Sunday, June 25, 2017

Maxine Waters Bars Trump Supporters From Town Hall Meeting

"Maxine is a real peach.
Supporters of President Trump were hoping to be a part of Maxine Waters’ town hall meeting in Gardena on Saturday, but they were barred from entering the building.
The Trump supporters received tickets for the event, but were treated as “second class citizens” because they supposedly did not live in her district.
Supporters of President Trump were hoping to be a part of Maxine Waters’ town hall meeting in Gardena on Saturday, but they were barred from entering the building.
The Trump supporters received tickets for the event, but were treated as “second class citizens” because they supposedly did not live in her district.[…]
Chanell Temple said she lost her job a few years ago and hasn’t been able to find a new one because she doesn’t speak Spanish. She said Waters has destroyed the black community by supporting immigrants.

Gay Activists Are Gunning for Your Church Now

PJ Media   "They said they just wanted "equality" and that they would never come for our houses of worship. The gay lobby insisted that all they wanted was "rights" and "marriage" and then they would be happy. It was presented as, "If you like your religion you can keep your religion if you give us what we want." Did you believe that? I didn't. I had a feeling they wouldn't be satisfied until they were standing on the smoldering ruins of religious traditions and people. 

"The Mormons are next on the hit list, it seems. The LGBT lobby, which is unarguably one of the most repulsive social justice warrior organizations, is running a scam where they use children as props to embarrass and bring down the Mormon church. In an embarrassing and transparent stunt, a 12-year-old girl who claims to be gay stood up in front of her church congregation and lectured them about accepting her and loving all people like Jesus did. Understandably, the plug was pulled and she was asked to sit down." . . .

. . . "What Yahoo thought was going to be a story that would whip people up into an outrage over "diversity, acceptance, and love" seems to have backfired. The comments section is hysterical. It's like reading my own thoughts except wittier." . . .

The news pictured

Fair and balanced news

Image may contain: one or more people
Hat tip to Tom Wiegand

Famous Feminist: The Democratic Party Has Destroyed Journalism

Daily Wire

Camille Paglia attends TimesTalks Presents Camille Paglia and Andy Cohen at New York Society for Ethical Culture on April 18, 2017 in New York City.
 Camille Paglia 
"Iconic and iconoclastic feminist Camille Paglia regularly infuriates her liberal colleagues by exposing the self-contradictions and double standards of the progressive left. On Sean Hannity's radio show on Tuesday, Paglia did it again, this time passionately asserting what conservatives have been saying for a while now: Democrats have made a mockery of journalism.
"Hannity led into the discussion by citing Paglia's recent discussion of the Democrats' self-defeating "nationwide orgy of rage and spite." Paglia, who voted for Bernie Sanders, launched into a unflinchingly brutal critique of her own party, particularly as it has influenced journalism. The ceaseless hysterics from the Democrats she said, is "obscene" and "outrageous," and their "fantasy and hallucination" have not only hurt their own party, but journalism in America.
Image result for ashley judd photos
Judd: "I'm a nasty woman" (added)
"It shows that the Democrats are nothing now but words and fantasy and hallucination and Hollywood," she said. "There’s no journalism left. What’s happened to The New York Times? What’s happened to the major networks? It’s an outrage."
She continued: "I’m a professor of media studies, in addition to a professor of humanities, OK? And I think it’s absolutely grotesque the way my party has destroyed journalism. Right now, it is going to take decades to recover from this atrocity that’s going on where the news media have turned themselves over to the most childish fraternity, kind of buffoonish behavior.". . .

Also this interview with The Weekly Standard: Camille Paglia: On Trump, Democrats, Transgenderism, and Islamist Terror
"In a wide-ranging interview Paglia talks about Donald Trump's successes, how Chuck Schumer emboldened the "resistance," why the left can't condemn Islamist terrorism, and "the cold biological truth that sex changes are impossible.' "

Israel, American Jewry and Trump’s GOP

"To understand what can and ought to be done, it is first important to understand the nature of the BDS movement. Under the catchphrase BDS, two separate campaigns against Israel and against Jews are being carried out."

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Caroline Glick  "Earlier this month Norway, Denmark and Switzerland did something surprising.

"Norway announced that it was demanding the return of its money from the Palestinian Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Secretariat, for the latter’s funding of a Palestinian women’s group that built a youth center near Nablus named for PLO mass murderer Dalal Mughrabi.
"Denmark followed, announcing it was cutting off all funding to the group.
"And last week, the Swiss parliament passed a resolution directing the government to amend Swiss law to block funding of NGOs “involved in racist, antisemitic or hate incitement actions.”
"For years, the Israeli government has been urging these and other European governments to stop funding such groups, to no avail. What explains their abrupt change of heart?
"In two words: Donald Trump.
"For years, the Obama administration quietly encouraged the Europeans to fund these groups and to ratchet up their anti-Israel positions. Doing so, the former administration believed, would coerce Israel to make concessions to the PLO.
"But now, Trump and his advisers are delivering the opposite message. And, as the actions by Denmark, Norway and Switzerland show, the new message is beginning to be received.
"If the US administration keeps moving forward on this trajectory, it can do far more than suspend funding for one terrorism-supporting Palestinian NGO. It can shut down the entire BDS industry before Trump finishes his current term in office.

The California travel ban against US states for claimed anti-LGBTQ laws follows its attack on the travel stay for Islamic countries that routinely kill gays.

Bookworm Room

"In January and then again in March 2017, President Trump issued a temporary travel ban aimed at six countries that the Obama administration identified as terror sponsors. These countries are Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen.
"In each of these six countries members of the LGBTQ etc. (hereafter “LGBTQer”) community are officially and/or unofficially physically abused, imprisoned, and murdered. Specifically:
  • In Iran, as in all other predominantly Muslim countries, LGBTQer conduct is punishable by death, with myriad lesser punishments (e.g., lashing and imprisonment) available.
  • In Libya, as in all other predominantly Muslim countries, LGBTQer conduct is illegal and is subject to stringent punishments such as limb amputation and flogging.
  • In Somalia, as in all other predominantly Muslim countries, LBGTQer conduct is punishable by imprisonment or death.
  • In Sudan, as in all other predominantly Muslim countries, LGBTQer conduct is illegal and, even if the government does not act, vigilante groups are known to attack or kill people accused of homosexuality.
  • In Syria, as in all other predominantly Muslim countries, LGBTQer activity is illegal and, depending upon the territory in which the LGBTQ etc. individual finds himself or herself, can be subject to violence or death, whether administered by state agencies or vigilante groups.
  • In Yemen, as in all other predominantly Muslim countries, LGBTQer activity is officially illegal, with punishments ranging from lashing, to imprisonment, to death.
"The reason behind the universally violent, murderous hostility to LGBTQ identification or conduct in the above countries is sharia law, which is hardwired into Islam. After all, the Pulse nightclub terrorist attack did not happen in an ideological vacuum.
"Also in January and, again, in March 2017, California officially and vociferously protested against the Trump administration’s temporary travel ban, a ban that affected terror-exporting Muslim countries that make LGBTQer conduct a capital crime, on the ground that the temporary ban was unconscionable, discriminatory, and ineffective:
"In a debate that both sides agreed was largely symbolic, the California Assembly on Monday ratified a resolution criticizing President Trump’s contentious executive order imposing new limits on refugees and other immigrants." . . .     Read more.

It’s Okay to Decorate a Police Car with Rainbow Flags, but Not Bible Verses

Houston’s decision stands in stark contrast to an issue I wrote about in May – when the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Dept. was ordered to remove decals bearing a portion of a well-known Bible verse from patrol cars.
The decal, which had been posted on vehicles, bore the words, “Blessed are the peacemakers…Matthew 5-9.”

Todd Starnes

"It’s permissible in the United States to decorate police cars with rainbow flags to celebrate gay pride, but it’s not permissible to decorate police cars with Bible verses honoring law enforcement officers.
"The Houston Police Dept. is debuting a “Pride Car” for the city’s gay pride parade, the Houston Chronicle reports.
Police Chief Art Acevedo is downright giddy about the new rainbow cruiser and the parade.
'The newspaper reports the chief “strongly encouraged” top police brass to join him in the march.
" 'By actually participating ... we send a very powerful message that we're an inclusive department," he said, "where every segment of society is welcome, is respected, and will be protected by the Houston Police Department," he told the newspaper.
"The rank and file, however, are not so appreciative of the police chief’s strong-arm tactics.
“Our duty is to protect and serve, not participate in an event that completely goes against our religious beliefs,” one unidentified commander told the newspaper.
"Houston is not the first American city to place gay pride decals on taxpayer-funded vehicles.
"The New York City Police Dept. debuted its gay pride patrol car in 2016*, reports." . . .  *Under Mayor de Blasio

Commie-fornia Democrats Hit a Wall on Single-Payer


Commie-fornia Democrats Hit a Wall on Single-Payer

"There is so much winning for taxpayers, concerned citizens, and conservatives in general in the state of California. The slow but steady victories in this blue bastion of progressive insanity should raise hope for all of us. After all, the Left loves to gloat that what happens in California is most likely to pop up all over the United States. 

"They might want to change their minds. 

"First, an assemblyman in Commie East Bay Alameda County attempted to allow Communists to serve openly in our government. The South Vietnamese Community in Orange County and veterans throughout the state hammered this liberal nut. His bill to “update archaic language in the state code” died after getting a bare majority in the Assembly. Besides, the legislature is full of communists anyway. 

"They just need to be voted out.

" Then the infamous state senator who removed an exemption from forced school vaccinations tried to push a state­based resolution of children’s rights. This bill was really a subversive attack on parental rights. His proposal would invite more government intervention into the home. The proposal crashed and burned. 

"And now for the latest good news, and everyone needs to know about it. Single payer is dead in California—for now. " . . .