Man of the Book; Second, every man needs the Bible — not just handy tips.
From Desiring God: John Piper
"In the age of the Internet, we are swamped with opinions and pronouncements and the latest whatever. But a Christian minister must set himself to be, as John Wesley put it, “a man of one Book.”
From Desiring God: John Piper
"In the age of the Internet, we are swamped with opinions and pronouncements and the latest whatever. But a Christian minister must set himself to be, as John Wesley put it, “a man of one Book.”
"I hope you will live all your life as a reader. I hope you will read widely – novels, biographies, poetry, and more. But far more, I hope you will master the Bible. You will find more of Christ there. As Jim Elliot said, the Bible is “Christ in print.” So, I am thinking now of more than your preaching from the Bible. I am proposing to you a lifetime of daily immersion in the Bible.
"For starters, read the Bible through, from cover to cover, annually, for twenty years straight. You will change. You will see the flow of the whole biblical drama, and you will start seeing the whole of reality with new eyes.
"I also suggest you choose one Old Testament book and one New Testament book and drill down deep. Make those two books your special projects for the rest of your life. For me, it’s Isaiah and Romans. They are addictive. I have read them many times in English, I have read them in the original text, I have gathered commentaries and articles about them. And I am so glad I jumped in at the deep end. Both Isaiah and Romans function in the Bible like theological intersections, where the traffic of biblical thought flows in and flows out. These two books broaden my understanding of everything in the Bible. But you choose your two, and get after it!
"Finally, if you can, read through the entire Hebrew Bible and the entire Greek New Testament. If you do not read Hebrew and Greek, don’t worry about it. The English Standard Version is, for all practical purposes, the original text put plainly before you. But if you have studied the languages, do not lose them!
"What percentage of Christians in the last 2000 years have been given the privilege of reading biblical Hebrew and biblical Greek? After Jerome died in A.D. 420, for the next thousand years you could almost count on one hand the number of Christians in the West who knew Hebrew and Greek. But today, you are among the privileged few? You should get down on your knees and thank God! And then read, read, read your Hebrew Bible and your Greek New Testament.
"I cannot imagine a pastor coming to the end of his days with regrets that he knew the Bible too well. And I have never heard a church member complain that their pastor knows the Bible too well. But I did hear a minister in the Church of Scotland tell me that a group of Muslim clerics, visiting the ministers there years ago, came away saying, “Your holy men do not know their holy book.” That does not have to be you, dear brother. Make your plan. Work your plan. And by God’s grace, you will reap endless rewards."