Monday, February 13, 2023

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Rips Pro-Christian Super Bowl Ads as ‘Fascist’

It is unclear where Ms. Ocasio-Cortez sees the hidden “fascism” lurking behind these ads, designed to help overcome divisions and hatred in the name of Jesus.

 Breitbart Faith  "Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said Sunday she did not believe Jesus would support pro-Christian Super Bowl commercials because they make fascism “look benign.”

"The Christian group “He Gets Us” spent some $20 million on two advertisements that aired during Sunday’s Super Bowl portraying Jesus Christ as loving “the people we hate.”

“ 'Something tells me Jesus would *not* spend millions of dollars on Super Bowl ads to make fascism look benign,” Ocasio-Cortez wrote on Twitter.

"One of the ads shows scene after scene of angry people in each other’s faces and ends with the caption “Jesus loved the people we hate. He gets us. All of us.”. . .

How the Democrats Will Come At Us

 We can and should embrace policies that help private-sector working Americans flourish even if it annoys the corporations that used to be in our coalition – make that especially if it annoys the corporations that used to be in our coalition.

Kurt Schlichter  . . ."A lot of you are young, way young, and you never lived through a time when the Democrats were the working man’s party. Back in the day, the Democrat Party was not solely race hustlers, commie professors, abortion nuts, and unionized government flunkies. It was the party of guys who got dirty at work, who built things and went to war, and who wanted to feed their families and live with dignity. But they also loved their country and did not understand supporting welfare cheats and coddling criminals. These were Reagan Democrats, who saw their party evolve after 1972 into one run not for the working class but for the Chardonnay class. Reagan got them because they loved the flag and hated commies. Yet the economic message that appealed to them was still powerful – and Mondale was the last guy to still send it even though the smug swells and San Francisco freakshow kept it from resonating.

"With Clinton, a guy you cannot even imagine in a hard hat (and even less so Obama), the Democrats put these working-class voters aside in favor of what would soon devolve into their present woke agenda – an agenda that offers nothing to guys who don’t go to work in loafers. And the Republicans squandered the coalition Reagan had built – the Bushes were the antithesis of backers of the working man, and W barely won the first time and only won the second because these working folks understandably wanted to kill every single 7th century SOB with a hand in 9/11. That was a mistake. Too often we Republicans treated their legit economic concerns as an annoyance and let ourselves be caricatured as Buick-driving bosses. When you nominate Mitt Romney, a guy who needs only a top hat and monocle to look exactly like everyone who ever outsourced your job to Shanghai, you are not reaching out to the working man.". . .

Biden's Right: His Word Means Nothing

. . .Seen from that perspective, Biden's time as installed president makes a lot more sense.  When he promised to unite the country by ridding it of petty divisions, what he really meant was that he planned to exacerbate racial animosities to the best of his abilities, rub salt in old wounds to ensure intolerance festers and anguish lingers, and incite hatred among groups of Americans who would otherwise get along.  

 American Thinker   "Installed (p)Resident Joe Biden loves to make promises secured by the supposed worth of his family name.  "I give you my word as a Biden," he said back in March of 2020, "When I'm president, I will lead with science, listen to the experts and heed their advice, and always tell you the truth."  Again giving his solemn word before the 2020 mail-in ballot presidential selection, he promised both "to turn division into unity and bring us together," as well as to "be an ally of the light, not the darkness."  Just over a week ago, he declared, "My word as a Biden: I've never been more optimistic about America's future than I am today."  My goodness, if only Biden's family name possessed more value than that of Benedict Arnold's, we would be blessed with a man in the White House committed to truth, unity, spiritual guidance, and American success.  Yet Biden's name is synonymous with none of those things, is it?

"Instead, the Biden family name has really stood for only two things: buffoonery and corruption.  For fifty years, Joe Biden has managed to hold onto some slice of power in D.C. as a senator, vice president, and Oval Office stooge not because he is renowned for his erudition or virtue but rather because his doltish behavior and venal character make him ideal for others to control.  Perhaps no other Washington relic has accomplished so little for the American people over such a prolonged government career or managed to harness those defects for lucrative advancement more successfully than China Joe. ". . .