
No policy change should be made that does not improve readiness, and it is clear that allowing open homosexuals to serve will have the opposite effect. It will weaken rather than strengthen our military.
With passage of the DREAM Act, Congress will grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens, instead of insisting on the enforcement of immigration and border control laws already on the books.
Please call Senators Hutchison and Cornyn today and ask them to vote against the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, and to vote against the DREAM Act.
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Now, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) is at it again, having re-introduced the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell as a separate, stand alone bill.
Gen. James Amos, the commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps, has stated that the Marines he has talked to almost unanimously oppose repeal. General Amos says that this is about "unit cohesion, it's about combat effectiveness."No policy change should be made that does not improve readiness, and it is clear that allowing open homosexuals to serve will have the opposite effect. It will weaken rather than strengthen our military.
With passage of the DREAM Act, Congress will grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens, instead of insisting on the enforcement of immigration and border control laws already on the books.
Please call Senators Hutchison and Cornyn today and ask them to vote against the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, and to vote against the DREAM Act.
Take Action!
Find your legislator's contact information here.
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