Sunday, December 10, 2017

Jerry Brown blames everyone but himself for California wildfires

Monica Showalter   "Jerry Brown is at it again." . . .

All cartoons added by TD
"Blaming Californians for the devastating series of California wildfires month, he went Full Moonbeam and declared the problem a function of global warming, calling it a new normal about which nothing is to be done.
"As if wildfires that sweep away homes in California's unique Mediteranean microclimates have never happened before this past week.
"Compare and contrast to President Trump's gracious tweet on the matter, which was the classy thing to say:

Donald J. Trump
Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone in the path of California’s wildfires. I encourage everyone to heed the advice and orders of local and state officials. THANK YOU to all First Responders for your incredible work! 
. . .
There's also Brown's failure to stockpile water after all the rains from last winter's huge storms, something that could have prevented the areas around population centers from becoming bone dry and easy to burn. Brown did nothing to retrieve that gift from nature, he just let the vegetation that came from it to dry up and catch fire in the low humidity and high winds.

 See the source image
There is also the state's failure to permit the building of new housing, driving housing settlements further and further into the wilderness where they are more vulnerable to fires and have fewer big-city resources to immediately fight them. Bonsall and Santa Clarita are perfect examples of this.
And finally there is Brown's tone-deaf arrogance in his appalling statements full of naysaying fatalism as first responders fight the hellfires with all they've got to save people's homes. Brown's idiotic statements would suggest there is no point in trying since the fires are some sort of new normal.'

Navy insults 'communist cadet' at Army-Navy game (UPDATED)

He is part of what Obama would call "my military". Don't worry, cadet; if Bernie gets elected you may be commander of all those troops.
Meanwhile, Rapone is still on active duty, serving in the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division. 
Rick Moran

"The Army-Navy football game is one of the great spectacles in sport. The two sides met for the 118th time on Saturday, and the good natured ribbing between the two institutions took on a more serious note when the midshipmen displayed several signs reminding the cadets that one of their own was recently exposed as a self-described communist infiltrator.
"2nd Lt. Spenser Rapone bragged about being a communist on social media when he posted a picture from his graduation that displayed writing under his hat that said "Communism will win." On Saturday, the midshipmen had a response:" . . .
The Navy sends a brutal message to the Army Infantry Officer who advocated for communism in uniform

"Meanwhile, Rapone is still on active duty, serving in the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division."  

Commie West Point Grad’s Dad: This Is Bad

White House Christmas​

Trump Christmas Tree

Penna Dexter at Point of View  "On the last day of November, the president and first lady switched on the 50-foot tall National Christmas tree to kick off another Christmas season in Washington D.C.

"The president took the opportunity to highlight a campaign promise — his promise that we'd be saying Merry Christmas again. And on that Thursday night, he said it. He told the crowd: "We're saying Merry Christmas again." He said, "Today is a day I've been looking very much forward to all year long. It's one that we have heard and we speak about and we dream about. And now, as the president of the United States, it's my tremendous honor to finally wish America and the world, a very Merry Christmas."

"It's not that the Obamas didn't do Christmas. I mean they had 54 Christmas trees around the White House and grounds one year. (The Trumps only have 53.) Plus, President Obama often said Merry Christmas in his seasonal address.

"But, early on, the previous administration, in order to make Christmas more inclusive, considered not displaying the traditional crèche in the East Room. The idea was shot down, but the point was made. The White House sent out official holiday cards each year with no mention of Christmas.

"As Family Research Council points out, "the Obamas famously wanted a 'non-religious Christmas.'"

"But President Trump says we're in "a holy season, the celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." He's still inclusive. "Whatever our beliefs," he told the crowd at the Ellipse, "we know that the birth of Jesus Christ changed the course of human history."

"The words Merry Christmas are fighting words because we're in a war. It's a war on the religious nature of America, prosecuted by the secular Left. Radio host Dennis Prager, who is a Jew, wrote a couple of years ago that the words “Merry Christmas bother the left because they are a reminder of just how religious America is."

"So let's keep saying it: Merry Christmas!"
Pictured at the President's right by the First Lady are Television personality Kathie Lee Gifford and actor Dean Cain.