Friday, February 3, 2017

God Bless Harry Reid

"The need for 60 votes can contribute to moderation and compromise because to achieve a supermajority you need to get a buy-in from at least some of the opposition. On the other hand, in a hyper-partisan atmosphere (like today’s), a 60-vote threshold can ensure that everything gets stopped and nothing gets done."

Charles Krauthammer
Senate Democrats have Reid to thank for being powerless to block Gorsuch’s nomination.
. . . "God bless Harry Reid. It’s because of him that Gorsuch is guaranteed elevation to the Court. In 2013, as then–Senate majority leader, Reid blew up the joint. He abolished the filibuster for federal appointments both executive (such as cabinet) and judicial, for all district- and circuit-court judgeships (excluding only the Supreme Court). Thus unencumbered, the Democratic-controlled Senate packed the lower courts with Obama nominees.

"Reid was warned that the day would come when Republicans would be in the majority and would exploit the new rules to equal and opposite effect. That day is here. 

"The result is striking. Trump’s cabinet appointments are essentially unstoppable because Republicans need only 51 votes and they have 52. They have no need to reach 60, the number required to overcome a filibuster. Democrats are powerless to stop anyone on their own." . . .

Image result for harry reid caricatures

#BoycottNordstrom Swings From Left To Right After Ivanka Trump Drop


Nordstorm has stopped selling Ivanka Trump merchandise, which means the #BoycottNordstrom hashtag has a very different audience Friday.(Andrew Harrer/CNP/AdMedia/Newscom)

"Nordstrom (JWN) has decided to stop selling Ivanka Trump's line of merchandise, which means the #BoycottNordstrom hashtag has a very different audience on Twitter as of Friday than it did just days earlier.
"Nordstrom shares rose 2.2% to 44.48 in the stock market today, trying to break a downtrend going back to early December.
"Fashion news site first reported Thursday the decline of Ivanka Trump-branded items available for sale at the upscale department store, citing figures from the Grab Your Wallet campaign — there are now just four styles of shoe cataloged on the site, vs. 71 products available as of early December. Reports from Bloomberg and elsewhere later confirmed that Nordstrom had dropped the brand.
"Grab Your Wallet has been vocal in trying to get shoppers to boycott stores that carry Trump-affiliated merchandise. The list includes Macy's (M), Amazon (AMZN), TJX (TJX)-owned T.J. Maxxand others.
"Via statements to outlets and on its own Twitter page, Nordstrom has said that the decision was not about politics but about business." . . .

Weekly Standard’s O’Connor: Maddow Should Escort Milo Onto Campus

Legal Insurrection
"By their silence, Dems are being associated with violence on campus"
 "Note: the segment began with a report that there was violence last night at NYU, with people protesting against a speech by Vice co-founder Gavin McInnes. He was pepper-sprayed while entering the hall, and several demonstrators were arrested."

Barack Obama should be speaking out against the protests any time now. Very soon, I'm sure.

Obama Refuses to Condemn Anti-Trump Riots, Violence Against Trump Supporters
. . . “ 'I would not advise people who feel strongly or are concerned about some of the issues that have been raised over the course of the campaign, I would not advise them to be silent,” he said Thursday." . . .

Obama's mentoring by Rev Wright, Bill Ayers and Frank Marshall Davis is becoming ever more manifest.

The shame of Berkeley and the left

In truth, I heard on the Fox Special Report panel that Ms. Napolitano and the campus police did require due diligence and provide for security at Milo's lecture. The prepared-for student demonstrators were joined by paid rioters dressed in black. As of the last report I heard, one arrest - one - was made. More should be disclosed as this post evolves. TD

Deranged Millenials, Academicians, and Hollywood crap shooters
"In the two weeks since the inauguration of our 45th president, we have seen the world erupt into predictable chaos.  Anarchy has been fomented by the growing underworld of arrogant progressives who believe they are the most intelligent beings on the planet.  Some say this effort is orchestrated by a billionaire who lives for just one thing: to tear down the fabric of our society, destroy our Constitution, and remove the collective freedoms we have all come to enjoy.  His methods revolve around inciting fear in women and minorities who fail to realize that their freedoms in America are unprecedented and available nowhere else on Earth.  The endgame is to install a globalist-dominated one-world order and destroy the American two-party system." . . .

"Eventually, you will wish you had taken more time to study and analyze the malignant undercurrent of which you are now a part.  Will it be too late?  Will you ultimately regret the day you fell for the chicanery?  Wake up!  Study before you act.  Contemplate before you speak, and for the love of God, stop before you destroy yourselves and everyone you value."
Berkeley’s Shame
The use of violence in the pursuit of political aims is the very definition of terrorism. And while it probably would be too much to treat these half-baked campus radicals with the seriousness applied to al-Qaeda or the Islamic State, the crimes committed in this and related episodes are serious and demand to be treated seriously. Political violence has social implications far beyond those of ordinary crime — we are not talking here about local thugs knocking over a 7-Eleven in Oakland.
. . . "Despite blindingly obvious evidence of criminality during Wednesday’s riots, only one person — one — was arrested. Lawbreakers should be prosecuted, and if they’re students, expelled. Likewise, a Twitter account representing Occupy Oakland declared that the group’s intention is to make “war” — their word — not only on Kentish political commentators but also on the U.S. government, and though it does them too much credit, the U.S. government should do them the courtesy of taking them at their word. If that means a federal terrorism investigation, so be it (though it would be better if the authorities in California would do their job and take the lead in this matter)."