Monday, April 30, 2012

Discussion on Al Sharpton's Facebook page

On Al Sharpton's Facebook page,  quoting a link in the Tunnel Wall, I wrote:
 Why does MSNBC compensate a race-baiter like Sharpton? "He's a fraud, he's a race hustler. To walk the streets and incite prior to judgment--if he can be so sure about that neighborhood watch man [George Zimmerman], why didn't he say that about the man who stabbed Yankel Rosenbaum--an innocent person that was killed by a mob that yelled 'Let's kill the Jew'?"  
Then I left the link to this TW post: The Racemongers: Sharpton Sows Seeds of Next L.A. Riot.

The following ensued on Sharpton's page:

B------ S-----: Al Sharpton was asked by Trayvon Martin's parents and attorney for his involvement with this case because Al Sharpton has worked all his adult life for the cause of justice for African Americans which he started doing during the civil rights movement days in the 1960s. Every time that he has spoken out on a case, it has been because the people affected asked him to. He is an African American Civil Rights Activist. You have never heard him say that anyone is not worthy of his interest. Sharpton is not about just pointing out brutalities that happen but those that reflect injustice at the hands of the police and the courts relating to African Americans.

N---- R---: Google Tobias White. His son was beaten by a group of white boys. When Mr.White contacted Sharpton numerous times, he was told that since it had not reached national attention, he would not take on his case. (the boys were never charged with a crime. They actually bit part of his sons ear off) Tobias White is black. He has circulated a letter around FB about how Sharpton does not care about the black community unless it is money in his pocket. Wake up people!! Tobias white now lives in NC and is on FB. It could also be racially movitation for Sharpton. He is a biracial man. (Mr.Whites son) which is why I think Sharpton is a racist

Tunnel Dweller: Sharpton is a demagogue and unworthy of the allegiance of a proud race and it is sad to see someone of this low character having influence over the emotions of his people. I cannot imagine people of honor such as those who rescued Reginald Denny from Florence and Normandie twenty years ago being admirers of this man and I cannot see how they would fail to be disgusted by him.

M---- H-----: Well said Mr. Hayden

Tunnel Dweller:  I try not to be the coward that Eric Holder said we all tended to be.

If any more comes of this, I'll keep you posted. Meanwhile, if you go to his Facebook page you will see that The Right Reverend Sharpton does catch quite a bit of flack. I don't see Al keeping this page going much longer. TD

(SEALs UPDATE) Putting the Cart Before the Hearse

"It was ‘stretching a little much’ for Mr Obama to suggest only he would have made the decision. ‘I personally I don't think Romney would have any problem making tough decisions. He got a very accomplished record of making decision as a business professional. 
"‘He may not have charisma but he clearly has leadership skills. I don’t think he'd have any problem taking that decision.’"
...."We were extremely surprised and discouraged by the publicity because it compromises the ability of those guys to operate."  Via Drudge.

PowerLine says: " From this president, the least gracious, most lacking in class that I can recall, it certainly was predictable."   "Team Obama is doing everything short of carrying Osama's rotting, bullet-ridden head around on a pike in order to tell people that this bold and dangerous military mission could only have been pulled off by one man.
"And of course, that man is...Admiral McRaven.
"What - you thought Obama was behind everything? Bwah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! No, no - as the photos from the situation room clearly show, Barry had to be dragged off a golf course the day of the mission so he could be photographed watching a computer monitor in the same room as a lot of grown-ups."

What "gutsy call"?  Panetta's memo:
The timing, operational decision making and control are in Admiral McRaven’s hands. The approval is provided on the risk profile presented to the President. Any additional risks are to be brought back to the President for his consideration. The direction is to go in and get bin Laden and if he is not there, to get out. Those instructions were conveyed to Admiral McRaven at approximately 10:45 am.
"Only the memo doesn’t show a gutsy call. It doesn’t show a president willing to take the blame for a mission gone wrong. It shows a CYA maneuver by the White House.
"The memo puts all control in the hands of Admiral McRaven – the “timing, operational decision making and control” are all up to McRaven. So the notion that Obama and his team were walking through every stage of the operation is incorrect. The hero here was McRaven, not Obama. And had the mission gone wrong, McRaven surely would have been thrown under the bus."
The bravely brave Sir Barry

Terrific!… New Clean Coal Ad Mocks #Occupy Criminal Movement

Well, kinda mocks it, but if you blink you'll  miss it.

Gateway Pundit "The American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity released this powerful ad recently.
The group boldly mocks the #occupy criminal movement in the powerful pro-American ad."
"From the video: Small business owners, families, communities. All across America, people are asking themselves, their neighbors and their legislators for solutions. The answer is clear – America needs to invest in its most abundant, domestically produced source of energy: coal. With centuries of coal right here at home, America has the power to thrive for generations to come. But the clock is ticking. Tell your neighbors and your legislators, now is the time for clean coal. In the ad the narrator says,
“The clock is ticking America. It’s time we focused on reality instead of rhetoric.”
"And they include a photo of the crazy #occupy loons marching down a street. It’s terrific.
It’s also very important. The Obama Administration is trying to kill off the coal industry like Osama Bin Laden. This will affect everyone’s electricity rates but will hurt the Obama poor the most.