Damore’s and Gudeman’s lawsuit against Google reveals an Orwellian world in which intolerance = tolerance and intellectual diversity = thought violence.
'Political language — and with variations this is true of all political parties, from Conservatives to Anarchists — is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.”“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”“Orthodoxy means not thinking — not needing to think. Orthodoxy is unconsciousness.”
"I won’t belabor the point. You get the drift.
I mention Orwell because Google, a company that has a disproportionate hold on the flow of information in America and that willingly misrepresents and censors information caught in its net, is a company that has achieved Orwellian perfection among its upper echelon employees. This is not guesswork on my part. I know this because I took the time to read the 161-page complaint that James Damore and David Gudeman filed against Google claiming workplace discrimination against them based upon race, gender, and diversity of thought.
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"The reason it is such a disturbing document is because it’s very clear that a significant majority of Google’s upper management — and it goes without saying that these employees are all products of modern academia — are hard Leftists and vigorous Social Justice Warriors. They subscribe enthusiastically to a world that uses censorship in the name of “freedom,” “peace,” and “knowledge.”
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Orwell could not have imagined anything better. Allow me to paraphrase the first highlighted paragraph: “If we’re going to have true diversity and inclusion, then this company must exclude, through firing or discipline [whips? chains? starved dogs?] all people who challenge our diversity.”Altman’s second paragraph does not need to be rephrased. It is the essence of Orwellian purity: “This will send a message that we have zero tolerance for intolerance.” Altman only forgot to add “All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others” and “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength,” to complete the thought.