Power Line Blog. . . "O’Rourke blew a .135 on the police breathalyzer; the state’s legal limit was .08. But charges against O’Rourke were dismissed after a brief “diversion” program, perhaps because his father was a judge.
"Some Democrats have argued that O’Rourke’s DUI is comparable to George W. Bush’s DUI of many years before that the Democrats unveiled the weekend before the 2000 presidential election. But that claim is ridiculous. Bush was simply pulled over and ticketed by a policeman whom he treated respectfully, and who voted for Bush in 2000. O’Rourke was so drunk that he ran into a truck, bounced across the median and tried to flee the scene. Maybe he was a spoiled young man who thought he could get away with lawbreaking–there is at least one other criminal charge on his record–because his father was a judge. In any event, Texas voters will decide whether O’Rourke is the sort of person they want representing them in the Senate. "O’Rourke’s biggest problem, of course, is his leftism. Some months ago, Cruz’s campaign released one of the all-time great radio ads. If you’re gonna run in Texas, you can’t be a liberal man. If you don’t recognize the song–a great Alabama classic–trust me, every voter in Texas gets the reference:" . . .
Conservative Treehouse"CNN is still refusing to retract its false story about Donald Trump and the infamous Trump Tower meeting with Fusion-GPS sponsored Russians, even as the source of the story, Lanny Davis, continues to explain how he misled the network.
"The basic issue is that CNN was so hungry to push a narrative, they were willing to promote Davis’s demonstrably false rumor and innuendo as fact; and mislead their audience about the entire construct of their spin. Embarrassing Bananas."
Clash Daily"Hey Bill, whatever happened to R-E-S-P-E-C-T? It’s a funeral for pity’s sake! "He was giving her the old ‘elevator eyes’. "It gets worse: turning the cringe meter all the way up to eleven, Ariana was singing ‘Natural Woman’ at the time. "Yikes." . . .
Do you have a problem with the men in this picture?. . . "Seth then opened his radio show (audio below) with the question: “What do you think would be said about Donald Trump, President Trump, if he were on a stage at a big event with someone who said, ‘Satanic Jews have infected the whole world with poison and deceit’?” I think it is a template for what the modern Democratic Party is. Those four people are in order Louis Farrakhan, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Bill Clinton.”
Legal Insurrection"When the left is confronted with the fact—and it is a fact—that their radical anti-God, anti-family SJW agenda is indeed radically out of step with mainstream America, the result is always hilarious. And a little sad.
"Case in point, Aretha Franklin was eulogized by Reverend Jasper Williams Jr., and the left melted down because he expressed “old school,” “controversial” ideas about family and faith, about the decline of black owners of small businesses and about #BlackLivesMatter." . . .
. . . "It’s not particularly surprising that a preacher calling for stronger faith, stronger families, and less murder is, to today’s left, “old school” and “controversial.” What is marginally surprising is that the regressive left is so out-of-touch—even after the results of the 2016 election—with America and with Americans that they honestly, truly, deeply believe what Williams represents a fringe element who are so radical, so “out there,” that they still insist on believing in God, on seeing strong faith and unified families as a positive, and on thinking murder is bad." . . .
Reverend Jasper Williams, Jr: "A black woman cannot raise a black boy to become a man."Who invited this Trump-loving, misogynistic motherf*cker from a bygone era?ArethaHomecoming
"I don’t mean to sound self-centered, but I hope that at my funeral, whoever delivers the eulogy will talk about me, and not their or my political enemies. It’s not much to ask, but frankly, I’d like to believe there’s more to me than the people I’ve had feuds with.
Not since the Paul Wellstone funeral have I been so disgusted at the gross politicization of a memorial service. Wellstone, you might remember, was the U.S. senator who died in a plane crash in 2002 less than two weeks before the midterm elections. In an effort to save the seat, Walter Mondale was selected to run, and the funeral services for Wellstone turned into a grossly inappropriate campaign rally." . . .
. . . "It’s hard to wrap my head around that fact that Meghan made the conscious decision to give the media, and basically the world, the opportunity to boil down her eulogy into a Trump smear rather than an ode to her father’s lifelong legacy. She just cemented her father’s legacy, not as a war hero and longtime U.S. senator, but as an enemy of Donald Trump. I’m sure even John McCain would rather be remembered for more than that." . . . It was a Political Rally: Entire Audience Applauded Meghan McCain’s Vicious Attack on President Trump (VIDEO) "This is not something you see at funerals. This was a pep rally against Trump."
Sharyl Attkisson "Today I received an inquiry from BuzzFeed reporter Tasneem Nashrulla that appeared so sloppy— even for a writer at a quasi-news site– that it was particularly remarkable. "First, the reporter contacted me only after the article that mentioned me was published. (That’s sort of frowned on in journalism circles.) "Then, when I pointed out the reporter’s errors and misimpressionsand asked for a correction, the reporter and his or her editor declined. "The subject matter was a Media Bias chart I constructed some time ago. (See here.) "See what you think of the BuzzFeed position. Original email from reporter: Hello Sharyl, This is Tasneem Nashrulla, a reporter with BuzzFeed News. I’m writing about President Trump’s claims this morning about Google search results being “rigged” against him to shut out conservative media outlets. He appears to have seen this on last night’s episode of Lou Dobbs Tonight which cited a PJ Media study that used your Media Bias Chart from 2017 to analyze Google search results on two different computers to test the premise that Google search results had an anti-conservative bias. I saw that you updated your chart today. Could you tell me what prompted you to update the chart today and what changes did you make to the original chart? You had earlier included a link to this Lorain County Community College site which contained a list of the political leanings of magazines and newspapers. The link no longer appears in your article. Did you delete the link today and if so, why? You included a link to a Pew Research Center chart as a source for your media bias chart. The Pew chart says it measures audience bias, not media bias. Can you explain how this study factored into your chart? Do you believe that your chart is an accurate representation of media bias and if it can be effectively used to analyze Google search results to show that Google has an anti-conservative bias? We’ve published our story on the study, and will update it with your responses.