You see here what you may think is a strange juxtaposition of the Iraq War and the years leading up to World War 2 (a war that Winston Churchill called the most easily prevented war in history). Linking the two eras of history is the influence of the pacifist left, then and now.
In a world growing ever more dangerous, with truly evil men possessing the most awesome of weapons, as happened in the 1930's we see leaders in the free world paralyzed by the pacifist left and unable to meet evil with strength and will. The Nazis and the Japanese noticed college groups and their professors in Britain declaring they would never fight for England and they were emboldened.
As Winston Churchill observed in The Gathering Storm, in just a few years, many of those very students would be killed or maimed fighting that same Axis they had so encouraged.
Following 9-11, similar pacifists resisted America punishing the Islamic radicals, they opposed the surge that gave us victory in Iraq and voted for a president who would squander that same victory and tarnish the honor of our nation. The Tunnel Dweller
Iraq a Convenient Scapegoat "We can perhaps admire either those who were consistently against the war when it was at first unpopular, or those who kept their support when it was even more unpopular. But how does political convenience — in a war that hinged on the enemy destroying our morale — translate into courage or wisdom?" (Emphasis added.)
Above: World War 2 cartoon depicting pacifist democracies who would not fight Hitler until it was too late to save Europe and the millions who were murdered by the Axis*.
.... "Going to war is a matter not of avoiding mistakes, but of seeking to correct them as soon as possible. For a postmodern society that knows no history, mistakes must not occur. And when they do, someone else is always to be blamed." (Emphasis again added)
Iraq – Agony, Ordeal, and Recovery "We are an ahistorical, me-only generation. An Okinawa or Hue does not exist in our memories. War is supposed to proceed like apps on an iPhone. No one knows of the intelligence failures surrounding Pearl Harbor, the near criminally wrong protocols of the B-17 campaign between 1942-3, or the failure to provide our troops with adequate tanks and anti-tank weaponry in World War II.
"Going to war is a matter not of avoiding mistakes, but of seeking to correct them as soon as possible. For a postmodern society that knows no history, mistakes must not occur. And when they do, someone else is always to be blamed.

As Winston Churchill observed in The Gathering Storm, in just a few years, many of those very students would be killed or maimed fighting that same Axis they had so encouraged.
Following 9-11, similar pacifists resisted America punishing the Islamic radicals, they opposed the surge that gave us victory in Iraq and voted for a president who would squander that same victory and tarnish the honor of our nation. The Tunnel Dweller
Iraq a Convenient Scapegoat "We can perhaps admire either those who were consistently against the war when it was at first unpopular, or those who kept their support when it was even more unpopular. But how does political convenience — in a war that hinged on the enemy destroying our morale — translate into courage or wisdom?" (Emphasis added.)
Above: World War 2 cartoon depicting pacifist democracies who would not fight Hitler until it was too late to save Europe and the millions who were murdered by the Axis*.
.... "Going to war is a matter not of avoiding mistakes, but of seeking to correct them as soon as possible. For a postmodern society that knows no history, mistakes must not occur. And when they do, someone else is always to be blamed." (Emphasis again added)
Iraq – Agony, Ordeal, and Recovery "We are an ahistorical, me-only generation. An Okinawa or Hue does not exist in our memories. War is supposed to proceed like apps on an iPhone. No one knows of the intelligence failures surrounding Pearl Harbor, the near criminally wrong protocols of the B-17 campaign between 1942-3, or the failure to provide our troops with adequate tanks and anti-tank weaponry in World War II.
"Going to war is a matter not of avoiding mistakes, but of seeking to correct them as soon as possible. For a postmodern society that knows no history, mistakes must not occur. And when they do, someone else is always to be blamed.
"Axis", for all history-challenged readers is explained here. We know there are at least 50 million such people in the US.
And North Korea wants all those 50 million to stand by them: North Korea to progressives: Join us in war against U.S. (Update).
"According to a post at the North Korean News Service, the United States is the “common enemy” of all the world’s progressives, including, apparently, those in the United States. And the regime wants them to join Kim Jung Un in his effort against the United States." Hat tip to Joe Newby
Those enlisting in this fight will get a free Un-phone.