Saturday, October 31, 2015

Larest emails damage Hillary's excuse about security concerns

Latest emails put the lie to Hillary's excuse for ignoring pleas for Benghazi security
"One of the more nauseating aspects (and there is a lot of competition) of the scandalous behavior of Hillary Clinton in the wake of the Benghazi attack was the manner in which she affected a close relationship with “Chris” Stevens, the ambassador sent to do her bidding who was brutally tortured and murdered because she didn’t have any interest in his pleas for extra security.  She maintained in her testimony to the Gowdy Committee that such matters don’t reach her desk.

"Yet the latest batch of emails released in a Friday-afternoon document dump reveals that that is not true.  Nick Gass, Josh Gerstein, and Rachel Bade write in Politico:
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When Republicans tried to buttonhole Clinton because State declined numerous requests for additional security at the Benghazi compound that was later over-run, Clinton largely waved them off. Those requests for more protection, she argued several times that day, went to people who deal with security — not her, personally.
One email from April 23, 2009, however, shows top State aide Huma Abedin updating Clinton on a few embassy security issues. In a series of bullet points sent to “H2” at 8:34 a.m., Abedin listed steps State was taking to secure Afghanistan and Pakistan embassies, including “increasing the number of hooches, and doubling up staff in lodging.”

Why Liberals Identify With Criminals

American Thinker 
"Liberals hate cops, honest citizens with guns, and hard sentencing laws because liberals identify with criminals.
When visiting a Federal prison Obama summarized the view of liberals when he said:

“These are young people who made mistakes that aren’t that different than the mistakes I made and the mistakes that a lot of you guys made."
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"But worst of all, a person who views the police as the bad guys will buy into the lie of the Black Lives Matter movement that cops are killing people for no good reason. That in turn leads to lack of interest on their part concerning the safety of police.

"In the end, liberal identification with criminals leads to the police knowing that the politicians don’t have their backs and to a reduction in effective crime control. It’s not an accident that liberals disagree with Giuliani’s “Broken Window” policing philosophy, since liberals don’t seem to care about the victims of “petty” crimes.

"We need to tell the American people, our friends and neighbors, the truth that liberals aren’t like honest folk instead liberals identify with criminals and therefore support laws that favor criminals over victims and society.

"It’s time to realize that liberals are rooting for the wrong side in the war on crime."

National Police Union Calls for Total Tarantino Boycott

The Wrap via Drudge


"The police boycott of Quentin Tarantino‘s “The Hateful Eight” has received the endorsement of the National Association of Police Organizations — a group representing 1,000 police units and associations and over 241,000 sworn law enforcement officers.

"Not only does the organization support the protesting unions — which has spread to including cops in New York City, Los Angeles, Houston, New Jersey, Chicago and Philadelphia — it is discouraging police officers from engaging in promotional efforts and any future productions that routinely need the assistance of law enforcement, even for off-duty work.

“ 'We ask officers to stop working special assignments or off-duty jobs, such as providing security, traffic control or technical advice for any of Tarantino’s projects,” a statement on NAPO’s website said." . . .