Saturday, May 16, 2015

Stephanopoulos so bad, he’s making Geraldo look good

Legal Insurrection
 "Here’s the related story from Jessica Chasmar of the Washington Times:

Geraldo on Stephanopoulos apology: ABC fired me over $200 donation
Geraldo Rivera on Friday questioned why he was fired from ABC News 30 years ago for making a $200 political donation to a family friend, while the network appears to be standing firm behind George Stephanopoulos, who apologized Thursday for donating $75,000 to the Clinton Foundation.
“In 1985, after fifteen great years, I was fired by ABC News,” Mr. Rivera wrote in a Facebook post, Mediaite reported. “The official reason for my firing was a non-disclosed $200 donation to a family friend running in a non-partisan mayoral campaign in New Bedford Massachusetts.”
"Rivera discussed the issue on FOX and Friends this week:"

"David Bauder of the Associated Press:
ABC Faces Credibility Crisis Over Stephanopoulos Donations . . .

Who’s smiling now?
Geraldo, that’s who.
Featured image via YouTube.

When Professors Turn Foolish They Turn Really Stupid

The boycotting of Israel is a fashionable cause that brings learned fools out in droves. Everyone and his aunt glow with righteous wrath when the boycott show hits town. Clever people love to hang their faculty gowns on the peg of anti-Zionism.
 American Thinker   "It took a George Orwell to point out that higher learning and stupidity make a regular couple. “There are notions so foolish that only an intellectual will believe them,” wrote Orwell, laconic and lucid together. The luminary of that era who left a bonanza of political idioms, among them “Big Brother,” “Doublethink”, and “More equal than others,” found that intelligent people can be gullible people. He’s a reminder that professors may lack a modicum of common sense. He learnt that to parley with learned people may be to parley with fools. We don’t have to upturn rocks to uncover Orwell types. Look no further than a fashionable cause or a conventional wisdom and you’d find them – fool believers clinging for dear life to nonsensical notions.

 "In our troubled landscape one collecting point attracts more such pairings than any other point. A vast deposit of learned fools sticks to the brouhaha over Palestinian rights and Israeli wrongs. “A sore evil under the sun,” old King Solomon said. He might have been prophesying the cock-and-bull morality play called BDS. The boycotting of Israel is a fashionable cause that brings learned fools out in droves." . . . Read more:

 Boycott the Boycotters movement gains momentum

Case against academic boycott of Israel cover cropped

. . . " In addition to federal legislation, Illinois is on the verge of passing legislation which effectively causes the State to boycott the boycotters. The Washington Free Beacon reports, Anti-BDS Bill Poised for Passage in Illinois Legislature:" . . .

The bill, which would force Illinois’ five state pension funds to divest from any company supporting boycotts of Israel, passed by a 10-0 vote through a key executive committee on Wednesday and is now on its way to a full vote in the state’s legislature, where it is expected to garner widespread support.
The measure has been championed by newly installed Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner, who has been pushing for such a bill since before his election in 2014, when he defeated Democrat Pat Quinn.

Evidence of Real Live "Moderate Muslims" - Parents of Students Picket Islamic School Because It Has Introduced New Curriculum Which is "Too Fundamental"

AUSTRALIA – Adelaide – More than 100 angry parents have picketed the Islamic College of South Australia, worried it is becoming too fundamental after it cut music and sport from its curriculum, described pianos as evil and stopped singing the national anthem at assemblies.

. . . FEDERAL Education Minister Christopher Pyne has warned of the potential radicalisation of Muslim students in Islamic schools, following another parent protest against management of the Islamic College of SA.

Parents rallying outside the school yesterday demanded the resignation of its board and called for State Government intervention.
They claim a hardline school board has introduced a stricter form of Islam, including more segregation of male and female students, while firing experienced staff and lowering education standards.

'He wanted to go to hell — he is going to get there early': Hero off-duty firefighter who rescued Boston bomb victims reacts to 'vile' Tsarnaev's death sentence

Daily Mail   . . . "Michael Ward was off duty along the marathon route when two explosions went off, killing three people and injuring more than 260 others.
"On Friday, two years after he pulled wounded men, women and children to safety, Ward was in court to witness Tsarnaev being sentenced to death.
' 'I remember the vile, disgusting thing that this person did and his brother,' Ward told a press conference. 'They destroyed countless innocent lives.'

"Seven women and five men unanimously voted to punish the 21-year-old with death for his part in detonating two bombs at the 2013 Boston Marathon, killing three people and injuring more than 260 others.
"Tsarnaev was convicted last month of all 30 federal charges against him, 17 of which carried the possibility of the death penalty.
"The jury found that he deserved the death penalty for some but not all of the charges - which means he will be executed by lethal injection." . . .

Some of his victims:

 Defiant: Tsarnaev is pictured above in a jail cell shortly after being arrested making an obscene gesture at a camera. He has been largely emotionless throughout the trial, even as his victims testified
 Defiant: Tsarnaev is pictured above in a jail cell shortly after being arrested making an obscene gesture at a camera. He has been largely emotionless throughout the trial, even as his victims testified

BARACK AND MICHELLE OBAMA:The Un-American Divider in Chief and His Wife

Clash Daily   obama 2. . . "As horrific as the states’ rights and slavery issues were considering the toll they took on the country, at least they were situations that mattered and worth the time and effort to resolve them. Take for example, the ongoing mission of the divider and chief, Barack Obama and his embittered wife, First Lady Michelle Obama. Just recently, Mrs. Obama gave a commencement address at the historic Tuskegee University in Alabama. Instead of encouraging the hopeful graduates to go seek opportunities and to be the best they can be, she chose to focus upon the wasteful topic of the limitations of racism. 

" Here we are in a nation facing a major crossroad in her history and Mrs. Obama complained about the “daily slights” that she and her husband have experienced. This is from a woman whose own husband won’t even associate with you on any level if you are not a fellow progressive. " . . .

No luck finding a print version of this to keep out the trashy ads. TD

The Final Posts of a Murdered Blogger

The Atlantic

 “No one with a free mind can limit themselves within the walls of narrow-mindedness,” Ananta Bijoy Das wrote hours before his death.

"Earlier this week, as he left for work, Ananta Bijoy Das was ambushed by four masked men outside his home in Sylhet, Bangladesh. Armed with machetes, the men—suspected Islamist militants—hacked Das to death in broad daylight on a busy street in the country’s fifth-largest city.

"Das’s crime was that he blogged. A writer critical of religious fundamentalism and enthusiastic about science, his fate matched that of two other men, Avijit Roy and Washiqur Rahman, who were killed in similar fashion in Bangladesh in February and March, respectively, for writing on and promoting secular themes in a country where 90 percent of the population is Muslim.

"Das’s work has been described as the least controversial of the three. “He had written about superstitions, but he wasn’t among the writers that would hurt the sentiments of religion,” one of Das’s friends told The Guardian. The friend added, however, that the frequency of death threats against Das had surged following the killings of Roy and Rahman." . . .

Das was a citizen of a nominally secular state. But that state has been failing to safeguard free speech and demand accountability for machete-wielding fundamentalists. Das wasn’t the first blogger killed; he was the third in three months. Bangladeshi politics are polarized between secular and Islamist camps, and, according to the BBC, the government has recently been cracking down “on civil liberties and freedom of speech … affecting both religious fundamentalists and those who argue for free speech and for faith to be separate from government.”


The major threat to civilized countries

Thanks to JP Curnutt; Madras, OR