Monday, March 9, 2015

Is Hillary Toast? Sure Starting to Look That Way

Rich Terrell

Michael Walsh   "Let’s see… the emails have been known for two years or so, but this story is just “breaking” now, at the same time Sen. Bob Menendez is being brought up on federal charges and David Petraeus cops a plea deal. Now the stenographers at theWashington Post are beginning to connect the dots between Hillary Clinton’s private emails and her disastrous tenure in Foggy Bottom — Benghazi! You remember Benghazi — nothing to see here Benghazi; who cares where Barry Hussein was the night of Benghazi. Yes, that Benghazi. If this scenario reminds you of the end of The Godfather, you may be a winner:

Clinton’s time at State Department, once an asset, now a liability?
Hillary Rodham Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state was supposed to be a central argument for her forthcoming run for president. Her globe-trotting record as the nation’s chief diplomat, her role championing women’s empowerment and gay rights, and her experience on tough national security issues were all supposed to confer credentials that none of her possible GOP opponents would possess.
But over the past two weeks, with back-to-back revelations that she was working with foreign countries that gave millions to her family’s charitable foundation and that she set up and exclusively used her own private e-mail system, that argument is in peril.
. . . " If Hillary were smart, which she’s not, she’d take the hint. But her greed and arrogance will get the better of her, and she’ll never hear the sound of the accelerating bus until it’s too late.
More at the link... 

Selma 50th Anniversary – Where Was Bill and Hillary Clinton ? – UPDATE: New York Times Crops Picture To Remove President George W Bush

The Conservative Treehouse  "Yesterday Debbie Wasserman Schultz cropped a picture of President Obama on stage to remove the image of President George W Bush also being present. The first reason was obvious, bias. However, the second reason was more subtle – the absence of President Clinton and Hillary.
"Today the New York Times cropped out President Bush for the same reason."NYT crops bush