Wednesday, November 4, 2020

What Now?

Combine the empty suit from Delaware with Kamala Harris, who was polling at about 2% among Democrats before she dropped out of the primaries. Harris added nothing to the ticket — except Biden’s ridiculously narrow, self-imposed requirement that his vice president be a woman of color.Unfortunately for him, there just aren’t a lot of massively impressive black women who are elected Democrats right now. Barbara Jordan is dead. Shirley Chisholm is dead. Either of them would have been chosen over Kamala.

 Ann Coulter   "This may be the strangest election in history in that there is no evidence that any sizable group of people want Biden for president.]

"It’s his fourth time running for that office. This year, Biden lost three primaries in a row, coming in fourth in the Iowa caucus, fifth in New Hampshire a distant second in Nevada. At the end of February, he had accumulated a paltry 14 delegates — compared to 45 for Bernie Sanders and 26 for Pete Buttigieg.

"Then James Clyburn said, Vote for Biden and African Americans in South Carolina voted for Biden. (Although the black vote is NOT monolithic, they decided to make an exception this one time and vote monolithically.)

"Democrats never looked back.

"Biden has nothing going for him — no constituency, no fanatical supporters, just a career in politics that stretches back 50 years.

"Bill Clinton had Southern Democrats and baby boomers. Gore had the global warming zealots. George Bush had conservative Christians and Texans. Even Hillary had fanatical supporters. Remember the PUMAs (Party Unity My A$$)? How about the weeping loons at the Javits Center on election night 2016?

"Will anyone weep that Biden lost? No, they’ll weep because Trump won." . . .

Democrats could come out for vivisection of little children. No one cares! A significant share of the electorate was voting for Anyone But Trump.

Fox News Channel joins the dark side

Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, Sean Hannity and Lou Dobbs should go to other networks rather than being associated with this betrayer of its conservative audience. . .
Faux News – Grrr Graphics - Ben Garrison Cartoon - Conservative Daily News

 Dex Bahr: Election night reveals three disturbing facts  "Election night revealed a few disturbing items that should trouble freedom-loving Americans.

"First that the race is even this tight speaks to [a] disturbing number of Americans who are woefully uninformed. Second, Fox News has gone over to the dark side, or, rather, the left. And third, the level of coordination to make this race close is stunning.

"That the senile and corrupt Joe Biden could finish so strong speaks to either the gullibility or unseriousness of far too many Americans. Biden obviously has mental acuity issues and has a history of corruption, but that did not seem to be a big deal to the Americans who voted for him.  I guess the probability of more lockdowns are lost on a number of Americans who are more frightened by the Wuhan virus than the probability of America becoming a socialist, if not communist, nation under a Biden presidency.

"Speaking of a Biden presidency, if he were to win, odds are he would not finish out his first term. Vice President Kamala Harris would become president, a person who dropped out of the Democrat primaries before a single vote was cast based on her lack of voter support, and a politician who is one of the most leftist senators. So the people who squandered American freedom and prosperity for safety or because they don’t like Trump’s personality, are basically voting for a figurehead, to be replaced by guess who. Either these voters are oblivious to this fact or they simply do not care.

"Biden voters also are either unaware of his past associations with racists and his stand against integration through busing or they think it’s not a point of contention. And the same goes for his pay-for-play schemes with Ukraine, China, and more, as revealed by son Hunter’s laptop. Now granted , the corporate media and big tech teamed up to squelch these revelations, but the information could be found if one did one's due diligence before casting a vote. Trump certainly mentioned Biden’s corruption in every single one of his rallies in the last few weeks." . . .  Keep reading...