Sunday, June 12, 2022

Summit of the Americas: Joe Biden turns America into a beggar

 Monica Showalter  . . ."More to the point, why the hell didn't he allow the socialist dictatorships in? He would have had a golden opportunity upbraid places like Cuba for their failures, failures that have driving millions of their citizens to flee as migrants. If this were President Trump, he'd bring the leaders of these places in and then deliver a knockout blow about their socialist records, putting these hellholes on the spot, and forcing them to admit their failures, if not come up with a laughable panoply of excuses.

"Instead, Biden just ended up begging.

"According to a very good account in Politico, Biden only got Brazil to come by agreeing to not to criticize its rainforest policy -- which Joe obeyed. He must have wanted them there bad. Bolsonaro not only questioned Biden's electoral legitimacy, he also mocked his age. Biden, though, just begged, and had to throw in the sweetner of a bilateral summit, too. He begged a lot.. . .