Thursday, August 25, 2011

Muslim Brotherhood Fronts Fail to Capture Muslim-American Loyalty

Pajamas Media  I suggest to you that if the Muslim Brotherhood held an anti-US rally here in the states there would be many more leftist Americans attending and applauding than Muslims. TD

"In the 2007 Pew survey, five percent of Muslim-American respondents had a favorable or somewhat favorable opinion of al-Qaeda, with another 10 percent viewing it “somewhat unfavorably.” One-fourth did not give an opinion. Of those below 30 years old, one-fourth felt that suicide bombings can sometimes be justified. Seven percent viewed al-Qaeda favorably, and another 16 percent saw them “somewhat unfavorably.” This is a minority, but it is a dangerous minority, and the homegrown extremism trend indicates it is becoming increasingly radicalized."
"It is encouraging to know that Muslim foreigners can act as a bulwark against extremism among Muslims born in the country, but what will happen as more and more Muslims are born in America and less are from overseas? The Muslim Brotherhood fronts may have failed among the current generation, but that doesn’t mean they’ll also lose the next one."

Jihad Humor - Muslim Jokes by stand-up comic Goffaq Yussef.  "Earlier in the week I fell into a honey trap. I passed along the following jokes said to be from Muslim stand-up comic, Goffaq Yussef. Some of them are pretty good. But the real joke is that Goffaq Yussef does not exist. Say his name out loud in order to get the point. I suspect a Jewish plot."  Posted by Ira Sharkansky at April 17, 2007

CAIR protests new 9/11 coloring book that shows terrorists being Muslims!

Bare Naked Islam   " Publishers say the book ‘demonstrates honesty, reverence, integrity and good character,’ with ‘a historic and educational perspective.’ But the executive director of terrorist front group CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relation), Dawud Walid claims, “This publisher is doing a disservice to innocent young minds by showing this type of nonsense. In every single reference to Muslims, we see  radicals, extremists, and depictions of people being terrorists,” said Walid.

This link attributes them to left wing extremists. We would think death threats to come from Muslims, but realize the left tends toward violence more and more. It incenses the left to see conservatives putting out conservative literature, yet look at what comes from the left:

After the vacation comes REDEMPTION!

Obama's jobs (plan? no. outline? no.) "ideas"  "We’ve all been waiting with pregnant anticipation for Dear Ruler to return from his vacation and explain to us his grand jobs plan … right?  Oh yeah!  We’re saved!  Barack Obama, the smartest man ever to become president, has a plan!"....
Now we are all saddened to learn that it isn’t actually going to be a plan any more.  Drat!  Not a plan?  Now we’ve learned that suddenly it became an outline.....
Uh oh .. hold on. Now we’re hearing that perhaps an outline became too much for us to expect of Dear Ruler. Now, according to deputy spokesman Josh Earnest, we can anticipate “some reasonable ideas that can have a tangible impact,” Left in the lurch again. Now we’ve been downgraded to some “reasonable ideas.” Well, I’m sure that with all of his experience in business and finance, and considering his understanding of the dynamics of private sector business growth and hiring, Obama will come roaring in the game with “reasonable ideas” that are sure to empty the unemployment lines in no time flat. Neal Boortz

The Flash Mob Method of Scientific Inquiry

Ann Coulter  "Just a year later, at a 2008 Republican presidential candidates' debate, Matthews asked for a show of hands of who believed in evolution. No discussion permitted! That might allow scientific facts, rather than schoolyard taunts, to escape into the world.
Evolution is the only subject that is discussed exclusively as a "Do you believe?" question with yes-or-no answers. How about conservative journalists start putting mikes in front of liberal candidates and demanding, "Do you believe in the Bible -- yes or no?" "Is an unborn baby human -- yes or no?" and "Do you believe teenagers should have sex -- yes or no?" (Emphasis added.)
This is the flash mob method of scientific inquiry. Liberals quickly surround and humiliate anyone who disagrees with them.
"In fact, however, it has not been advances in Christianity (which is pretty much settled), but in science that have completely discredited Darwin's theory of evolution.
This week, we will consider one small slice of the mountain of scientific evidence disproving this mystery religion from the Victorian age."....

Pat Condell holds forth on the British rioters and rioters in general

Video  Hat tip to John Paul Curnutt, an old schoolmate.
Lets go off on a tangent: The atheist Condell on the Ground Zero mosque: "Pat Condell ably articulates everything that's wrong about the  mosque at Ground Zero" 
A Muslim perspective, but keep in mind: Taqiyya and kitman: Role of Deception in Islamic terrorism .   (How did we get from the London rioters to this?) 

Getting back to Mr. Condell, atheist vs. jihadi's; still no contest for me.

More by Mr. Condell here.  I warn you, this will be a love-hate relationship.