Warning Signs "Just as Obama “inherited” the financial crisis of 2008, Romney is going to inherit “Taxageddon” in 2013 if a GOP controlled Congress does not repeal significant increases in taxes, all of which will stall any effort to get the economy back on a growth track."
"It is my belief that Obama is extraordinarily vulnerable to defeat, but that has given rise to another commonly expressed Republican fear; that the Democrats will steal the election with ACORN-style tactics at the polls.
"In the end, “Are you better off in 2012 than you were four years ago?” will end Obama’s first and last term." Alan Caruba

"It is my belief that Obama is extraordinarily vulnerable to defeat, but that has given rise to another commonly expressed Republican fear; that the Democrats will steal the election with ACORN-style tactics at the polls.
"In the end, “Are you better off in 2012 than you were four years ago?” will end Obama’s first and last term." Alan Caruba