Saturday, August 11, 2012
Stop Voter ID Laws – Stop Discriminating Against Dogs
CDN "Yep, Buddy the voting dog. That is the most recent one, of course. Over the years there have been many stories of this kind, with people registering pets, and if memory serves, I think someone actually registered an inanimate object to vote. Now, the Dems might be trying to argue that voter fraud is not a major problem. It is true that a very small number of fraudulent ballots or voter registrations are caught each election cycle. However, it is foolish to think that is the real extent of fraud, because the current laws are far too lax to get an accurate picture of the problem. (Seriously folks? The fact that people can get away with registering their pets to vote doesn’t make you think twice on this?) (Emphasis added)
The short voter is a registered Democrat.
Victor Davis Hanson: Obama in Never-Never Land
Victor Davis Hanson " The chief tenet of postmodernism is that truth and facts are arbitrary constructs, set up by the privileged to manipulate others less fortunate. In the case of our first postmodernist president, Barack Obama, there cannot be facts, past or present, only a set of shifting assertions that gain credence to the degree that they prove transitorily useful for progressive causes.
"But that was all more than three years in the past, and hundreds of “Make no mistake about it”s and “Let me be perfectly clear”s ago."
"But that was all more than three years in the past, and hundreds of “Make no mistake about it”s and “Let me be perfectly clear”s ago."
"With President Obama there is neither a reality nor a standard, just words that so often have no connection to the real world, past or present."
Obama's predictable first shot at Ryan
Rick Moran "You might recall that President Obama harbors no love for Rep. Paul Ryan after the wonkish congressman sliced apart Obamacare during the 2010 health care summit.
"And, of course, the president and the Democrats spent the entire 2010 campaign running against Ryan's budget plan -- including a commercial that featured a Ryan lookalike pushing an old woman in a wheel chair over a cliff.
"And, of course, the president and the Democrats spent the entire 2010 campaign running against Ryan's budget plan -- including a commercial that featured a Ryan lookalike pushing an old woman in a wheel chair over a cliff.
"So, the Obama campaign's first reaction to hearing the news about Ryan being chosen as Romney's running mate was both typical and predictable."
Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wisconsin, speaking at the February 25, 2010, Bipartisan White House Summit on health care. Rep. Paul Ryan is a Budget Committee Ranking Member. Quote from Rep. Ryan "The American people are engaged, and if you think they want a government takeover of health care, I would respectfully submit you're not listening to them."
Paul Ryan’s First Speech As Romney’s Running Mate…
Weasel Zippers
Weekly Standard has the text of Ryan's speech: 'Our Rights Come from Nature and God, Not Government'
hopenchangecartoons"Regrettably, President Obama has become part of the problem,...and Mitt Romney is the solution."The other thing my dad would say is that every generation of Americans leaves their children better off. That's the American legacy."Sadly, for the first time in our history, we are on a path which will undo that legacy. That is why we need new leadership to become part of the solution – new leadership to restore prosperity, economic growth, and jobs."It is our duty to save the American Dream for our children, and theirs."
Looking at Romney-Ryan
Political Wire "I believe my record of getting things done in Congress will be a very helpful complement to Governor Romney's executive and private sector success outside Washington. I have worked closely with Republicans as well as Democrats to advance an agenda of economic growth, fiscal discipline, and job creation."
-- Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), in excerpts of a speech accepting Mitt Romney's offer to be his vice presidential running mate.
Schakowsky* vs. Paul Ryan on CNBC (Video)
* Called a Marxist by The Astute Bloggers " Schakowsky claimed every dollar of unemployment insurance creates a $1.63 in growth.
-- Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), in excerpts of a speech accepting Mitt Romney's offer to be his vice presidential running mate.
Schakowsky* vs. Paul Ryan on CNBC (Video)
* Called a Marxist by The Astute Bloggers " Schakowsky claimed every dollar of unemployment insurance creates a $1.63 in growth.
"Ryan said we should be going gangbusters then instead of at 10% unemployment and 3.6 million jobs lost.
"Schakowsky's talking about debt, blames Bush. Says we need jobs."
"Schakowsky's talking about debt, blames Bush. Says we need jobs."
Remember this? Ryan Takes Obama to the Woodshed Via Warning Signs
(Above) Paul Ryan takes on both Obama and Biden in a prototype of the coming campaign.
Infidel Bloggers Alliance is unhappy with the choice, to say the least. And this is what we can expect from the left.
Charles Krauthammer: “I Think Paul Ryan Has That Reagan-Like Quality” One more reason we faithfully watch Fox News Special Report every evening.
Ryan Does Not Have to Drop House Race "The Washington Post reports Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) can appear on the ballot "as both a candidate for the House and for vice president. If the Romney-Ryan presidential ticket is not successful, but he wins his congressional race, Ryan can keep his seat. If the national ticket wins the White House and Ryan holds his House seat, a special election would be held to replace him in the House."
NRO; Obama Campaign Starts Attacking Ryan "And now the Obama campaign has released a site that calls Romney-Ryan “the go back team” and features this attack video:"
Go find it yourself.
Goldberg: The Pros and Cons of the Ryan Pick "What does this do to Paul Ryan? One of the things about the man that garners so much support and admiration is that he resists the corrupting forces of politics. Playing at this level will be a test for him."
Andrew McCarthy discusses Paul Ryan and the Muslim Brotherhood ...."In particular, I was contrasting the difference between the way he treated the guests he famously took pains to invite to two of his speeches: Paul Ryan and the Muslim Brotherhood."
Go find it yourself.
Goldberg: The Pros and Cons of the Ryan Pick "What does this do to Paul Ryan? One of the things about the man that garners so much support and admiration is that he resists the corrupting forces of politics. Playing at this level will be a test for him."
Andrew McCarthy discusses Paul Ryan and the Muslim Brotherhood ...."In particular, I was contrasting the difference between the way he treated the guests he famously took pains to invite to two of his speeches: Paul Ryan and the Muslim Brotherhood."
"More interesting than the speech, though, was the guest list. The Obama administration made a point of inviting prominent members of the Muslim Brotherhood. And they didn’t get the Paul Ryan treatment.... The ramifications rumbled through both Egypt and the United States."And this guy Obama has high likability numbers? Must be because the TV networks like him and promote Obama in many shows, in ways some subtle and some not.
Paul Ryan as seen by conservatives |
Ryan as depicted by the Democrats |
However the predictable left says: Paul Ryan Is Not a Vice President. Paul Ryan Is a Fake.
How predictable? Here is a quote from this Esquire article:
One day, some years from now, I'm going to figure out how Paul Ryan, the zombie-eyed granny-starver from Wisconsin, managed to fool so many people for so long.
Nice family you have there, Congressman. Be a shame if something happened to your children's dad along about October, wouldn't it?
Atheists Demand Massachusetts High School Revise its State’s History
Godfather Politics "The atheist organization The Freedom From Religion Foundation is demanding that the Wayland High School band “stop playing ‘God Bless America’ at school functions because it violates separation of church and state.” The Massachusetts’ school officials are ignoring the group’s threats, and for good reason."
...."They are like George Orwell’s 1984 character Winston Smith who works “for the Ministry of Truth as an editor, revising historical records to make the past conform to the ever-changing party line.” "
...."They are like George Orwell’s 1984 character Winston Smith who works “for the Ministry of Truth as an editor, revising historical records to make the past conform to the ever-changing party line.” "
Is his family ready? |
How Paul Ryan became the intellectual leader of the Republican party "And yet Ryan is smiling. It’s not the phony grin of a politician seeking votes, or the half-smirk of a charlatan putting one over on a group of rubes. It’s a real smile—the eager smile of someone excited to share important news. Paul Ryan believes he has the solution to these problems. And after a long and often lonely fight to convince his fellow Republicans that they should be talking about these issues, Ryan is succeeding."
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