Thursday, January 10, 2019

Starbucks learns the price of virtue-signaling, now must install needle disposal boxes in bathrooms 'open to all'

Thomas Lifson  "The expression "clueless liberal" now has an emblem: the Starbucks logo.  The coffee chain has discovered what anyone who understands human nature could have predicted – as many of us did.  When the chain announced last May that it was opening its bathrooms to non-customers and allowing them to stay in its stores as long as they want without paying for anything, it was utterly predictable that all sorts of troubled people with nowhere else to shoot up, turn tricks, or bathe would start using the restrooms of the virtue-signaling chain."
"A quick refresher from our pages on the events that led the Seattle-based chain to makes its bathrooms into public restrooms.  Colin Flaherty explained last May:

[W]hen a couple of black people a few weeks ago wanted to use the restroom at a Starbucks in Philadelphia without buying anything, and they refused three requests from employees to leave and three more requests from the cops to do the same, Starbucks took the only action open to it: give the black people lots of free stuff, then hold a racial sensitivity training session for 177,000 employees of Starbucks.

"The indoctrination was accompanied by a change in policy, that its restrooms would be "open to all," as would its seating."
. . . 
And the upshot of this and most liberal policies:
. . . "I would welcome the opportunity for public discussion of the "open to all" policies.  It does kind of remind me of the open border policies the Democrats are going to the wall to preserve."

Convicted Pedophile Confesses To The Murder Of JonBenét Ramsey

Chicks On The Right  "According to this exclusive from the Daily Mail, convicted pedophile Gary Oliva confessed to the murder of JonBenét Ramsey in a series of letters. 

Oliva, who was once jailed for trying to strangle his mother, wrote: ‘I never loved anyone like I did JonBenét and yet I let her slip and her head bashed in half and I watched her die. It was an accident. Please believe me. She was not like the other kids.’
In another letter, Oliva wrote, ‘JonBenét completely changed me and removed all evil from me. Just one look at her beautiful face, her glowing beautiful skin, and her divine God-body, I realized I was wrong to kill other kids. Yet by accident she died and it was my fault.’ 
The letters were sent to music publicist Michael Vail, a former high school classmate of Oliva’s.

"Vail knew Olivia since high school and they kept in touch. 
 '“When he said he had hurt a little girl I tried to get more information out of him. The only other thing he told me was that he was in the Boulder, Colorado area,” Vail said.
She would be 28 now.
“ 'On December 27 I read on the front page of my local newspaper ‘Girl, 6, slain in Boulder, Colorado’. I knew I had to alert the police,” he added.
‘I immediately called the Boulder Police Department and told them what I knew about Gary and what he had told me just days earlier. They didn’t get back to me.
. . .  

  • Gary Oliva, 54, has long been a suspect in the murder of JonBenét Ramsey, whose body was found at her home in Boulder, Colorado on December 26, 1996 
  • In letters to high school classmate Michael Vail obtained by DailyMailTV, Oliva claims he killed JonBenét by accident
  • 'I let her slip and her head bashed in half and I watched her die. It was an accident,' he wrote from Limon Correctional Facility, Colorado
  • Oliva is serving a 10-year-sentence for possessing child pornography 
  • When Oliva was arrested in 2016, police discovered he had 335 photos of JonBenét including photos from the six-year-old's autopsy
  • Vail, 55, of Ventura, California,  has urged police to charge Oliva for JonBenét's death since Oliva is due for parole in 2020
  • Chillingly, Vail tells DailyMailTV that on December 26, 1996 Oliva told him: 'I hurt a little girl'
  • Investigators believe several men were involved in JonBenét's death and Vail hopes Oliva will identify them
  • The incriminating letters have been presented to Boulder police and murder case investigators are now looking through the new information
More at the Daily Mail...

Kellyanne Conway Calls CNN's Acosta a 'Smart Ass' to His Face

PJ Media  "White House counselor Kellyanne Conway hammered CNN’s Jim Acosta during a press gaggle on Tuesday, calling him a “smart ass” who isn't liked by his colleagues.
"The tongue-lashing came after Acosta questioned whether President Trump would speak truthfully during his address from the Oval Office tonight.
" 'Kelly, can you promise that the president will tell the truth tonight? Will he tell the truth?" Acosta asked Conway, clearly trying to have a "YouTube moment."
" 'Yes, Jim, and can you promise that you will?" Conway shot back. "The whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God? Am I allowed to mention God to you?" she asked disdainfully.
"Acosta snarked back: "I'm not the one that has the 'alternative facts' problem like you do," angering Conway further.
" 'Make sure that goes viral," she scoffed.
"'By the way, this is why I'm one of the only people around here who even gives you the time of day," Conway sneered, while Acosta continued to badger her with his inane question." . . .

'Bye-bye': Trump walks out of 'waste of time' meeting with Schumer, Pelosi

Washington Examiner
Republicans disputed Schumer's characterization of Trump's conduct. "I don't recall him ever raising his voice or slamming his hand," Vice President Mike Pence told reporters later, saying Trump had walked into the session handing out candy. 
"President Trump on Wednesday walked out of a White House meeting with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., after the Democrats said they wouldn't agree to fund a border wall, suggesting talks to end the government shutdown may have blown up catastrophically.

" 'Just left a meeting with Chuck and Nancy, a total waste of time," Trump tweeted. "I asked what is going to happen in 30 days if I quickly open things up, are you going to approve Border Security which includes a Wall or Steel Barrier? Nancy said, NO. I said bye-bye, nothing else works!" . . . 
"Speaking to reporters after the meeting, Schumer called Trump's departure "somewhat unbecoming of a presidency." Trump had become furious, according to Schumer.
 '"He sort of slammed the table, and when Leader Pelosi said she didn't agree with the wall, he just walked out and said, 'We have nothing to discuss,'" Schumer said." . . . 

President Trump said Thursday that Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., lied when he said Trump slammed the table before walking out of their meeting Wednesday. 
. . . "On Fox News Thursday, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., agreed with Trump that he never threw a tantrum, and instead tried to open up the meeting with Democrats to ideas about compromise before walking out." . . .

Why 70 Percent Tax Rates Cannot Finance Socialism

National Review
There’s no way to raise the money without hammering the middle class.

"Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s call for a 70 percent income-tax rate to finance green-energy initiatives has energized the Left. Yet this is completely destructive proposal. A 70 percent tax bracket would raise very little (if any) revenue, while damaging the economy and sending income and jobs overseas.
"While details of Ocasio-Cortez’s energy proposal are unavailable, former Green-party presidential candidate Jill Stein has proposed a “Green New Deal” costing between $700 billion and $1 trillion per year for public jobs and clean energy initiatives. That is roughly 4 percent of GDP." . . .
Our New 'Most Dangerous of Morons'  . . . "For a sarcastic bastard like myself, Ocasio-Cortez and her constant stream-of-consciousness utterances are a target-rich environment.  As America's own special lacuna, she has much in common with our last president.  Except, to my eyes, she fills her empty suit a little better.  As with Barry, she knows very little about a lot of things and a lot about very little.  Yet she is pretty enough and enigmatic enough that people listen. 
"She is absolutely convinced that every idea she has for America's future is so good, so transformational, so "halting the rise of oceans" transcendent that we must all be forced to follow her down the Yellow Brick Road to a fantasy world where she is both Dorothy and the Wizard, happily dancing her Breakfast Club homage as we try not to look into her crazy eyes for fear we'll be turned to stone." . . . Read more.. 

Hawaiian Congresswoman Calls Out Hawaiian Senator Hirono For “Fomenting Religious Bigotry” During Judicial Nominee Questioning

Legal Insurrection

"Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) wrote a scathing op-ed, which was published in The Hill Tuesday, in which she lambasted lawmakers who questioned US district judicial nominee Brian Buescher about his affiliation with the Catholic organization, Knights of Columbus.

"While Rep. Gabbard never mentioned Sen. Hirono by name, the only two Senators to have made an issue of Buesher’s participation in the Knights of Columbus were Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) and Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI).

"From Rep. Gabbard’s op-ed:

…While I oppose the nomination of Brian Buescher to the U.S. District Court in Nebraska, I stand strongly against those who are fomenting religious bigotry, citing as disqualifiers Buescher’s Catholicism and his affiliation with the Knights of Columbus. If Buescher is “unqualified” because of his Catholicism and affiliation with the Knights of Columbus, then President John F. Kennedy, and the ‘liberal lion of the Senate’ Ted Kennedy would have been “unqualified” for the same reasons.
Article 6 of the U.S. Constitution clearly states that there “shall be no religious test” for any seeking to serve in public office.
No American should be told that his or her public service is unwelcome because “the dogma lives loudly within you” as Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) said to Amy Coney Barrett during her confirmation hearings in 2017 to serve as U.S. Circuit Court judge in the 7th Circuit.
While I absolutely believe in the separation of church and state as a necessity to the health of our nation, no American should be asked to renounce his or her faith or membership in a faith-based, service organization in order to hold public office.
The party that worked so hard to convince people that Catholics and Knights of Columbus like Al Smith and John F. Kennedy could be both good Catholics and good public servants shows an alarming disregard of its own history in making such attacks today. . . .

"Rep. Gabbard’s father is a member of the Knights of Columbus.

"We covered the bizarre questioning of Buescher here:

Two Dem Senators question judicial nominee’s membership in … Knights of Columbus. Do we need to say their names?

Discussed also at National Review:  Democratic Congresswoman Calls Out Fellow Democrats for ‘Religious Bigotry’ 
. . . "Meanwhile, the Post’s Jennifer Rubin, whose Twitter bio describes her as a “conservative blogger,” blithely dismissed Gabbard’s concerns about religious tests, tweeting, “I cannot imagine a stupider issue that impacts no one’s real life. anywhere. ever.” Perhaps Rubin is unaware of the fact that the Knights boast nearly 2 million members, most
of whom are American, and one of whom is Gabbard’s own father, according to Hawaii 
News Now.
"And Rubin, along with Gabbard’s other critics and much of the left, seems to care little for the reality that anyone who buys into rhetoric such as that of Feinstein and Harris and Hirono is telling American Catholics that their religious beliefs disqualify them from public service." . . .

Ana Navarro Files Nails During Debate On Illegal Alien Crimes

‘I don’t have to care!’ Ana Navarro smugly files her nails during
 heated debate on illegal immigrant crime
Chicks on the Right
. . . "Ana Navarro decided to file her nails during a debate on illegal immigration. She didn’t want to hear the FACTS about the crimes ILLEGAL aliens have committed against American citizens. Yawn!"


CNN’s Ana Navarro sighs, rolls her eyes &  ***files her nails*** as guest describes innocent Americans murdered by illegal aliens.

This is the perfect depiction of how establishment liberals have approached this heart wrenching American crisis: insulting disinterest

BPR image . . . "Navarro — a Nicaraguan immigrant who rose to fame for being a race-baiting anti-Trump RINO attack dog — bloviated: “I’m so tired of you calling me leftist just because you want to compromise your values.”
"Speaking of compromising her values, check out Ana chilling with her BFF, accused serial rapist Bill Clinton."

White House petition demands Dem Rep. Rashida Tlaib be removed from Congress

Joe Newby  "A petition posted to the White House “We the People” site demands the removal of Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., for her profane attack on President Trump and her other actions.  According to the petition, “she is unfit to be a congresswoman.”
“We’re going to go in and impeach the m********ker,” she said on the first day of the new Congress, angering a number of people.
“Her rude display and lack of respect for our sitting President was uncalled for. Her immediate removal from her seat is just and warranted. Do to her hatred towards our president, I feel she is a national security threat,” the petition reads.

But there’s more.

"According to Fox News, Tlaib is also under fire for posting what Republican politicians and commentators called an anti-Semitic dog whistle on Twitter." . . .

Related:  Rashida Tlaib And Linda Sarsour Wear Palestinian Robes To Congress

. . . "Tlaib, a Democrat from Michigan, is believed to be the first Democratic member of Congress to endorse the one-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. She has also said she supports the boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign against Israel and has called for cuts to U.S. military aid to the Jewish state, all of which have led her to be criticized by Jewish groups." . . .
Politically I'd say she is pretty much in line with much of academia in America. TD