Sunday, August 1, 2021

Sneaky: Biden officials ordered workers to cover up COVID outbreak at migrant center, whistleblowers say
Monica Showalter  "Now that we know that migrants are spreading COVID throughout the country, here's a scandal that goes with it, which hasn't gotten the attention it merits.

According to the Daily Mail:

Two whistleblowers have accused the US Department of Health and Human Services of directing them to downplay the severity of a coronavirus outbreak among migrant children at a federal facility in Texas. 

Arthur Pearlstein, a director at the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, and Lauren Reinhold, an attorney-adviser at the Social Security Administration, detailed their allegations in a complaint sent to four Congressional committees and government watchdogs on Wednesday.

They said the outbreak erupted at the Fort Bliss Emergency Intake Site, near El Paso, between April and June of this year.  . . . 

Morning Consult Poll: Pelosi’s Jan 6th Panel...It’s almost like the more ridiculous and ludicrous the Democrats get, the more Americans tune out.

 Legal Insurrection

"Nancy Pelosi’s latest clown show—replete with weeping United States Representatives—isn’t riveting the nation; indeed, according to a new poll by Morning Consult, Pelosi’s January 6 hearings aren’t on the radar of any but the already faithful.  Hilariously, Morning Consult notes that the panel “is largely preaching to its own choir.”

:The poll was taken on July 28-29 and specifically addresses the hearings (archive link).

But outside of the nation’s capital, a new Morning Consult poll suggests that the panel — whose members were appointed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) — is largely preaching to its own choir, as relatively few Republican voters viewed or listened to the daytime hearing and even more are seeking to disassociate their party and its leader from the deadly riot.'" . . .. . . " Not only are fewer Republican voters watching Pelosi’s most recent kabuki theater, but fewer Republican voters blame President Trump for the actions of the relatively few January 6th rally attendees who became unruly at or entered the Capitol building.

BAD NEWS FOR NANCY: Support for Pelosi’s Probe Into January 6th Crashes After Emotional Testimony . . . "Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn has done what no law enforcement officer should do. He politicized the law by lying during his testimony about January 6th. He is not an impartial witness because he lied about what happened to his coworker on that day to advance Nancy Pelosi’s agenda. (see below),
"Dunn should have erased his social media posts before he testified because he’s been outed as a Black Lives Matter supporter who is anti-Trump:" . . . 

The Liz Cheney Meltdown, and What It Means

Republican voters have absolutely had it with her politics. And for good reason.

 The American Spectator  "Bye, Liz.

"The abject implosion of a politician once thought to possess national prospects — though not due to her talent but rather her name and connections — might have been overshadowed by the alarming performance just a few hours later by our near-invalid president. But Liz Cheney’s bizarre performance on the U.S. Capitol steps Wednesday was nonetheless notable.

"If you haven’t followed the lead-up to Wednesday’s meltdown, it involved the sham 9/11 Commission–style inquiry being built to examine the Capitol riot of Jan. 6. That inquiry, to be chaired by partisan hack Mississippi Democrat Bennie Thompson on behalf of Nancy Pelosi, is obviously not built to fully examine what happened that day; it’s built to assign blame to the Republican Party for what Pelosi and the rest of the Democrat Party is determined to present as a casus belli against half of the American people.

"Pelosi’s Jan. 6 commission is a big deal, because she has turned the Capitol into an armed camp behind razor wire for most of the past six months and change over the dubious assertion that the protesters who descended on the building and briefly disrupted the vote to certify a presidential election that still reeks of irregularity and worse presented an “insurrection” and a “grave threat to democracy” to trump (pun not intended, but whatever) anything else since the Civil War." . . .