Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Whoopi Goldberg reveals herself as an antisemitic ignoramus

 Andrea Widburg; American Thinker   "Whoopi Goldberg (born Caryn Johnson and most decidedly not Jewish), de-Judaized the Holocaust, a strikingly antisemitic act.  After a deserved uproar, she apologized, but that's not good enough.  Just as Sharon Osborne and Roseanne Barr got fired for offending racial shibboleths, Goldberg needs to go.

"Goldberg, a staple on The View, a show in which several inane left-wing women loudly opine about the issues of the day, dismissed the Holocaust as a uniquely Jewish event and, essentially, said a lot of people died during World War II, so the Jews shouldn't make it all about themselves.  And by saying it was a White-on-White crime, she obliquely asserted an argument I've heard from Blacks, which is that Blacks suffered slavery for centuries in America, so the Jews shouldn't make such a big deal about the few years of the Holocaust.

"On Monday's The View, the harridans...er, ladies were talking about the misreported claim that a Tennessee school district censored Art Spiegelman's overrated Maus, which is essentially a comic book about the Holocaust (and yes, I have read it, and I came away feeling that it was a barely acceptable allegory).  In fact, the school approves of teaching about the Holocaust.  It simply believed that the book was so graphic that it was age-inappropriate for middle-schoolers.  The false narrative served its purpose, though, by calling red-staters antisemites.

"Whoopi's antisemitism, though, was open and obvious.  She said explicitly that the Holocaust wasn't about race, saying, instead, "This is White people doing it to White people," and "It's not about race. ... It's about man's inhumanity to man. ... These are two groups of White people[.]' "

Former U.S. Goalkeeper Drops Major Bombshell: 'I've Seen Megan Rapinoe Almost Bully Players Into Kneeling' -

 Analyzing America  "In a bombshell statement, former U.S. goalkeeper Hope Solo said Megan Rapinoe would bully others to comply with her left-wing activism.

"Rapinoe, an outspoken liberal, would pressure her teammates into kneeling before games, Solo alleged.

"Rapinoe used her position on the U.S. women’s Olympic soccer team to advance her left-wing agenda.

Megan Rapinoe arrived at the #MetGala carrying a red, white and blue clutch that reads “IN GAY WE TRUST,” matching her pantsuit.

"She has become an extremely polarizing figure. Rather than focusing on soccer, she uses the field as a backdrop for her left-wing protests.

"Solo said, “I think the rhetoric surrounding this team has been both divisive and inclusive. I guess it’s kind of where we are in politics in this day and age.”

"'I think the kneeling thing can be very divisive,” she continued. “I’ve seen Megan Rapinoe almost bully players into kneeling because she really wants to stand up for something in her particular way.”

"'I think that’s really hard being on the main stage right now with so many political issues for athletes, there’s a lot of pressure,” she added.

"The U.S. women’s soccer team has become more widely recognized for its pregame political posturing than for its dominance on the field.

"In fact, the team recently suffered devastating losses in the Tokyo Olympics, which ended their 44-game winning streak.". . .

BOMBSHELL: Key Evidence Undermining Ukraine Impeachment Narrative Withheld From Trump Defense

  PJ Media

"In 2016, Burisma Holdings was being investigated by Ukraine’s then-Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin while then-Vice President Joe Biden’s Hunter sat on the company’s board making $83,000. So Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid to Ukraine unless they fired Shokin.

"Biden argued that his actions were above board because he was carrying out the “official policy” of the Obama administration to root out corruption in Ukraine. “It was a fully transparent policy carried out in front of the whole world and fully, fully embraced by the international community of democracies,” he claimed.

"But according to official memos seen by Just The News, this is not the case. Instead, these memos indicate that U.S. State Department officials were “impressed” with Shokin’s anti-corruption plan and fully supportive of his efforts—undermining a key narrative during the Democrats’ first partisan impeachment of President Trump.

"During the trial, House Democrats maintained that Shokin was fired because State Department officials weren’t happy with his anti-corruption efforts, not because he was investigating Burisma. But these memos obtained by Just the News and the Southeastern Legal Foundation under a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request show that senior State Department officials, including then-Secretary of State John Kerry, were “impressed” with Shokin’s efforts.". . .

Five Impeachable Offenses of Joe Biden – Nation HQ   (PJMedia) – According to a new Rasmussen Reports survey, half of U.S. voters believe that Joe Biden should be impeached . Nearly as many think Republicans will pursue impeachment if they win back the majority in November, as they are expected to do. I’m skeptical that Republicans will do it, but some have hinted that impeachment is absolutely on the table.

"“If we take the House, which I said is overwhelmingly likely, then I think we will see serious investigations of the Biden administration,” Ted Cruz said earlier this month . “Whether it’s justified or not, the Democrats weaponized impeachment. They used it for partisan purposes to go after Trump because they disagreed with him. One of the real disadvantages of doing that is the more you weaponize it and turn it into a partisan cudgel, you know what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.”

"I’m all for some payback for what the Democrats did to Trump, but I also don’t think impeaching Biden over policy disagreements or fake accusations (like what happened to Trump) is the way to go either. So, the question is, what can we legitimately impeach Biden for?

"Well, here are five things.". . .

Image from Todd Schowalter Productions.

The reign of Democrat Joe


. . ."A mere 32 seconds' worth of video depicting the end of Biden's address to the nation's governors proves that he is not in charge of his presidency.  He indicates that the plan was for him to take questions, beginning with one from the governor of Utah.  (The oddity of a POTUS planning in advance the questioners at the end of events, including press conferences, is a separate and disturbing issue.  Scripting so closely suggests an inability to handle spontaneity and stage management of Q&A that is unseemly.)

"But, as you will see, someone else decided that Biden was not going to follow that plan.  My guess is that he was showing signs of incoherence, of the phenomenon known as "sundowning," where a dementia patient loses coherence as the day wears on.". . .

. . ."Former Bush Vice President Dan Quayle, writing in his memoirs Standing Firmsaid the moment the Thomas Nomination was announced:
[W]e knew that the long knives of “political correctness” were being sharpened for use against this strong, independent man who did not fit the liberals’ idea of what a black jurist — in fact, any black man — should stand for. 
… But the forces lining up against Thomas were considerable, and the nature and rhetoric of their opposition was sometimes almost sickening. (Washington Post African-American) Columnist Carl Rowan said that “if you gave Thomas a little flour on his face, you’d think you had [KKK leader] David Duke talking.” A leader from the (leftist) National Organization for Women said, “We’re going to ‘Bork’ him. We need to kill him politically,” while one black (Democrat) Congressman declared that “a black conservative is a contradiction in terms.'”. . .

. . ." The fact of the matter here is that Biden’s pledge to nominate a “black woman” is at its heart not about about nominating a black or a woman at all. In fact it is really all about nominating a liberal.

"And Biden, as with most Democrat elites, fully expects that by definition a black woman is a liberal.

"No sexism or racism there."