Monday, June 14, 2021

Parents Organize Nationally to Push Back Against ‘Woke’ Indoctrination in the Classroom


"A national parents group is fighting back against the hard left’s endeavor to inject more of its woke theology into America’s schools. Elana Fishbein, a Philadelphia stay-at-home mother, started the group after becoming fed up with her childrens’ school continually shoving so-called progressive ideology into their learning material.

"The Epoch Times reported:

Less than a year ago, Elana Fishbein was a happy stay-at-home mother, raising her three boys in a well-off Philadelphia suburb. She’d noticed the school that two of her boys attended would push out some lessons and activities that she considered politically biased or inappropriate, but each time was able to resolve the situation by opting her children out. In June last year, however, she saw no other choice than to take action.

"After the murder of George Floyd, the school began issuing “cultural proficiency” lessons. Fishbein told the Epoch Times: “My husband and I looked at the lesson plan and opened the links to the books that they included for the lesson plan and we were thoroughly horrified because they were totally racist.”

"It seems evident that the school was using Floyd’s death and the widespread debate over race relations that followed as an avenue through which to further inject far-leftist propaganda into the classroom. “The school materials Fishbein examined followed what she called ‘woke’ culture—a set of quasi-Marxist ideologies that divides society into ‘oppressors’ and the ‘oppressed’ based on characteristics such as race, sex, class, or sexual proclivities,” according to The Epoch Times." . . .More...

CNN Falls Out Of Top 10 Cable Networks As Barack Obama Special Flops

 USAANews  "CNN’s hour-long interview with former President Barack Obama last Monday night pumped much-needed life into the network’s flagging ratings — but he still drew only half as many viewers as Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s average show.

"Tucker Carlson also trounced Obama among young viewers between the ages of 25 and 54.

"While the Obama interview earned approximately 500,000 extra viewers for “Anderson Cooper 360” one night this week, only 1.4 million people watched the show. The same night, Fox News Channel’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight” won 2.97 million viewers.

"Carlson beat Obama among those in in the coveted 25-54 demographic, winning 506,000 younger viewers, compared with 279,00 for Obama’s interview. CNN had previously denounced Fox News’ “core audience” as “old, white conservatives” attracted to FNC’s “archaic, Mad Men-era view of the world.”

"Obama sat down for a one-hour interview with Anderson Cooper, where he said Americans who rejected his anti-police rhetoric suffered from “deep” and “unconscious” racial bias.

"Carlson spent much of the week featuring the emotional testimony of parents at school board meetings nationwide, opposing the teaching of critical theory in the nation’s elementary schools. Meanwhile, Obama snarked, “lo and behold, the single most important issue to [Republicans] currently, right now, is critical race theory. Who knew that that was the threat to our republic?”

"He also said he never expected President Donald Trump to be so successful in imposing his conservative agenda, because “I thought that there were enough guardrails institutionally that, even after Trump was elected that you would have the so-called Republican Establishment” oppose him from within.

"And Obama lamented the availability of a broad and diverse range of views in the media. “You don’t have just Walter Cronkite delivering the news, but you have 1,000 different venues. All that has contributed to that sense that we don’t have anything in common,” he said." . . .

MSNBC Now Openly Lobbying To Pack The Supreme Court

How Corrupt Is MSNBC? The Network Now OPENLY Lobbying to Pack the Supreme Court   "When he's not guest hosting MSNBC's The Cross Connection, Jason Johnson is a politics and journalism professor at Morgan State University, which does not inspire confidence in the next generation of journalists as he warned on Saturday of

"catastrophic implications" of the Supreme Court's 6-3 conservative balance and condemned Sen. Mitch McConnell for not allowing President Biden to pack the Court.

"Johnson's monologue was the result of a question from a viewer wondering what "we" have to do to make the Court more "fair and balanced" and representative of the "diverse country in which we live."  Hat tip to Weasel Zippers

Journalism Prof. Condemns McConnell For Not Letting Biden Pack Court

"Appalling to Watch": Australian Media Tears American Media Apart Over Its Fawning Over Biden

 RedState   "American media is so infected with leftism that it’s ideologically slanted to the point of tipping over and it’s highly possible that the media doesn’t even know it. It doesn’t have the ability to look at itself critically, and we get very real moments where the media asks Democrats what it can do to better help them along while on air.

"The media in other countries can see it, though, and Australia’s, in particular, can’t help but dedicate a segment to it.

"On a segment during Sky News’s Kenny on Media, Australian anchors and commentators took aim at the American media for its simpering and fawning over Joe Biden during the G7 summit while the same media bashed President Donald Trump in 2018 against all reason.

 . . . "But the anti-Trump narrative was born from a hardcore adherence to leftist politics, and CNN continued to cling to Democrats, more or less becoming a propaganda arm instead of a news network.

"Sadly, this kind of obedience to Democrats is seen throughout the media in varying ways with few exceptions, including OANN, Newsmax, and Fox News. The problem of bias is so obvious and loud that across the sea, people are taking notice and laughing about it." . . .

The Most Terrifying Media Statement Ever: 'The Biden Administration Is On The Case' -

Shortages Cripple Certain Industries And Food Is Getting More Expensive Than Families Can Afford 

 All News

"Media gurus continue to insist the recent reporting of a 5%  inflation spike is because of the pandemic, when in reality there are a number of factors from weather events to supply chain issues, and are also pushing the claim that it should balance itself our in "the near future."

"Then again, the media first denied the pandemic as Independent Media warned what was coming, and called us "conspiracy theorists."

"The media then insisted there would be no food or other shortages and when signs started popping up in grocery stores showing "limit purchase to (insert number here), the media reported it months after Independent Media warned it was coming, and the MSM also acted like they were reporting "current news."

"The point here, is the media claims and assurances, mean absolutely nothing, as they are one of the top reasons their audience needed to panic shop in the first place because they were woefully unprepared, which in turn caused a run on toilet paper, other paper products, cleaning supplies and foods, especially meats." . . .


Voting Rights: It's 'Racist' Not to Let Democrats Cheat

So it's kind of important for Republicans to kill these bills in the crib. It shouldn't be hard. All they have to do is tell people what's in them.

Dianny Image Vault

 Ann Coulter  "Why aren't Republicans screaming from the rooftops about the Democrats' plans to change voting rules to give themselves an advantage?

"Their sleazy election bills, HR 1, the "For the People Act," and HR 4, the "John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act," are intended to help Democrats win majorities in both houses of Congress, at which point they will ignore Republicans entirely, end the filibuster, and pass everything in AOC's Dream Journal -- amnesty, gun control, a wealth tax, and a rainbows and unicorns energy bill.

"So it's kind of important for Republicans to kill these bills in the crib. It shouldn't be hard. All they have to do is tell people what's in them.

. . . "Currently, Manchin opposes the For the People bill, but supports the even more execrable John Lewis bill. Both will completely rewrite state election laws to favor Democrats, but at least For the People will be done by Congress. The John Lewis bill will give unelected bureaucrats at the Justice Department vast power to impose voting rules on the states. Based on previous such exercises of unaccountable power, 10-year-olds will soon have the right to vote. (See Title IX.)" . . .

Why do Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell still have security clearances?

From the President, Vice President, on down to congressmembers, the Democrats seem to value the least qualified, most embarrassing people. TD


 Monica Showalter . . .

. . . Strzok also suggested in a message on March 23, 2017, that Democrats on the Gang of Eight were sources for a CNN story about the Russia probe. CNN reported that same morning that U.S. officials said the FBI had information that Trump associates may have communicated with Russian operatives to coordinate the release of information damaging to the Hillary Clinton campaign.

"This, given Strzok's animosity to Trump in his other text messages, suggests that leaking was exactly what was going on.  Schiff, and Rep. Eric Swalwell, ran a professional leak operation for their own aggrandizement that both Trump and his enemies could see.

"Such a bipartisan consensus on the leaks raises the question: why do this pair still have security clearances at all?

The most sensitive of America's secrets are divulged to the House Intelligence Committee based on its oversight role.  Hideous leftists have occasionally sat on that panel — think Berkeley congressman Rep. Ron Dellums — but they've always been able to keep secrets.  Dellums was respected on that front by all sides, bad as his politics was.

"But not this pair.  And Swalwell has been additionally compromised by his "swallow," an apparent Chinese spy named Fang Fang, or "Christine Fang," which is an absolute no-no.  People get rejected from employment at intelligence or military agencies all the time for lesser stuff seen as compromising.  Swalwell, though, is still on the intel board for that, and so is the leaky Schiff.  Unpunished, they will continue leaking like a sieve, and even the Trump-hostile intelligence elements know it.

"Why again do they have security clearances?  An ordinary person wouldn't have them after the kinds of things they've done.  To get a clearance, one must be honest and trustworthy.  This pair has repeatedly violated that trust, and the two certainly aren't honest." . . .

Democrat voters; familiar with those youthful voices at Beto rallies and Antifa riots? Meet some here:

There is no bottom to the ignorance of supposedly educated Americans

Perhaps it's unfair to say they know very little.  While our schools churn out young people who cannot read, write, or reason, they are extremely well versed in pop culture (they know the lyrics to Megan Thee Stallion songs), and the most recent generations of school graduates will bore you to tears talking about gender, racism, class victimization, America's wrongdoing over the centuries, etc.

South Dakota rocked again as a wind turbine plant shuts its doors


"John F. Kerry, the special presidential envoy for climate, said only months ago that those losing fossil fuel jobs in coal and hydraulic fracturing will find they have a better choice of jobs in either the solar industry or as wind turbine technicians.

"That was then. Now, a wind blade manufacturing plant located in Aberdeen, South Dakota, has announced it is shutting its doors permanently in less than two months.

"The disappearance of Molded Fiber Glass will displace over 300 workers and their families. It marks another major loss of energy jobs in the state following President Joe Biden's halting of the Keystone pipeline on the first day of his administration." . . .