Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Veterans Day, 2015

Hope n' Change Cartoons  "We humbly thank all who have served. You are the best of us."

Political Cartoons by Ken Catalino

 Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel
. . . "Regardless of how high his office, no politician who had the opportunity to serve in the military, but didn’t, will be allowed to make a patriotic speech, appear on TV, or poke his nose out of his office for the entire day.
"Any politician who defies this ban will be required to spend 12 hours wearing headphones and listening to tapes of President Clinton explaining his deferments." . . .Via Blackfive

 Political Cartoons by Steve Breen

Simple 5-Step Family Plan for Honoring Veterans  . . . "This last suggestion for making the most of Veterans Day does not involve thanking a vet. But it does aim at creating a family culture of remembering and appreciating our nation’s military history and heroes. Every veteran I know views cultivating this memory and appreciation as a high form of thanks."

Ann Coulter has some issues with Marco Rubio, I'd say

   "Talking about the wall, Trump said: "The wall will be built. The wall will be successful. And if you think walls don't work, all you have to do is ask Israel." The cheering from the Coulter household was so loud, it could be heard in Tel Aviv, which is safer than El Paso because Israel has a wall.
    "Given Rubio's special concern with Israel, you'd think he would have jumped at that invitation, but he stood dumb, like he was trying to figure out how to work in another reference to his father being a bartender.

 . . . "He said the "problem is that today people are not successful working as hard as ever because the economy is not providing jobs that pay enough."

    I wonder if the dump of millions of low-wage foreign workers on our country has anything to do with that?

    -- He gave a brave little speech announcing his opposition to jihadists -- setting him apart from everyone else on that stage, who LOVES Islamic jihadists! -- and claimed that radical terrorist groups "recruit Americans using social media."

    No, Marco, ISIS doesn't recruit "Americans" on social media. It recruits immigrants and their children -- whom you want to import more of, by the way.

    Given his record, it's too late for Rubio to take America's side on immigration. But it's still amazing that only Ted Cruz is smart enough to adopt Trump's runaway, most popular position.

    After coming in the lower-middle of the last three debate polls, Cruz finally made it to the No. 2 spot this week. By sheer coincidence, it was the first debate where he fully adopted Trump's position on immigration.

Early commentary on the GOP debates

"Fox Business News was perhaps a mite too self-congratulatory about how well it conducted tonight’s debate–but the contrast to CNBC’s embarrassing performance was sufficiently stark that I can forgive it. "

"Ben Carson packed quite a bit into slightly more than thirty seconds of his closing statement, and each element resonated. "

The Winners, Losers, Running in Place  . . . "Biggest loser on merits: Kasich. He’s done. He came across angry, condescending and unprincipled. By the end of the debate he came across as the drunk, obnoxious, uncle everyone wishes hadn’t accepted the invitation to Thanksgiving dinner. 
"Biggest loser politically: Jeb Bush" . . .


Shocked at Yale and Mizzuo? Look what pro-Israel students have suffered for years.

Shocked at Yale and Mizzou? Pro-Israel students have lived with intimidation for years
. . . "The attention on physical and other intimidation to silence opposing viewpoints is welcome, but don’t think this is something new on campuses, even if liberals are just paying attention because liberals now are targeted.
"For Israelis and pro-Israel students, physical disruptions of events by groups such as Students for Justice in Palestine,
have become common.

"We reported just the other day how Protesters shouted down an Israeli Professor at U. Minnesota law school. Law Professor Dale Carpenter gave this first-hand account:

The lecture, which I attended, was delayed half an hour as one by one the protesters stood up to shout denunciations of Israel and were escorted from the hall by university police. One young woman came screaming back into the lecture after having been ejected. Outside the hall, the protesters chanted so loudly that it was difficult to hear Halbertal, much less to concentrate on what he was saying, until 45 minutes after the lecture was to have begun….
"Just a couple of weeks earlier, an Israeli diplomat — who happens to be the first Israeli diplomat who is Bedouin — had his event disrupted at the University of Windsor. "

"A “Taste of Israel” event at Tufts University was disrupted in late October.

"Cornell students were physically threatened by SJP and Ithaca activists for silently holding pro-Israel signs (language warning):