Monday, February 23, 2015

The Media’s Embarrassing Scott Walker Spectacle

The farcical game of the one-sided “gotcha” question  "On Saturday afternoon, two of the Washington Post’s crack political correspondents accosted Governor Scott Walker in the lobby of a JW Marriott hotel and asked him whether he believed that President Obama is “a Christian.” As is always the way with silly questions, this inquiry elicited a silly answer. And, as it was foretold, that silly answer provoked a maelstrom inside the bubble. 

"Had Walker been asked, “To which religion does President Obama claim he adheres?” he might well have responded without making headlines. But he wasn’t. Instead, he was prompted to weigh in on a question that he could not possibly answer: namely, whether the president is, in any meaningful sense, what he claims to be. “Told that Obama has frequently spoken publicly about his Christian faith,” Dan Balz and Robert Costa wrote excitedly, “Walker maintained that he was not aware of the president’s religion.” And the critics screamed bloody murder."
. . .
" . . . Rather, they wanted a specific response, and they were determined to crucify their man if he didn’t give it to them. That, I’m afraid, is not journalism; it’s entertainment. Their goal wasn’t “asking questions”; it was enforcing a catechism. "

The ‘Gotcha’ Game, Fair and Square
"Halperin attributed the positive coverage in part to the historic nature of Obama’s candidacy. But he also noted that only a few hands had gone up in the crowded room when the audience had been asked how many had voted for George W. Bush. “I find it curious that far more time and media energy has been spent on Sarah Palin’s time in Wasilla, Alaska’s, city government in the last eight weeks than in looking at Barack Obama’s dozen years in Chicago politics and government over the last 18 months of his candidacy,” he noted dryly. And Ms. Palin was only running for vice president. 
"And we all know how free Chicago’s government is from corruption and juicy stories."

MSM, forget about Scott Walker's refusal to comment on Guliani's remarks. Instead ask the Democrats these questions:

First the context:   Walker fundraises off 'gotcha' questions  . . . "Over the weekend, Walker drew further scrutiny when he refused to say whether he thought Obama was a Christian. He also decided to punt on questions about evolution during a recent trip to London.
"Walker is considering a run for the White House in 2016. 
"Some are questioning whether Walker's moves have been beneficial — but his campaign is looking to frame it as a moral stand."

Three Questions All Democrats Must Answer
"Joe Biden touching women, Elizabeth Warren being Native American and Bill Clinton hanging out with a pedophile"
Joe Biden Gaffe Ashton Carter Wife Secretary of Defense

"If you think the mainstream media is not out to elect Hillary Clinton in 2016 every bit as much as it was for Obama in 2008 and 2012, then you need your head examined.

"The multi-day and ongoing demand that Scott Walker verify that Obama is Christian and loves America is a good example.

"Why is it that Republican candidates and politicians are required to verify the bona fides of Democrats?

"Here are three questions I have yet to hear Obama or any Democrat asked:

1. Should Joe Biden stop touching women without consent?

2. Is Elizabeth Warren Native American?  

3. Is it okay that Bill Clinton participated in vacations with a pedophile?

Convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein flew Bill Clinton to his private sex island b/c he owed Bill "a favor." Nobody asks Hillary about that.

What's the brouhaha over Obama flashing a "Muslim gang sign"?

Obama and the Muslim Gang Sign  "Is President Obama a Muslim?  A lot has been written about this, but if photographs speak louder than words, then a photo taken at last August’s U.S.-African Leaders’ Summit in Washington D.C. might shed considerable light.

"It shows Barack Hussein Obama flashing the one-finger affirmation of Islamic faith to dozens of African delegates.

. . . "The reaction of Togo president Faure Gnassingbe, at the top row second to the left, is less approving.  Through his face you can read the mind of this Sorbonne- and George Washington University educated leader. His mind is screaming, “You gotta be kidding!”

. . . "Maybe it was Obama’s idea of a joke, but that is unlikely.  The finger in the air was a position statement brazenly stated.  His entire administration has been a promotion of Islam at home and abroad, and just cataloging the evidence would fill a book.  He has made this country cozy for Islam, from ordering NASA to make Muslims feel good about themselves to calling ISIS beheading victim Peter Kassig by the Muslim name that he had adopted in the vain hope of saving his life." . . .

"Here's a one-finger sign for you too. America"'s dishonest attempt at debunking 'Obama and the Muslim Gang Sign'
" has attempted to debunk the article “Obama and the Muslim Gang Sign,” by F.W. Burleigh, with a dishonest entry.  It makes two points, both of which are refuted by evidence in the article it purports to debunk. "

What does this president advocate?  . . . "He gives the previously aborted thumbs-up sign and says something that is indistinct, but you don't have to have the training that deaf people are given to be able to read Obama’s lips.  As he flashes his upright thumb, his lips say, “Allahu Akbar.” 
. . . "The African delegates who saw his reaction to the cry of Allahu Akbar understood what he was communicating through his finger gesture, and many were clearly disturbed.  Americans should be disturbed, too, because, perhaps more clearly than ever, Obama has revealed his allegiance to a dangerous cult – dangerous because it was the creation of an extremely dangerous man."

I do not think Obama is a Muslim but do think he fears them. I see him as the terrified schoolboy who gives his lunch money to the campus bully so he will be left alone. Much the same as Obama gave away Eastern Europe defense armaments to console the Russians. TD