Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Eric Bolling sues reporter for $50 mln over lewd photo story Eric Bolling sues reporter for $50 mil over lewd photo story

Fox News Host Eric Bolling Fighting to Clear His Name
A report states that two women at Fox Business and one at Fox News received the images in text messages from Bolling. It is unclear why an alleged incident from years ago is only now coming to light.

Eric Bolling and Adrienne Bolling"Fox News Host Eric Bolling has filed a lawsuit against the Huffington Post reporter who wrote the story responsible for his being suspended.
"Yashar Ali reported that 14 anonymous sources told him that Bolling had texted lewd images to two of his female co-workers. None of the sources would go on the record and no actual charges or suits have been filed against Bolling.
"Bolling, through legal firm Kasowitz Benson Torres, LLP, filed a $50 million defamation suit against Ali on Wednesday.
"The suit is a defense, similar to that of Fox personality Sean Hannity, to push back against unnamed, unproven claims levied at Fox News most Conservative and popular voices. Hannity successfully fought off a false attack against him and Eric looks set to do the same."

Obama Blew All Opportunities With China And N. Korea

Noisy Room  "Obama along with Hillary Clinton and John Kerry gave us trade deals and climate change stuff….Obama did not understand Thucydides Trap and chose to ignore it. Steve Bannon and H.R. McMaster, along with General Mattis, are experts on it and President Trump is confused. Trump tells President Xi, he will honor the one China policy."

. . . 

Obama administration knew about North Korea's miniaturized nukes

It was clear what Obama officials were doing in 2013.  The DIA report represented inconvenient facts that threatened President Obama’s North Korea “strategic patience” policy -- a policy to do nothing about North Korea and kick this problem down the road to the next president.  Obama officials tried to downplay the DIA assessment to prevent it from being used to force the president to employ a more assertive North Korea policy. 

Beware the "Thucydides Trap" Trap  . . . "Similarly, survey today's strategic landscape. The BRICS countries — Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa — are making their ascent to regional if not world power. The Thucydides Trap suggests that dark days lie ahead for them and for America. But how likely is conflict between the United States and Brazil, India, South Africa, or even a prickly Russia? Not very, methinks.

"That leaves China. The trend lines in East Asia point to competition or even conflict. But trends are not fate. How events unfold will rest mainly with decisionmakers in Washington, Beijing, and other regional stakeholders. That — not a simple parable of rise and decline — is the lesson from Thucydides." . . .

Anti-Trump Fanatic Executes GOP Committeeman with Two Bullets to the Head — While His Wife Was Watching

The Gateway Pundit  "ABC6 reported:  A man is under arrest, accused of killing his next door neighbor in West Goshen, Chester County.
"Police have charged Clayton Carter, 51, in the shooting death of [GOP committeeman] G. Brooks Jennings.
"Shortly before 8 p.m. Monday, police responded to the 300 block of Box Elder Drive for a dispute between Carter and Jennings about cursing and video recording in the back yard. Police said they were able to resolve that dispute.
"Then at approximately 1 a.m. Tuesday, police say the neighbors got into another dispute. Carter told police that Jennings shined a light into his eyes while he was outside. Carter then allegedly pulled a car onto his lawn, shining the high beams of the car on Jennings’ property.
"Carter then allegedly retrieved a .380 semi-automatic handgun from his house and confronted the victim again outside."
"Officials say Carter shot Jennings once in the head, knocking him to the ground. Carter then allegedly stood over Jennings’ body and shot him once more in the head.
"The victim was on his own property, police said…
"…Jennings’ wife allegedly heard the first gunshot, then saw Carter stand over her husband as he fired the second shot.
"Police recovered two shell casings, the gun and a knife at the scene. One shell casing was located on Carter’s property. The second shell casing was found on the victim’s property, near Jennings’ body.
"Carter has been charged with murder and related offenses, and is currently being held at the Chester County Prison.
"Neighbor Brian Dougherty got emotional when speaking of Jennings.
"You don’t want to sound cliche, you see this on TV all the time, but he is probably the nicest, best guy I’ve ever met in my whole life. Really, seriously,” Dougherty said.
"Police say Carter had disputes with a number of other neighbors, and even pulled a gun on Jennings during a past altercation.
"Neighbors say Carter was a quarrelsome, argumentative man. Court records claim Carter had a history of disputes with multiple neighbors. His front yard was crowded with cars and hand lettered anti-Trump signs."

Trump Got Your Tongue, Media?

H.G.Wells Was Prescient
Ann Coulter  . . . "Last week, the president joined Sens. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) and David Perdue (R-Ga.) to announce legislation that would make seminal changes to our immigration laws for the first time in more than half a century, profoundly affecting the entire country. 

"The media have chosen not to cover the RAISE Act (Reforming American Immigration for Strong Employment). This bill is their worst nightmare. 

"Instead of admitting immigrants on the basis of often specious "family" ties, the bill would finally allow us to choose the immigrants we want, based on merit, with points granted for skills, English proficiency, advanced degrees, actual job offers and so on. 

"Most Americans have no idea that we have zero say about the vast majority of immigrants pouring into our country. Two-thirds of all legal immigrants get in not because we want them -- or even because Mark Zuckerberg wants them -- but under idiotic "family reunification" laws. 

"The most important provision of the RAISE Act would define "family" the way most Americans think of it: your spouse and minor children. 

"Unfortunately, that's not how the Third World thinks of "family." In tribal societies, "family" means the whole extended clan -- adult siblings, elderly parents and brothers-in-law, plus all their adult siblings and elderly parents, and so on, ad infinitum. 

"Entire tribes of immigrants are able to bully their way in and, as legal immigrants, are immediately eligible for a whole panoply of government benefits. Suddenly, there's no money left in the Social Security Trust Fund, and Speaker Paul Ryan is telling Americans they're going to have to cut back." . . .

FLASHBACK 1994: Clinton Says Deal With North Korea Would Prevent Them Getting Nuclear Weapons

Still want Democrats to be in charge?

Weasel Zippers

Democrats have cost the US so much international respect for decades.

Justice Officials Sent Talking Points to FBI on Lynch Tarmac Meeting With Bill Clinton

Free Beacon

Flurry of emails between Justice, FBI and White House came just days before Comey cleared Hillary Clinton in email scandal


"One of former Attorney General Loretta Lynch's top lawyers at the Justice Department helped edit Obama administration press statements about the infamous meeting between Lynch and Bill Clinton on a tarmac last summer.
"The same attorney, Paige Herwig, is now the deputy general counsel for Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee. That panel is now investigating whether Lynch played any role in trying to influence the scope or intensity of the FBI's investigation into the Hillary Clinton email scandal.
"Prior to her legal work with Lynch at Justice, Herwig was a special assistant and associate counsel to President Obama.
"Newly released Justice Department emails show that Herwig, whose title was counselor to the attorney general at the time, helped edit the first media statement responding to inquiries about the tarmac meeting. Those emails were included in 413 pages of Justice Department documents the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) obtained through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.
"The emails show that on June 29, 2016, two days after the Clinton-Lynch meeting when the national news media was first learning of the tarmac one-on-one, Melanie Newman, the then-director of public affairs at the Justice Department, emailed her FBI counterpart to "flag" the media stories about the tarmac meeting that she noted were "gaining traction tonight.' " . . .

A little something on Eric Bolling

Eric Bolling received huge support from Fox News fans after an unnamed sexting accuser got him suspended Monday. Remember when the Democrats used to say it’s just sex? Fox News could save an anchor a month from being removed just by putting Bill Clinton’s defense lawyer on retainer.  Comedian Argus Hamilton

Eric Bolling's enemies pile on while Fox News consigns him to the Memory Hole
. . . "Kirell asserts that anyone – like Bolling – who challenged Obama's claims that he was born in America (prior to Obama releasing his "birth certificate" in 2011) is a racist.  Another example of Bolling's "racism":
"How does increasing taxes count as spending cuts in your world, Mr. Obama?" Bolling said another night, when the president released his tax plan. "Maybe in Kenya, but certainly not here."
"In a world where journalism still had standards, this kind of crap reporting by well funded left-wing rags like the Daily Beast wouldn't be given the time of day.  But hey, this is America 2017, remember?  And we've been Transformed."
Chris Christie, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Juan Williams, Eric Bolling, Dana Perino and Greg Gutfeld
Fox News Host Eric Bolling Suspended Amid Investigation  . . . "He joined Fox News in 2008 after working as a commodities trader, according to his bio on the network’s website.
"Bolling has been a vocal supporter of President Donald Trump. In a March op-ed, he accused House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisconsin, and establishment Republicans of betraying the president with their version of a plan to overhaul the nation’s health system." . . .

The Democrats' Electoral Disadvantage Is Getting Worse

If a majority-Republican Senate copies the minority Democrats’ 2017 playbook, a Democratic administration can be brought to a halt and never permitted to function. The Democrats asked for it. Let’s hope they get it, good and hard.
Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

Power Line  "At FiveThirtyEight, David Wasserman has a heartwarming analysis of why the Democratic Party is pretty much hosed in Congressional elections for the foreseeable future:

Even if Democrats were to win every single 2018 House and Senate race for seats representing places that Hillary Clinton won or that Trump won by less than 3 percentage points — a pretty good midterm by historical standards — they could still fall short of the House majority and lose five Senate seats.
In the last few decades, Democrats have expanded their advantages in California and New York — states with huge urban centers that combined to give Clinton a 6 million vote edge, more than twice her national margin. But those two states elect only 4 percent of the Senate. Meanwhile, Republicans have made huge advances in small rural states — think Arkansas, North and South Dakota, Iowa, Louisiana, Montana and West Virginia — that wield disproportionate power in the upper chamber compared to their populations.
In 2016, Trump lost the national popular vote by 2.1 percentage points, but Republicans won the median House seat by 3.4 points and the median Senate seat by 3.6 points — that’s the widest Senate gap in at least a century and tied with 2012 for the widest House disparity in the last half-century.
"The Senate is where the GOP has the largest built-in advantage, since so many Democratic voters are concentrated in a few large states:"