Saturday, May 15, 2010
Highland's Low Road
American Thinker "So if safeguarding Illinois teenagers from parental notification and unfriendly immigration law is the goal, then Highland Park school administrators are correct: Red China is a far better choice for a high school trip than Arizona."
D.C. Dems to Obama: Aim fire at GOP
Sweetness and Light "After all, what was the theme of Mr. Obama’s campaign for the Presidency and his mantra since he has taken office but: “It’s Bush’s fault!” But now the Democrats want him to start attacking the Republicans? Their dim prospects in November really seem to be driving them insane.
And it is an increasingly short drive."
And it is an increasingly short drive."
Obama: “Trust, But Verify”
Patterico's Pontifications "Like Ronald Reagan before him, President Obama has a message for his enemies: “Trust, but verify.”
Unlike President Reagan, Obama’s enemies aren’t the Soviets or a hostile foreign country. They are America’s oil companies."
Unlike President Reagan, Obama’s enemies aren’t the Soviets or a hostile foreign country. They are America’s oil companies."
Politicizing Graduation
National Review "Some Marx-besotted students may continue their protests right through the graduation ceremonies. Others may actually listen to what Dimon and Pandit have to say. They might learn something useful: namely, that the money that paid for their college educations didn’t come from thin air, but rather from the astute decisions of the men and women who operate the private enterprises that create wealth. That includes the CEOs of banks, despite the mistakes made by some of them in recent years."
Holder's Got To Go "Competence: Stumbling from one gaffe to another and showing little appreciation for our Constitution, Attorney General Eric Holder has become a major embarrassment. Time to admit he's in over his head and let him go."
Governor Christie schools a reporter
American Thinker The following clip begins with Christie responding to a reporter, who asks, "Governor, do you think this sort of confrontational tone you're taking can increase your odds of getting this through the legislature?" "...Then the fun begins...
Major League Baseball Caught in the Middle
American Thinker "The masterminds orchestrating opposition to this bill do not truly think the legislation is racist. Their goal is simply to use the American fear of racism to demonize support of the bill, and to repeal it until such time that amnesty for illegal aliens can be examined at a federal level. Arizona and Major League Baseball have become victims this vile agenda, and men like Menendez have forced upon them the necessity to make a difficult choice. Arizona must either repeal their bill or enforce it, and baseball must either move the game or allow it to be played.
"Given the current pulse on this issue, I would wager that the silent majority would be content if both Arizona and Major League Baseball simply adopt and apply a well-known policy, and resolve to stand firm, stick to the schedule, and play ball."
"Given the current pulse on this issue, I would wager that the silent majority would be content if both Arizona and Major League Baseball simply adopt and apply a well-known policy, and resolve to stand firm, stick to the schedule, and play ball."
The White House press office is behaving more and more like an independent media outlet.
Fox News "...bypassing traditional news avenues in favor of releasing its own "exclusive" video, voicing administration opinions on its official blog and blasting out updates via Twitter. The administration's use of its myriad new media platforms has raised questions among the press corps about whether the White House is looking to just tap its own resources to make major announcements."
Americans Who Don’t Attend Church Form Base of Obama’s Support, Gallup Polling Indicates
CNS News "Obama’s approval rating dropped to a low of 38 percent among weekly church-goers in the week that ended on April 4. By contrast, Obama’s presidential approval rating has never dropped below 50 percent among those who seldom or never go to church." Aren't these the same people who thought Bill Clinton was a victim or something?
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