Sunday, August 28, 2016

Message from a non-oppressed black man to Colin Kaepernick…

Allen West

. . . "If you want to know about oppression of blacks in America, past and present, how about you ask Rep. Nancy Pelosi of the San Fran Bay Area about the policies that decimated the black family? Maybe you can cross the Bay over to Oakland and ask Rep. Barbara Lee about the 13 to 15 million black babies killed since 1973, and ask her who is Margaret Sanger?
"Or perhaps you can ask the two California senators, Boxer and Feinstein, about who doesn’t support better education opportunities for black children in the inner cities — school choice, vouchers, charter schools, home schooling.
"Perhaps you didn’t know Barack Obama was the one who cancelled the DC school voucher program for deserving young black children — talk about oppression. Is that something you’re willing to do, or is it just too difficult?" . . .
Hat tip to Jeff Hayden; Plano, TX

The Burkini vs. Bikini War

Fay Voshell  . . . "It almost hurts to repeat the obvious: the belief that infidels should die and that one should act on that belief by murdering infidels – that is the real issue.

"Has not France experienced enough carnage wrought by Islamists to know what the real problem is?  Are the Charlie Hebdo incident, the slaughter of innocents during Bastille Day celebrations, and the beheading of Father Jacques Hamel not indicators that France's core problems concerning Muslims will not be solved by the Battle of the Burkini vs. the Bikini?

"Symbolism, especially humiliating symbolism, is a hallmark of secularist progressivism.  Banning certain items of clothing and forcing the donning of Western apparel is nothing new.  It was Kemal Ataturk who banned the fez, which itself had been introduced a hundred or so years earlier as a modernizing reform to replace the turban.  Ataturk banned the hat because it represented nationalists who wished a return to the Ottoman Empire.  Ataturk himself wished to ally Turkey with the West, not attach policies to restoration of the Ottoman Empire." . . .

Fay Voshell is a frequent contributor to American Thinker.  Her thoughts have appeared in multiple online venues, including RealClearReligion, National Review, CNS, and Fox News.

When Church and Politics Collide, How Will We Respond?

Image result for church and politics cartoons

Alliance Defending Freedom
A church—and a pastor—that doesn’t form consciences for such a calling will only ensure that those consciences are shaped by something other than the Gospel.
Assumption of Risk Forms: A Legal Blind Spot for Many Churches
"The formative role of the Church is one reason the pro-life movement continues to resonate, with growing numbers, among young Christians. Abortion and human dignity are clearly not singularly “political” issues, but issues that demand political, ecclesial, and cultural reform and persuasion. Most importantly, this resonates because younger Christians recognize the Gospel as of first importance, and the pro-life movement has demonstrated why the life issue is a Gospel issue.
"As Christians, we can engage politics and culture without becoming either outraged or indifferent. If we believe we are on the losing side of history, we slide into the rage of those who know their time is short. We have no reason to be fearful or sullen or mean. We’re not the losers of history. We are not slouching toward Gomorrah; we are marching to Zion. The worst thing that can possibly happen to us has already happened: we’re dead. We were crucified at Skull Place, under the wrath of God. And the best thing that could happen to us has already happened: We’re alive, in Christ, and our future is seated at the right hand of God, and He’s feeling just fine.

Get Your Free Political Guide for Pastors and Churches
"When it comes to politics, every church and ministry must decide for itself how specific to be when it comes to biblical guidance and engagement. Our new legal guide Pastors Churches & Politics will help ministries navigate the laws surrounding tax-exempt status for religious organizations. It will equip ministries to identify what activities are permitted and prohibited by the IRS and its regulations so that you can both shepherd your people and protect your ministry." 

Hillary Gets (More Than) a Little Help from Her Media Friends

Image by The Slammer 

Clarice Feldman  "Before the Internet when I wanted to keep track of a story, I had to clip articles and file them, often establishing over the years how much in error the press accounts had been. Now, a few clicks and there we have what we had remembered but not saved. It will come as no surprise to regular readers of the Washington Post to learn that one of their oped writers Ruth Marcus is easily exposed as a partisan spinner in a quick check of  a comparison of her treatment of Hillary Clinton and former Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell.

"This week, Marcus wrote an editorial critical of Donald Trump’s “unhinged calls” for a special prosecutor to look into the Clinton Foundation. She dismissed the claims that the Foundation was a “pay to play” operation." . . .
The most critical remark she can manage is to suggest that since Hillary is beset by “enemies” who apply a stricter standard to her, she should have been more careful.

An overview of Ms. Feldman's column shows the subjects she covers: 
1.) The Skolkovo Innovation Center
2.) U.S. Arms Exports to Bahrain
3.) Arms Sales to Other Clinton Foundation contributors
4.) Sale of U.S. uranium assets to Russia and helping Abu Dhabi