Sunday, June 7, 2020

The building cold anger throughout America

Peter Skurkiss  "America watches while radical leftists and aggrieved blacks riot, loot, and commit acts of violence up to murder in cities across the country. And more galling than that is the lack of effort by responsible public officials to stem the mayhem. Indeed, more than a few Democrat mayors and governors, when they are not actually encouraging the riots, make excuses for those participating in it. One example comes from New York City where hundreds looters and rioters were arrested only to be released in hours, due to blue-city "bail reform." Americans have see this before and have a gut feeling that few if any of these domestic terrorists will be punished. Other pathetic examples are of the police and some National Guard officers ''taking a knee' in front of protesters to show solidarity with them." . . .
. . . 
"By their words and deeds, the Democrats have demonstrated like never before that they are openly hostile to law-enforcement. Some are calling to abolish, or at the very least, to defund the police. That might be applauded by the radical and anarchists, but it goes over like a lead balloon in middle America and I would suspect in most minority communities as well. 
"Donald Trump is not a weakling. In the coming campaign, he will boldly accentuate the record of Democrats making it impossible for the Democrats and media to erase what is transpiring down the memory hole. If the history any guide, the turmoil of the 1960s and 1970s led to GOP presidential ascendancy.  If the model holds, I believe it will happen again now --- this cold anger will express itself on election day with not just a Trump victory but also a Republican capture of the House."

Did an aged activist set up the Buffalo police?

Andrea Widburg  "Many Americans understand that the riots aren’t righteous protests but are, instead, leftist activism aimed at destabilizing America and (the activists hope) destroying Trump’s chance at reelection. Still, people found shocking a video showing police in Buffalo pushing an old man to the ground where he lay with blood pouring from his ear. Don’t believe everything you see, though. The old man was a leftist activist looking for trouble and may have staged the whole thing.
"If one views the video in a vacuum, it’s awful. A frail-looking old man standing alone against the Buffalo police is brutally pushed to the ground and left to lie there, bleeding:"
WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT Video shows two police officers in Buffalo, New York, shoving a 75-year-old man to the ground. The sound of a crack is heard and blood trickles from the man’s head 
5,200 people are talking about this
"Almost immediately after the video appeared, the police officers who pushed the man were charged with assault and suspended from the force. This tweet illustrates how effective the man’s fall was in advancing the anti-police narrative:" . . .

Walter Duranty: the CNN and MSNBC of his day. "Useful idiots" all

Walter Duranty, Stalin and the Ukrainian Famine of 1932−33  
. . . "Duranty was among the first Westerners to predict that Stalin (highly skilled at political infighting) would emerge as the next ruler of the Kremlin, and having done so won Stalin’s favor. The second foreign reporter to be granted an interview with the “man of steel,” he found much to like. I hesitate to say Duranty was a sycophant—Stalin had plenty of those—but he certainly qualified as a “useful idiot.” Familiar with the term? Said to derive from Lenin, it means naïve Westerners who were/are susceptible to Communist propaganda and manipulation. Lincoln Steffens, the progressive journalist best known for uncovering graft in American cities, was one. He went to the USSR in 1919, came back and made the fatuous statement “I have seen the future, and it works.” John Reed was another. Edgar Snow served the same dubious purpose in Mao Zedong’s China. A generation later, Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir of France, and Susan Sontag of the USA were very useful idiots.
Lemon of CNN
. . . "This amoral careerist did not write about the Ukrainian famine per se, merely alluding to it by the use of weasel words and euphemisms. Duranty was willing to admit there was hunger in the Soviet Union, but he simply would not acknowledge that things were much 
worse. In private conversation with other writers in the bar of the Metropol Hotel in Moscow, however, he talked about it plenty.  Millions were starving, and they knew it. The famine was a poorly kept secret." . . .
. . . "This man, who never doubted the legitimacy of the show trials of 1936−1938, often found a way to put a smiley face on a grim country. He wrote that the deaths of all those peasants had been justified by Stalin’s noble purpose, his “march to progress.” Duranty felt that this and other Stalin-era atrocities were nothing to be very concerned about. “If you want to make omelettes,” he paraphrased Robespierre, “you have to break a few eggs.' ” . . .
Ukrainians want pro-Stalin writer stripped of Pulitzer

Image by Antonio Chaves at AmericanThinker
Andrea Widburg"Watching the lunacy at the New York Times, my schadenfreude meter has hit 10"  
. . . "Of late, though, something's changed at the old Red Lady.  The college grads of the 1960s and 1970s are being pushed out by people who graduated after the year 2000.  These new employees (I cannot, in good conscience, call them journalists) are not merely left-wing; they are radical, anarcho-socialist leftists.  And because they are college grads, they have exquisite sensibilities that equate opposing ideas with violent physical attacks against themselves." . . .
  Sean Ono Lennon, son of John and Oko, tweeted to the Times;  
This is the end for you guys. Firing someone for allowing different opinions in your paper means you are no longer a real newspaper. It’s been fun. You had a good run. The best in fact. R.I.P. 🙏
us/1269722985751027713  Speaking of the Duranty Award, here are MSNBC and CNN, who used the Duranty techniques to report on the riots. The Tunnel Dweller


Liberty Unyielding.
MSNBC's Ali Velshi says situation not 'generally speaking unruly' while standing outside burning building
. . . "I want to be clear on how I characterize this. This is mostly a protest. It is not, generally speaking, unruly but fires have been started and this crowd is relishing that," Velshi told Williams. "There is a deep sense of grievance and complaint here, and that is the thing. That when you discount people who are doing things to public property that they shouldn't be doing, it does have to be understood that this city has got, for the last several years, an issue with police, and it's got a real sense of the deep sense of grievance of inequality." . . .

CNN Reporter Says Riot Is ‘Entirely Peaceful,’ Immediately Gets Stuff Thrown At Him
But "not in a mean way"

. . . "On live television, CNN anchor Miguel Marquez told Don Lemon that the George Floyd protests in Minnesota were "entirely peaceful" and a "merry caravan" and then seconds later people throw bottles directly at him. " . . .
The New York Times has always been the go-to source that has set the tone for most other news sources for the past two centuries:

Past winners of the coveted Duranty award.  Recognized in Canada; international fame.
 . . . Duranty was a reporter for the New York Times in the 1930s, who sent back glowing dispatches praising Stalin’s Soviet “utopia.” His worship of the Soviet system coincided with Stalin’s murder of ten million Ukrainians and a nearly equal number of Russian citizens.
The brass Lemon
"It was not until the 1990s — when the Soviet Union fell and its Archives were opened to researchers — that the world learned the unvarnished truth about Walter Duranty’s reportage and his motives: Like his ideological allies at CNN, he was a skilled liar, whose “fake news” was contrived to serve the cause of International Socialism.
"Duranty lived a life of opulence, much like those in the Soviet Union’s ruling class or Nomenklatura. He was secretly awarded his own luxurious country home (or “dacha”) by Stalin, and was generously wined and dined, while the average Soviet citizen queued for hours to buy rationed cabbages." . . .
"Imbeciles who rely on CNN wouldn’t know this, but . . ."

CNN awarded the treasured Lump Of Coal in 2018 I suggest the prize committee replace the lump of coal with a lemon

More here at The Tunnel Wall blog

Just Like That, Gun Control Support and COVID-19 Died This Week

Clarice Feldman  "After watching hundreds (including Michigan Governor Whitmer and other political figures who placed the rest of us in lockdowns) marching, screaming shouting -- without social distancing and often without masks -- it’s going to be hard to persuade us that even normal social contact will infect us and those around us with COVID-19. After watching the police hamstrung by these same politicians as their cities were looted and burned and they and civilians were severely injured and killed, gun sales are soaring. Without law and order it’s each man for himself. With our biggest cities boarded up and devastated, flight out to red states, where people understand that without respect for law life is too brutal to endure, will snowball." . . .
. . . It’s hardly a secret that the left promotes the idea that all of the problems in the world are caused by others and unfairness to you. It has been their leitmotif for decades to move black voters away from the Republican Party, which has been their staunchest support for equal rights, and into the Democrat party that worked hard to keep them in bondage. What they once accomplished through the Ku Klux Klan, Democrats now manage through a complicit press and corporate and academic elites.
. . . The Internet is full of groveling masochistic whites begging forgiveness of blacks, many on their knees. My email folder is full of contrite apologies from educational institutions and big businesses from Walmart to JP Morgan. " . . .