Monday, May 12, 2014

Pelosi: Two Of The Families Of The Benghazi Dead Asked Us Not To Launch New Committee

Pelosi: Two Of The Families Of The Benghazi Dead Asked Us Not To Launch New Committee

"Prove it. Prove that’s what they said and meant, and that’s not just another crazy train lie that you are fond of telling. “Not to take us down this road again” may mean they don’t want an investigation that is just going to go nowhere due to all the stalling and cover-up.
Pretty sure it wasn’t Pat Smith (you can see Charles Woods in the background of this video as Eric Nordstrum testifies that “it matters to the families”). This was from Mother’s Day a year ago, but her opinion hasn’t changed:" ...

 Really Nanzi? What two families?   "Pat Smith, Sean Smiths mother, is on tv all the time saying the same exact thing DEMANDING answers. Ty Woods father, Charles, has done many interviews slamming the admin too. So is this “thing” suggesting the Stevens and Doherty families DO NOT want an investigation? They are the two I haven’t seen any family members giving interviews?! It is time to get all the immediate family members on official record NOW as to where they stand with the select committee and investigation. This will also give us a solid record as to who is telling the truth."
Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

Geithner: White House Wanted Me to Lie on Sunday Shows

Weekly Standard 
"Timothy Geithner, the former secretary of the Treasury Department, says the White House wanted him to lie in scheduled appearances on the Sunday TV talk shows. As Geithner writes in his new memoir:
“I remember during one Roosevelt Room prep session before I appeared on the Sunday shows, I objected when Dan Pfeiffer wanted me to say Social Security didn’t contribute to the deficit. It wasn’t a main driver of our future deficits, but it did contribute. Pfeiffer said the line was a ‘dog whistle’ to the left, a phrase I had never heard before. He had to explain that the phrase was code to the Democratic base, signaling that we intended to protect Social Security.”
"Of course, Geithner would not have been the only official from the White House to have misled the American people on the Sunday talk shows. Susan Rice famously came under fire for blaming a terrorist attack on a YouTube video in appearances on the shows."

Tunnel Wall down for maintenance

We will be off line until Friday for some necessary work,  but will be back with a vengeance. Keep checking in.
The Tunnel Dweller

Can we trust this administration based on what we have seen for five years?

Richard Fernandez;  The Day Obama’s Presidency Died  ..." If the US had not won World War 2 Midway would never have existed in Japanese history. The average man of course read nothing in the papers, heard nothing on the radio, saw nothing in the newsreel.  But perceptive Japanese ‘felt’ something momentous had happened though they could not identify its cause.  It’s impact, though denied in the press, shuddered through the whole imperial fabric. From that day forward events seemed to take a downward trajectory. Only after the war did the Japanese know the root of their misfortunes."

Victor VolskyBenghazi conspiracy? Hell yes!  ... " Now it is crystal-clear that the administration, right from the start, was intimately involved in a deceptive scheme aimed at deflecting the blame for the death of four Americans killed in the terrorist assault in Benghazi.  But rather than clarify the situation, the Rhodes e-mail has only deepened the mystery."
"Why did President Obama, in his speech at the U.N. General Assembly on September 25, two weeks after Benghazi, invoke the video seven (!) times?  Why, on September 14, did Hillary Clinton, at the coffin of Tyrone Woods, solemnly promise the grieving father to punish the man who she said was responsible for his son’s death – the author of the video?  Such monstrous cynicism is beneath even the lowly standards of that woman.
Jack Cashill; The First Amendment Also Died at Benghazi   ... "To protect its fragile narrative that an anti-Muslim video had agitated a Libyan crowd into attacking the consulate, the Obama White House and its allies set out to identify and punish the maker of that video, and this they did with a speed and severity that the attackers themselves were spared. Scarier still, to the degree the major media noticed, they cheered.

Thomas Lifson;   All of a sudden, Hillary's not feeling the love from Democrats
"While I do not discount Hillary’s lust for power, the plain fact is that she is not an attractive candidate. She has none of the charm of her husband, and has accomplished nothing positive in her Senatorial or State Department careers. Benghazi is an open sore, and it could well get badly infected."