Canuknucklehead commented: Liberals and progressives are the world's most successful hate group. They attract poor people who hate rich people; aboriginals who hate Europeans; Blacks who hate Whites; gay people who hate straight people; feminists who hate men; millennials who hate baby-boomers, environmentalist who hate energy workers; Muslims who hate apostates; morally relative liberals who hate the rule of law; abortionists who hate life; easterners who hate westerners; ideologues who hate real science; government workers who hate the private sector; and, bratty college kids who hate their parents. One secret of this gate group's success that it PRETENDS to be `sunny`and inclusive‘and `tolerant`… It is NO...THING of the sort. When faced with ANY opinion it doesn't like, a liberal will fly into a rage and lashes out with utter HATE.
Friday, October 30, 2020
Biden Win Would Offer Path to Kill Pipeline That Hollywood Hates
30 Good Things President Trump Has Done for America
Wayne Grudem "Equipping Christians to Think Clearly About the Political, Economic and Moral Issues of Our Day."
"President Trump receives non-stop criticism in the press. I agree that criticism is necessary when a president makes mistakes, but where are the voices expressing appreciation for the good things Trump has done? It’s unfair always to criticize and never to recognize any of the good things a president has done.
"It might be a refreshing change to recall some of the remarkable, nation-changing good things that Trump has accomplished for America. Here is my personal list. At the end of this list, I address the question, “Are these actions an indication of divine judgment or divine blessing on the United States of America?”
"Because of space limitations, I have not given extensive arguments explaining why I think these actions are good for the United States. But more extensive arguments can be found in my books Christian Ethics, Politics According to the Bible, and The Poverty of Nations.
"1. Judges: Trump has appointed two Supreme Court justices, 53 federal appellate judges, and 146 District Court judges (as well as two judges for the Court of International Trade) who have been confirmed by the Senate so far. In addition, 64 more have been appointed and are awaiting Senate confirmation. All of them are committed to interpreting the Constitution and laws according to the original meaning of the words, rather than according to what a modern liberal judge thinks the law should have said.
"As an evangelical Christian, I am glad to see that Trump’s two Supreme Court appointments have already been responsible for highly significant cases that increase religious freedom, such as the decisions (1) to allow state aid that is given to non-religious schools to be given also to religious schools (Montana decision), (2) to protect the right of religious schools to hire and fire employees based on the school’s religious convictions, and (3) to allow religious groups to be exempt from government regulations that would otherwise cause them to violate their consciences in matters of birth control (and, by implication, probably in matters of abortion and same-sex marriage, but that has not yet been tested).
"2. Historic tax cuts and deregulation: After eight years of high unemployment and meager growth under President Obama’s administration, the Trump tax cuts of 2017 and Trump’s extensive canceling of excessive government regulations on businesses have given a tremendous boost to the American economy. An estimated 25,000 pages of regulations have been canceled, resulting in a savings of $3,100 per household per year. Another result of tax cuts combined with deregulation has been the addition of thousands of new jobs, so that unemployment (before the coronavirus crisis) fell to the lowest point in 50 years, and unemployment among African-American and Hispanic workers was the lowest it has ever been in history." . . . Keep reading...
Do Americans Love their Country More than They Hate Trump?
Related: Squeamishness Shouldn't Stop Americans from Voting to Save Their Country . . . "And why do I believe that anyone who supports Trump's agenda for America are making a critical error when they abstain from voting for the man simply because they're turned off by his crudeness?"
Lauri B. Regan "Many NeverTrumps assert that they're voting against Trump, not for Biden. But the reality is that a vote against Trump is a vote for Biden/Harris and their progressive policies. Biden promised that if he is elected, "I'm gonna be good to go down as one of the most progressive presidents in American history." Bernie Sanders asserted, "Joe Biden will become the most progressive president since [FDR].""Kamala Harris, who stands a good chance of replacing Biden, has the most progressive record in the Senate, farther left than even Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, who will likely serve significant roles in a Biden/Harris administration, critically influencing policy. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other admitted socialists are advising the campaign and will be a powerful influence in a Biden/Harris administration.
"Based on the premise that America is systemically racist, Phil Gramm, former Senate Banking Committee chairman, noted that Biden proposes "a massive transformation of American life, using a reparations commission, wealth transfers, subsidies, employment and promotion preferences, quotas, and even a new mandate to the Federal Reserve[.]"
"The Biden-Sanders "manifesto," which the WSJ labeled "the most radical policy document of either major party in our lifetimes," co-written by AOC promoting her socialist dreams, is a must-read. The multi-trillion-dollar Green New Deal; $1.4 billion in slavery reparations; open borders; taxpayer-funded college, health care, and housing for illegal aliens; Medicare for All (Squad member Jayapal co-chaired Biden's health care task force); ending Israeli military aid; court-packing; expansive regulations overseeing every aspect of our lives including regulating the destruction of suburbs; federally funded abortion on demand; expanding unions by repealing right-to-work laws; defunding the police; restricting gun ownership; ending fossil fuels and rejoining the Paris Accords; skyrocketing taxes; and empowering Iran and China — these are but a few of the Democrats' plans." . . . Much more here...
From Russia Today in 2018: Secret Service on alert after actor calls for Trump’s son to be put ‘in a cage with pedophiles’ Jack Posobiec VOTE:
Flashback – Kathy Griffin: ‘Happy to Deliver Beat Down’ to Barron TrumpHollywood Democrat Peter Fonda goes on deranged meltdown, calls for rape of 12 year old Barron Trump, attacks on children of ICE agents
Clueless Joe thinks If you can run a lawnmower you can learn to code!
Yes, Joe Biden just literally told coal miners they should learn to code. You can’t make this stuff up. Bonchie
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Photosnark by Rich Terrell |
"I wonder if Twitter will be banning the VP for saying such a hateful conglomeration of words?"
Does Joe Biden have any idea about what it is to learn to code? . . . "The Examiner and the Detroit Metro Times earlier focused on the improbable — and patronizing — spectacle of Old Joe going into 'the Hood' and somehow getting hold of black female gear-turners laid off from the auto industry to enroll in the program, a variant on the 'learn to code' trope for
displaced workers.
"And if you look at the Wayne County School of Continuing Education's website, it's likely that that the program he was talking about was this." . . .
Joe Biden Suggests Coal Miners Should Learn To Code . . . “ 'Anybody who can go down 3,000 feet in a mine can sure as hell learn to program as well,” Biden said at a New Hampshire event Monday. He added later: “Anybody who can throw coal into a furnace can learn how to program, for God’s sake!”
"Biden’s adversarial posture toward the coal industry bears similarities to that of 2016 Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, who said her administration would “put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business.' ” . . .
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