Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Campaign Tactics and Republican Fears

Warning Signs  "Just as Obama “inherited” the financial crisis of 2008, Romney is going to inherit “Taxageddon” in 2013 if a GOP controlled Congress does not repeal significant increases in taxes, all of which will stall any effort to get the economy back on a growth track."
"It is my belief that Obama is extraordinarily vulnerable to defeat, but that has given rise to another commonly expressed Republican fear; that the Democrats will steal the election with ACORN-style tactics at the polls. 
"In the end, “Are you better off in 2012 than you were four years ago?” will end Obama’s first and last term."  Alan Caruba


Ann Coulter: Elizabeth Warren dances with lies

Ann Coulter  "Elizabeth Warren, who also goes by her Indian name, "Lies on Race Box," is in big heap-um trouble. The earnest, reform-minded liberal running for Senate against Scott Brown, R-Mass., lied about being part-Cherokee to get a job at Harvard." 
"Family lore is not proof. Proof is contemporary documentation, produced under penalty of perjury, such as a census record. My mother told me she found me under a rock, but I don't put that on job applications."
"For liberals, it should be a mortal sin: Elizabeth Warren cheated on affirmative action."
Editorial Cartoon
Elizabeth Warren and What Really Makes a Native American
"Seeking clarification, I called the Cherokee Nation and spoke with spokeswoman Lenzy Krehbiel-Burton, who said that to be a citizen of the Cherokee Nation, one must provide proper documentation of direct descent from someone listed in the Dawes Rolls (closed more than a century ago) to obtain a tribal citizenship card."

Obama comes out of the closet

 The Associated Press:  Romney stands by his opposition to gay marriage  "Mitt Romney on Wednesday reaffirmed his view that marriage should be restricted to one man and one woman, highlighting a sharp contrast with President Barack Obama.

"Obama declared his unequivocal personal support for same-sex marriage during an interview with ABC News. Reporters asked Romney about the issue after a campaign event in Oklahoma City."
"Obama is the first president in history to support gay marriage. Polls show the country is evenly divided on the issue."

"Some buzz on Twitter for this blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moment in O’s remarks: “when I think about those soldiers or airmen or marines or sailors who are out there fighting on my behalf…” His behalf?"

Obama bailed out of North Carolina visit as traditional-marriage amendment goes to voters  " It’s a headscratcher, all right, especially the claim that this amendment has nothing to do with gay marriage.  Here’s the text of the amendment:
“Marriage between one man and one woman is the only domestic legal union that shall be valid or recognized in this State.
This section does not prohibit a private party from entering into contracts with another private party; nor does this section prohibit courts from adjudicating the rights of private parties pursuant to such contracts.”
Legal Insurrection: #LandOfTheGullible  "....So Obama rolls out a half-measure that he “personally” thinks gay marriage should be legal, but that it should be up to the states to decide … um, isn’t that how it is now?
"California decided, but the federal judiciary intervened.  North Carolina decided, and as of this moment the Democrats still are having their national convention there.  Over 30 states have decided against gay marriage, and a small number in favor (via the judiciary or legislature).
"That is the status quo gay marriage supporters detest, yet they are cheering Obama’s endorsement of the status quo as if it were a watershed moment.
"Don’t you get it by now? It’s all about him."

Just how stupid ARE liberal ideas anyway?

PJ Media: 5 Insane Fads New Parents Swallow  "Old hippies have spawned a new hybrid generation of parents that’s three parts high-tech and one part organic. The new “Crunchy” or “Natural Mamas” have inherited some ideals once considered “out there” for we Boomers, like nursing and laboring in water.
"The next four extreme trends could become the new norm." We regret any off-color language
"And just one more WARNING for some graphic content on the last page…"

March of the Idiots at OccupyLA May Day  
"This sign was used to assault four police officers, as seen clearly around the 2:45 mark in this video. The perpetrators, of whom this is presumably one, got away with it. The video reveals exactly how Occupy’s strategy works: They blindside the police with an unprovoked assault, then the attackers instantly scatter, while other Occupiers with cameras are waiting immediately behind to record the police’s hoped-for overreaction. And they think that this is so very clever that no one’s yet caught on to their tricks.  "Like I said: Idiocy."
Boortz: You asked for it  "I have a message for all of you Obama voters residing in blue states – those are the states that voted for Obama in 2008 – you get what you deserve." 

Quote of the day:  "One of the most brilliant things I’ve heard in a long time is your explanation of why, 'It’s government people, not rich people, who have the power to coerce and make our lives miserable.'  Quoting Walter Williams.

Cher doesn’t want to breathe the same air as Romney and his ‘racist homophobic women hating tea bagger masters’  Then she, um, well..apologizes?

What a history lesson can do for an Occupier  "One young man tried to pass an “Occupy Wall Street Journal” to two men observing the protests, and ended up gaining an education in history, politics, economics, and statecraft.  Give the young Occupier credit, as Joe Schoffstall says — he was at least willing to listen.  I’m not sure he was actually convinced, but he at least knew better than to keep arguing:

"You might be tempted to stop after a couple of minutes, but stick to it all the way through to the end.  It shows what one man can do when he’s armed with the facts*, as well as a little moral authority from having lived through a socialist nightmare.  His companion tells him at the end, “I’m very proud of you,” and I’d bet more than a few people here would be as well."
"And at least the young man still had the capacity to learn. Ringo and Zombie document some of the mental incapacity found at the Occupy LA rally last week, including these images:"

*I can tell by the man's accent that he is from the former Soviet Union. If he spoke to this entire Occupy crowd, they would not be able to refute his ideas; they would only shout him down. Just as they did here.
Then this cartoon:
Stupid Liberal Celebrities: Why Do We Have A Government Run Military?  "To all of the stupid liberal celebrities: read the Constitution again. And if you don’t like what you see, lobby for some new amendments. Until then, shut up."

Debunking Stupid Liberal Memes, Part I:  Meme: Merriam-Webster explains it thus: "Definition of MEMEan idea, behavior, style, or usage that spreads from person to person within a culture"

Americans For Prosperity Ad

AMERICANS FOR PROSPERITY   "At the end of last week, President Obama’s campaign sicked his attack dogs on AFP—because this TV ad puts pressure on Obama to defend his failed “green energy” spending that kept our economy weak, and forced more of our jobs overseas.
In fact, his deputy campaign director even blasted a 2-minute video response to Obama supporters as a “rebuttal” to our ad—filled with the shaky facts and issue distortion we’ve come to expect from President Obama’s campaign machine.
And just on Monday, Obama's campaign announced a $25 million ad buy—solely intended to bury this ad.
These latest attacks, of course, come after Obama launched a 60-second TV commercial trying to discredit AFP’s ad—and a few days after the Democratic National Committee admitted to top supporters that AFP’s TV ad could cause “serious damage” to their election-year plan to hide their failed policy agenda.

Obama creates "green" jobs--in foreign countries
  You can watch the ad even if you do not care to donate.

Nobody messes with Joe

Mr. Biden, I'm 'Absolutely Comfortable' with Mothers and Fathers
"Given these facts, you can imagine the surprise of many when Vice President Joe Biden recently said that he's "absolutely comfortable" with same-sex "marriage."  He reportedly made this statement partly based upon meeting a same-sex couple with children.  Translated appropriately, Mr. Biden is "absolutely comfortable" with circumstances where children are intentionally deprived of either a mother or a father.
"And why are these children deprived of that?  Because some other adult decided that the particular child at issue does not require either a mother or a father.  Thus, the desire of adults to have a motherless or fatherless family have trumped the needs of the child."

Breakpoint: Lesbian Studies Fail the Test  "Getting back to the results in the lives of children, Stanton points out that young people raised in homes with homosexual parents are more likely to be homosexuals later in life and to engage in risky sexual behaviors."