Thursday, August 18, 2016

Where’s the Letter from Democratic Security Officials Opposing Hillary?

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Victor Davis Hanson
They refuse to acknowledge their nominee’s long record of bungling and deception.
 "A group of 50 conservative foreign-policy elites and veteran national-security officials of prior Republican administrations recently wrote an open letter denouncing Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. 
. . . 
"The letter stated that Trump’s one-year campaign of blustery rhetoric suggests he could be as reckless in deed in the White House as he has been in word on the campaign trail."

"Is there a like group of past Democratic wise men and women who can commensurately “police their own” and so warn us about Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton? 

"Unlike Trump, Clinton already has an actual political record as a former U.S. senator and secretary of state.

" If there were such a group, the heart of their letter might read something like the following:"

. . . "In the world of elite Washington, crude bluster from an uncouth outsider like Trump is deemed more hazardous than the prevarication, dishonesty, and incompetence of a familiar insider."

Navajo Nation Goes To War With EPA, Files Negligence Lawsuit Over Toxic Animas River Spill

Matt Vespa

Navajo Nation Goes To War With EPA, Files Negligence Lawsuit Over Toxic Animas River Spill

Image result for animas river photos. . . "As a result, arsenic and lead levels rose to 300 and 3,500 times normal levels respectively in the water. It turned the water orange. The initial estimate to clean up the spill was between $338 million to $27 billion. The Navajo Nation, which used the Animus River for their crops and livestock, were furious over the inaction the government took after the spill. President of the Navajo Nation Russell Begaye described Democratic reactions to the spill as lackluster, noting that he felt “they’ve just walked away,” despite the group being solid supporters of the party. Now, they’re filing a lawsuit, promising to hold the EPA’s “feet to the fire” (via CBS Denver):" . . .

Matt VespaMatt Vespa is the Associate Editor at He previously worked for and was the recipient of Americans for Prosperity Foundation's 2013 Andrew Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Activism and Investigative Reporting.

Louisiana asks, Where is Obama now?

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BIAS ALERT: Media that ripped Bush on Katrina ignores Obama on La. flooding  
"Mainstream media condemned Bush’s alleged lack of compassion, immediately predicting it would destroy his entire legacy. A USA Today article written at the time summarized it this way:“ 'President Bush has shown that he can be empathetic, sensitive and decisive. But those qualities eluded him for days after Hurricane Katrina, and the lapse could become a defining moment of his White House tenure,” the analysis said."The Washington Post would later go on to brand Bush’s response the second worst moment of his entire presidency.
Flashback: Obama ripped Bush's 'unconscionable ineptitude' during Hurricane Katrina  "Obama, who had just returned from New Orleans, preached on the Senate floor about Bush's poor reaction to similar cries for help during Katrina."

Image result for obama louisiana flood cartoonsGeorge W. Bush never recovered politically from Katrina

Our Views: Vacation or not, a hurting Louisiana needs you now, President Obama

Obama unlikely to halt vacation to visit flooded Louisiana  "Obama has issued no public or written statements about the flooding. The White House said he has been receiving regular updates and briefings on the situation throughout the vacation, including from Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards. Obama also approved a federal disaster declaration for affected areas of the state."

empty chair
While Obama Vacations, Taylor Swift Donates $1 Million To Flood-Ravaged Louisiana  . . . "President Obama is currently vacationing on Martha's Vineyard, and aside from signing a disaster declaration five days ago, has otherwise not commented on the situation. (He did, however, have time to go to a Hillary Clinton fundraiser.)
"Compare this to pop star Taylor Swift. Swift, who began The 1989 World Tour in Louisiana last year, said that she appreciated her fans in Louisiana and was heartbroken by the devastation in the state. She then pledged to donate $1 million in relief money and encouraged others to "help out and send [their] love and prayers.' "