Monday, November 7, 2022

Report: It’s Not Even Thanksgiving And Liz Cheney Is Already Putting Up Her January 6th Decorations

Babylon Bee

 "According to reports from residents living near Liz Cheney's Wyoming home, the lame-duck representative for the state's at-large congressional district is really feeling the spirit of the holidays. Although Thanksgiving is weeks away, Cheney is already putting up her January 6th decorations.

"Sources say her lighthearted obsession over the January holiday may have gone a little too far.

" 'She's adorned her lovely home with gaudy January 6th memorabilia," said one neighbor who refuses to decorate outside of a holiday's 24-hour window. "We tolerated the Trump dolls hanging by a noose by the chimney, and re-runs of the televised committee hearings projected onto her garage. It got weird when she started hanging confederate and nazi flags from the eves of her home; she may not have thought that part all the way through."

"After driving past her home, this reporter confirmed that Cheney really loves the January 6th holiday. On full display in her front window sat a commemorative lectern encircled by red candles.

"The tear gas fog machine topped off the spectacular display.

"At publishing time, the representative who lost renomination in Wyoming's Republican primary with only 29% of the vote was seen in a heated verbal argument with a cardboard cutout of Buffalo Guy."

Here’s How to Know What’s Really Happening on Election Night

The media’s response will offer some clues.

The American Spectator   . . ."We’d like to know more, and we’d like to know it a lot earlier than we do now. We’d suffer a lot less anxiety and probably get a lot more sleep.

"Well, there might be a way to go “behind the numbers” while watching election-night coverage, to get a bead on what’s really going down.

"We on the red team will know we’re having a rough night if [A small sampling of] these things happen:

  • John King is working the big CNN election map with a drink in one hand.
  • We’re shown film of Antifa members serving as poll monitors in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh.
  • A conservative-heavy precinct with long lines is reported to have run out of ballots at 10 a.m.
  • Reports surface of many ballot harvesters, a.k.a. “mules,” delivering votes to counting. . . facilities.. . .More.
"The above is not a rosy scenario. But if the following is happening, then the red team is having a nice night:": 
  • Rachel Maddow is taking off her glasses and wiping her eyes a lot.
  • PolitiFact is reported to be rehiring the 500 fact-checkers who were laid off after Biden won the presidency and Democrats won the Senate.
  • CBS’s election panel breaks into inconsolable weeping at 11 p.m.
  • Workmen are seen in the Capitol parking lot painting this on the curb in front of the Senate committee hearing room: “This Space Reserved for Secretary Mayorkas.” (Hat tip to Rep. Steve Scalise.)
  • Pundits on CNN’s election-night panel are saying the phrase “a bipartisan spirit is needed in Congress now” a lot.
  • Hunter Biden is seen boarding a flight to Brunei, which has no extradition treaty with the U.S.. . .. . .
  • NBC is running a chyron across the bottom of the screen that says, “Complete coverage of ‘The Day Democracy Died’ at 11.”
  • Not only are the pundits using the words “new majority” a lot, but late in the evening they’re saying “new majorities.”
  • And, if we hear commentators from ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, and PBS expressing “serious concern about the integrity of this election,” we can probably sleep well.

Just in case: Abrams: Blame Voter Suppression And Misinformation If I Lose

Should work if her supporters have low intelligence.

 Victory Girls

"It’s called setting the narrative. In recent days, Stacey Abrams has been blaming voter suppression and the GOP for the low turnout and her highly likely loss to Brian Kemp in Georgia.

“While the polls are always going to tell the story you want to see, what we know is that the untold story is that this is a tight race, it is neck and neck, and we believe that we are on a path to victory if we can get all our voters turned out and if they can navigate the difficulties put in place by Brian Kemp and Brad Raffensperger,” Abrams said, referencing Georgia’s governor and secretary of state, both of whom were behind a state elections law last year that the Democrat has branded as racist and an effort to suppress minority voters.

"As we noted the other day, the voter turnout has definitively surpassed the numbers of the 2016 and 2020 campaigns. So Stacey’s condescending attitude towards Georgia voters would be seriously off-putting in my opinion. However, she’s taken that narrative and running with it. Then again, she’s the ultimate election denier and still believes/claims she won in 2018, so there’s that. 

"However, it isn’t only voter suppression (which she’s used before as an excuse) that will be the reason for her loss. It will be misinformation. ". . .

"Booker T. Washington, who had a vested interest in the reputation and respect of his people, was quoted on this very subject.  What an opinion she has of black men!! I know of someone else (who knew her kind very well) who had an opinion about her:"

“There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs — partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.” ….. Booker T Washington

Stacey Abrams: My Poll Numbers Are Low Because Black Men Are Too Stupid To Support Me…

Is It Over for Abrams? Top Dem Snubs Stacey and Gives Glowing Endorsement of Brian Kemp  With [Kwanza] Hall’s endorsement, combined with a secure lead in the 11th-hour polls, it looks as though Kemp, who narrowly defeated Abrams in 2018, will make her a two-time gubernatorial loser, and perhaps the final nail in the coffin of her political career.

Joe Biden Goes Under the Bus Ahead of Schedule, and a New Contender Emerges


This is usually a time for coalescing until the final whistle, not throwing barbs. And yet, Joe Biden is getting thrown under the bus ahead of schedule.

 . . ."I’ve long made fun of CNN’s Daniel Dale for his tepid fact-checks of Biden. Before this, they were few and far between and always loaded with qualifiers to try to explain away the president’s falsehoods. This is something completely different, though, being a total takedown in a mold we haven’t seen before. If you read the piece, it has no less than nine different, extensive corrections of Biden’s recent lies, covering gas prices to social security.

"Dale’s sudden turn isn’t the only one taking place in the press either. Over the last week, we’ve seen both The New York Times and The Washington Post publish articles essentially saying that Biden can’t be the 2024 nominee, something I’ve been suggesting for a long time. That all this is happening prior to election day is genuinely surprising.

. . ."After years of ignoring the problem, pretending it was just a false right-wing attack, the angst on the left towards Biden is now palpable. They want him gone sooner rather than later, and in the midst of that, a new contender has emerged.". . .

. . ."Democrats are deeply unhappy with their current bench. Very few want Kamala Harris to do anything but go away quietly. She’s incredibly unpopular and unlikable, and she’s got the stink of the Biden administration’s failures all over her. Meanwhile, Pete Buttigieg is overrated at best, having no ability to consolidate the minority factions of the Democrat base. The search for another option is real, and Shapiro is going to start getting a lot more press.

"Still, as I’ve written before, the Democrats have painted themselves into a corner. Getting rid of Biden is actually the easier part of the equation, though, he and his overly-ambitious wife are not going to go voluntarily. Yet, enough pressure could produce a competitive primary that causes Biden to take his ball home instead of facing humiliation.

"The big challenge is what happens after that. How can Democrats possibly not make Harris the nominee? Is their base really going to tolerate throwing the first black vice president off a cliff in favor of some five-foot-tall white dude from Pennsylvania? I just don’t see it, and if certain factions try to make that happen, it’s going to get really nasty. Never mind that Gavin Newsom is obviously going to run as well. We may see the most vicious, combative Democrat primary in history going into the 2024 election, and I’m here for it.". . .

The Occam’s Razor Election

Power Line   "Roll the tape back to early March of 2020, when the Democratic establishment closed ranks around Joe Biden after he had performed miserably in all of the early primaries. They managed to put Biden over the top in the South Carolina primary, and conveniently persuaded several competitors in the field to drop out and endorse him. The motive for this was transparent: it appeared that Bernie Sanders might run away with the Democratic nomination, and Bernie was a sure loser to Trump, COVID or no COVID.

"And good ol’ Joe, he was as familiar as an old shoe, and above all a moderate, who promised to be less divisive than the Bad Orange Man.

"But what we got was the Bernie Sanders Administration after all. Biden handed over policy wholly to the progressives who are hollowing out the Democratic Party. If Biden was merely the senile doddering fool so evident every time he opens his mouth it would be one thing, but he insists on rank demagoguery as often as possible.

"At this point what social scientists call “pattern recognition”—an updated version of Occam’s Razor—is kicking in. We’ve now had three Democratic presidents in a row— stretching back to Clinton in 1992, then Obama in 2008, and Biden in 2020—who all campaigned as moderates, but lurched sharply left once in office. In other words, Democratic presidential candidates lie to us, over and over again, and then voters issue a restraining order at the first opportunity. It’s as though voters need reminding every other decade how bad Democrats in power can be. “Swing voters,” wise up.

"Here’s how the Democrat-leaning Andrew Sullivan describes the scene in his latest Substack entry:. . .

‘This Is A Disgrace’: Experts, GOP Reps Call On The Biden Admin To Shut Down A Secret Chinese Police Station In NYC

 Daily Caller

"The U.S. government must immediately investigate and shutter the recently discovered overseas Chinese government police station in New York City for potential violation of U.S. laws, several experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

"In 2022, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) established secret police stations in over 100 cities around the world to conduct intimidation and harassment operations against overseas Chinese, human rights organization Safeguard Defenders revealed in a September report. While other countries have announced probes into the alleged police stations, the location within American Changle Association — a Chinatown community organization in New York City — continues to operate outside legal boundaries and should be shut down, experts told the DCNF.

“ 'This is a disgrace. How in God’s name could they openly have these communist police stations in our country?” Beau Dietl, a retired NYPD detective and current head of Beau Dietl & Associates private investigation firm, told the DCNF.". . .

After Snapping Photo, Teacher Says, ‘I Hope You Know, You’re Going Viral’

 TruthTent   "A group of teachers was having lunch at their local McDonald’s when a man caught their eye. They couldn’t help but eavesdrop, and when they realized what he was doing, one of them snapped a photo. Before leaving, she looked at him and said, “I hope you know, you’re going viral.” She was right.". . .

. . ."
As Amanda posted the image to Facebook later that evening, she explained that the elderly lady “seemed a little lonely” as she came up to Eric Haralson, a stranger, and asked if she could sit with him. “Without hesitation, this guy said, ‘of course,’” Amanda revealed in the photo caption.

"Giving a “Shout out to this guy!” Amanda continued, “My friends and I watched him introduce himself and shake her hand. They talked and laughed together like they were friends. They didn’t know each other, and they couldn’t be more different. But, today, they shared a meal together and it touched our hearts.' ”

We need more times like this. TD

All poll watchers, we depend on you for an honest election

Politico Suggests Election Fraud Could Cost Democrats the Election  "As the lull before the storm continues prior to election day, the takes continue to get dumber. Republicans have begun a new round of dooming based on what can only be called a late vibe shift (i.e. not backed by real data), but Democrats aren’t exactly exhibiting confidence either.

"Enter Politico, which decided it’d be a great idea to drop an article about election fraud on the eve of voters going to the polls. Guess which party they think is going to try to “steal” the election this time and then try not to break your ribs from laughing so hard.". . .

Issues & Insights: Biden Makes It Official: Grand Theft Election II is On  

  Step One: Dredge up the Meticulously Concocted “Big Lie” Narrative. 

 Step Two: Condition the Public for a Repeat of 2020 Tactics. 

Indiana Poll Worker Caught Pushing Voters to Support Democratic Candidates. Let us pray no Republicans - the party of Lincoln - are doing this

Dem poll worker ejected for pre-selecting 'straight Dem ticket' on voting machine, calling Rs 'racist'    

The first incident took place early Thursday evening as a group of education activists stood outside the Carmel polling place and advocated for pro-parent school board candidates. Sheller says the worker spoke with a pair of black voters who entered the polling station and urged them not to vote for the pro-parent candidates, arguing that the activists outside were "racist." 

Twitter Permanently Bans Kathy Griffin After She Impersonated Elon Musk: ‘She F’d Around And Found Out’   . . ."Griffin’s account had been temporarily restricted after she impersonated Musk by changing her profile photo to his photo and changing her user name to “Elon Musk,” even though her handle remained as “@kathygriffin.' ”

The United Methodist Divorce

American Free News Network

. . ."Where we differ is that we Traditionalists support our Book of Discipline which states that the practice of homosexuality is not compatible with Christian teaching.

"We also stand firm on the Scriptural definition of sin and repentance, and the Scriptures are consistent in their prohibition of same-sex unions in both the Old and the New Testaments.

"Therefore, we believe that an unrepentant practicing homosexual may not be ordained as a minister, nor may a same-sex marriage union be condoned by the church. To do so would be putting the church’s official sanction on sin.

"Progressives, in contrast, want to remove any restrictive language about LBGTQ+ individuals from the Book of Discipline. They don’t just want to ignore the sin–they want to sanction the active practice of homosexuality so that it is no longer called a sin.

"As Christians, we are called to speak the truth in love. We’ve been conditioned to believe that showing tolerance and love is the same thing as being Christian. But it’s not. Showing Christian love also means holding one another accountable to the Scriptures.

"The truth is that today’s UMC is made up of two groups with very different opinions existing within one church. We see the inspiration and the authority of the Bible differently. We have different sexual ethics. We disagree on marriage and ordination. We understand our mission differently. These are not small matters that we can overlook any longer.

"I view disaffiliation as the best way forward, a way that allows two very different perspectives to continue worshipping as their beliefs dictate. And I pray that the inevitable United Methodist divorce can be amicable."

Biden. Democrats seem impervious to shame

Pants on Fire: Biden yells 'There is no more drilling!' just months after claiming he never shut down energy production  . . ."Well, actually, it was true: "There is no more drilling," as Biden said now. It seems the Biden barrel of lies is so full, the truth can't help but slip out sometimes. For voters, such words from Biden are useless. Biden has blamed Vladimir Putin, OPEC's barons, Big Oil, global warming, Republicans, and all other things he could think of for high prices at the pump. The one thing he won't do is consider what Americans can see with their own eyes, that before President Trump left office, gas prices were about $2 a gallon. Now they are $5 and $6 a gallon in California, and well above $3 a gallon in the rest of America. That's "lived experience." 

"The clearest reason for that is Biden's policies to halt drilling. Back in January 2021, Biden signed off on an executive order dictating a ban of oil and gas drilling on federal lands. Fox News has a string of other bans and hamperings he's done to stop energy production and drive pump prices sky high.". . .

Biden on Oil: ‘No More Drilling. There is No More Drilling.’   "President Joe Biden confirmed his disdain for oil drilling right before the midterms:

BIDEN: “No more drilling. There is no more drilling. I haven’t affirmed any new drilling. No… That was before I was president. We’re trying to work on that, get that done. Thank you.”

"The national average gas price went up to $3.804 for regular gas (this chart is updated daily):

Current Avg. $3.804
Yesterday Avg. $3.800
Week Ago Avg. $3.762
Month Ago Avg. $3.891
Year Ago Avg. $3.421

"The prices go up and down. wrote on October 31 about “gas prices drifting down.”

"On November 3? “National Average Increases as Pump Prices Remain Volatile.” California’s prices decreased, which surprised me:. . ."

It seems that the voters have finally had enough. In fact, Americans just can't take it anymore. The red wave did not materialize out of nowhere – it's been building for months. And if the terminally out-of-touch Democrats hadn't been no deaf, dumb and blind to the pleas of their own constituents, maybe they could have headed off the disaster.

"People Are Fed Up": Soaring Electricity Bills Become New Pain Point For Biden

How Joe Manchin Enabled President Biden’s Assault On The Coal Industry  "It was just a few months ago when West Virginia Joe Manchin was being widely hailed as perhaps the most powerful politician in Washington, DC. This was true especially where issues related to energy policy were concerned, given his position as Chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee.
"But Manchin’s decision to become the deciding vote in favor of the mis-named Inflation Reduction Act in early August brought an end to any such talk among the chattering class. That bill gave President Joe Biden and congressional Green New Dealers pretty much everything they had desired, and the only thing Sen. Manchin received in return was a nebulous “deal” with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi to pursue the passage of language designed to streamline federal energy permitting processes.". . .