Monday, April 16, 2018

‘Not Being Viewed as an Enemy’ Propels California Company’s Move to Texas, says CEO

Breitbart Texas
The top executive of a Southern California private charter airline says the Golden State’s hostile business environment propelled his company’s decision to relocate to Texas.

“ 'Not being viewed as an enemy, but being viewed as an asset is so refreshing,” said Alex Wilcox, Chief Executive Officer of JetSuite Inc., who, on Thursday, spoke to the Dallas Business Journal. He described the air carrier’s decision to move to North Texas this summer as a “welcome change.”

"He even shared a glaring example of one difference between California and business-friendly Texas. “I tried to start flying out of Santa Monica, California. And they sued me because I was trying to bring a service to the city,” said Wilcox. “When I got to Dallas, literally, people in City Hall were like, ‘How can we help you?’”
"The CEO said the company contemplated exiting California “for a couple of years.” JetSuite intends to make the Dallas-Fort Worth area its new home, although officials have not announced a location for their headquarters. Wilcox anticipates 60 employees will move with top brass to the Lone Star State and they will fill 180-200 jobs with Texans. The company’s chief executive said they will recruit qualified individuals for “behind-the-scenes” operational functions, dispatchers, maintenance controllers, “and the people who actually make airlines move.”
He quipped: “There are probably more people in aviation in Dallas than there are people in Newport Beach, in total.”
. . . 
"The airline’s move to Texas highlights the continued exodus of companies from the business-unfriendly California. From 2008 to 2015, an estimated 9,000 companies leftCalifornia, of which Texas was the top beneficiary of the relocations, During those seven years, California corporations accounted for 15 percent of companies that moved their headquarters or expanded operations into pro-business Texas. In many instances, the state incentivized out-of-state companies to expand into the state with the goal of creating more jobs and economic growth within Texas through the Texas Enterprise Fund." . . .

REAL OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE: How The Obama DOJ Tried To Shut Down FBIˊs Hillary Investigation

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Doug Ross Journal
Loretta Lynch was attorney general at the time of the August call. She had been caught privately meeting with former President Bill Clinton in June 2016 on her government aircraft on the tarmac in Phoenix. That meeting occurred only days before Comey decided not to pursue criminal charges against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for the use of a personal email server that she used to conduct official Department of State business. Lynch later claimed the Phoenix meeting was “innocuous” and a “chance encounter.”

"The Department of Justice Inspector General report on the “lack of candor” by FBI deputy Director Andrew McCabe also documents for the first time the Obama administration’s effort to shut down the bureau’s investigation of the Clinton Foundation, according to a review of the report by The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group.
"The inspector general (IG) confirmed in its long-awaited report released Friday that in 2016 the FBI had ongoing field investigations of the Clinton Foundation in New York, Los Angeles, Little Rock, Arkansas and Washington, D.C. The multi-city investigation was launched when agents found “suspicious activity” between a foreign donor and Clinton Foundation activity in the Los Angeles area, as TheDCNF reported in August 2016.
"The report, authored by Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz, an Obama appointee, chronicles the Justice Department’s effort to shut down the FBI’s investigation.

"The pressure allegedly came in the form of a phone call to McCabe from a Justice Department principal associate deputy attorney general (PADAG) who pressed McCabe on the continuing investigation. The IG did not identify which PADAG made the call." . . .
See the source image

Comey waxes eloquent and gracious about Trump

"A CBS columnist from the right calls the Comey book junk and says it's not going to move the needle against Trump as Comey hopes. Thomas Lifson's must-read item from Sunday exposes the fraudery quite impressively here, too."
Rich Terrell
All 'integrity' and out to Get Trump: James Comey's nauseating interview
. . . "Comey justifies early bad decisions in his career, such as the prosecution of Martha Stewart, a bum rap prosecution if there ever was one, with dog whistles to the left about racism, claiming he had prosecuted a black reverend in Virginia for lying to the FBI,so he had to prosecute Martha Stewart, too. The fact that he wouldn't name the reverend pretty well tells us he didn't want us to look at that case too closely for what he claims are parallels.
"Then he let Bill Clinton off the hook in his last-hour pardoning of monster felon fugitive, Marc Rich, whose wife was a close Hillary Clinton ally, babbling on about how the pardon was unprecedented and then casually saying he found nothing actionable. George Stephanopoulos let him walk with that one and they moved on." . . .

Comey Book: October 2016 Disclosure of Hillary Email Investigation Based On Assumption She Would Win
. . . "Setting aside the fact that this “world” of his imagination also included other major decisions during the lead-up to the 2016 election, this admission reveals shocking hubris and partisanship.

"Even the leftist media and Hillary supporters are outraged by this disturbing insight into Comey’s “justice by polling.' ”
Thomas LifsonIt’s all downhill for Comey now
. . . "After we met, I glanced over at Jeff Sessions to see what he thought of it all, and although he spoke not a word his pursed, pink lips seemed to say that he was a weak, small man with no gumption. He was pleading with me with his downcast eyes to do the right thing. With my eyes I said right back, I will. I always have. I never swerve from what I believe, and you can bet a shiny nickel that I never will, sir." . . .
Loretta Lynch not too happy about James Comey throwing her under the bus
So maybe this is what Comey had in mind as he and Lynch now mix it up.  It sounds like a rat-king dynamic: rats with their tails tied together.  We should do all we can to egg this feud on so that the truth about what was going on among the Obama leftists can finally become known.
. . .
"No wonder Trump fired James ‘Judas’ Comey - I wouldn’t trust him as far as I could throw the egotistical, money-grabbing worm and his treacherous, disgraceful, secret-spewing book." 
I'm sure Piers Morgan means this in a nice way.

Big 7 Pettiest Comments During ABC’s ‘The Revenge of Comey’ Show
The big takeaway from the interview is Comey doesn’t like Trump and thinks Trump could be guilty of a couple crimes but he doesn’t have an iota of evidence. It’s his opinion as a Trump hater.
Earl of Taint

Plan to split California into 3 may be on November’s ballot

Legal Insurrection
Even more California to kick around!

"Last October, I reported that tech billionaire Tim Draper had organized a petition drive to get a vote to split California into 3 states (Northern California, Southern California, and California) on the ballot.
"Draper’s team has managed to get enough signatures to qualify for a vote.
Venture capitalist Tim Draper, who authored an initiative to break up the Golden State, says it has received enough signatures to qualify for the November ballot. Draper says the initiative, which he calls the “CAL 3” has more than 600,000 signatures and will be submitted to election officials next week.
The initiative needed signatures from 365,880 registered voters – 5 percent of the total votes cast for governor in the 2014 election – to qualify for the ballot.
“This is an unprecedented show of support on behalf of every corner of California to create three state governments that emphasize representation, responsiveness, reliability and regional identity,” Draper said.
"The proposed CAL3 plan partitions California into northern and southern regions, with a strip along the coast that would encompass the Los Angeles basin.
"The regions were selected based on their “leading industries. For example, Northern California has wine production and and forestry, Southern California focuses on financial services and trade, and “California” includes tourism and motion pictures.*
"The next hurdle Draper’s team has got to jump is the signature validation process." . . .

*Obama's BFFs. I can see him buying a home there.