Sunday, March 20, 2011

British Conservative Melanie Phillips Being Investigated For Her Blogpost on Fogel Family Massacre

Gateway Pundit   "A Melanie Phillips blogpost on the Spectator website which referred to the “moral depravity” of Arab “savages” is being investigated by the Press Complaints Commission.
"The online comment piece, headlined “Armchair barbarism”, focused on media coverage of the murder of five members of a Jewish family in the West Bank settlement of Itamar by Palestinian militants earlier this month.
"“The moral depravity of the Arabs is finding a grotesque echo in the moral bankruptcy and worse of the British and American ‘liberal’ media,” wrote Phillips."

Ms Phillips can now join the company of such courageous and persecuted critics of Islam as Mark Steyn and Ezra Levant.

Video: Ezra Levant's eloquent and heroic defense before the Canadian Human Rights Commission. The opening statement he reads is powerful, but so is his unscripted defense.

Wisconsin protests veer to the left

Althouse "The protests began with the teachers — well-paid, privileged Wisconsin professionals. After a few days, students took over, aided by union folk bused in from wherever. But the weeks wear on, and people have other things to do. The bill is passed. But the people still show up to the Capitol. Earlier today, there was an anti-war rally. And then, this evening, there were these muddle-headed lefties. A vivid public square is a fine thing. I love it. I celebrate diversity. But the cause of the teachers and the public employees unions brought out the crowds and made the Capitol square the cool place to hang out, and the opportunistic politicos have descended. "

Grievance Politics Barks, King Hearings Move On

Bruce Thornton  "But facts seldom inhibit grievance-politics mongers, whose power and prestige derive from incessantly replaying the melodrama of white racism, xenophobia, and other “irrational fears,” as Eugene Robinson put it in The Washington Post. Hence the panoply of false analogies, cheap pathos, and outright lies that has characterized King’s critics."

That 3 am phone call

The Rise of Samantha Power and the risks for the American- Israel relationship  "As stories leak out regarding who was responsible for Barack Obama's sudden pivot from passivity regarding Libya towards military engagement (albeit with England and France being in the lead) one name has emerged as playing a key role in persuading him to push the button: Samantha Power.
"Her influence might cause qualms among supporters of the American-Israel relationship."

Obama’s Justice Department visual acceleration to global governance

Canada Free Press  "Whether you first learned about this change in the American Spectator which reportedly “broke” the story, or in an article penned by Stephanie Mencimer at Mother Jones who accuses “Obama-haters these days seem to find evidence everywhere of socialism creeping into the federal government,” this issue has never been more important than it is today."
More here

From Back to Basics :  "It is most telling that the quote has been generally attributed to C. Wilfred Jenks, a man “who facilitated a greater role for socialists and communists at the U.N., and the global ‘workers rights movement.’” In 1958, Jenks published a series of essays under the title The Common Law of Mankind, which is actually a compilation of his essays that favor the implementation of International law over the laws of individual nations. His legal writings are quite vast and complex, although his favoritism toward the integration of U.S. law under global governance is clearly evident in his writings.
"The fact that former Attorney General Janet Reno used that quotation in her 2001 address to the graduating class at Cornell is also quite telling. From members of the Council on Foreign Relations from FDR through Clinton, Bush 1.0 and Bush 2.0 and now under the higher octane Obama, the globalist agenda is fast moving and becoming more visible."

Hat tip to Joy Roeder, Garibaldi, Oregon in beautiful Tillamook County.