comicallyincorrect."Hillary Clinton was revealed in her e-mails on Friday to have circumvented classification rules when she e-mailed secret material while Secretary of State. It’s alarming. If Hillary’s indicted before the election, it could end the Clinton dream of being America’s first two-impeachment family." Comedian Argus Hamilton
. . . “ 'It’s relatively new for Hillary to talk about that,” he said. “Hillary’s focus has been on other things up to now, and that’s been Bernie’s — nobody questions Bernie’s authenticity on those issues. . . . I think they question everybody’s who hasn’t been talking about it all along, but I think she’s come forward with some really thoughtful approaches to deal with the issue.”
"You don’t say this sort of thing if you’re enthusiastic about Clinton being the Democratic nominee in 2016. Either the vice president wants to ensure that Sanders gets a fair shot at the nomination, or he’s itching to reverse his own decision not to run in 2016. (He has recently hinted at the latter possibility.)" . . .Read more
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Joe Biden kneecaps Hillary
The State of Obama's Union (Updated)
Existential Threats and the State of the Union Address

"Gearing up for the State of the Union lecture he is preparing to treat us to this year, President Obama wanted to put a positive spin on the results of his many years in the Oval Office.
"It is a chilling testament to his myriad of failures as Commander-in-Chief that one positive he reaches for, amid his many delusions, is that the Americans are not facing “existential threats”.
. . .
"I am not comforted. Recall that he asserted there was no threat the the homeland from Islamic terrorists shortly before the San Bernardino terror attack occurred.
"The recent seizure of our Navy ships is an indication that his dreams of a peace deal with Iran are tuning into a nightmarish reality for the next administration to handle.
"Obama’s signature achievement, Obamacare, is slowly collapsing under the weight of its complexities and costs. Just ahead of the State of the Union, Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin is going forward with plans to close down the state-run Obamacare insurance marketplace.
"Two of tonight’s audience members are not fans of Obamacare, either:
. . .
Then there are Obama's plans for after his presidency
…Mr. Netanyahu recently is said to have gotten wind of Obama’s plans which he calls the Obama Project. “Wasn’t eight years of having Obama in office enough?”
Emphasis mine, TD
. . . "The president, he surmised, seems more apt to address climate change.
“ 'I have never been more afraid for my children’s future.”
"Along with Obama’s designated empty seat are a lot of empty promises.
“I don’t believe anything that comes out of his mouth,” Marino fumed. “He’s in this for himself. He is a narcissist.”
"Which uninvited guests, we wondered, should have been granted seats at tonight’s speech? Without hesitating, Marino said the family of Kate Steinle, the young woman who was tragically killed by an illegal immigrant in the sanctuary city of San Francisco last summer." . . .
Will Obama show any tears at the State of the Union? . . . "So pardon me if I don’t get choked up when he sheds a fake or real tear when he is pushing a political agenda.
"The president says he wants commonsense laws to save even one life. Here are a couple easy suggestions:
"Maybe the Justice Department and states should actually enforce existing laws instead of always wanting more laws. That would be common sense, but the Democrats and Obama won't suggest that. They should keep criminal gang members off the streets. They obviously know where they are.
"Maybe Obama and all the liberal governors and mayors should actually enforce existing immigration laws instead of supporting sanctuary cities and suing states that want to enforce the laws."
LYNDON B. OBAMA: “When it comes to offering progress reports on his war against ISIS, Barack Obama is beginning to sound like a previous wartime Democratic president. It is not a flattering comparison,” Richard Benedetto recently noted at Real Clear Politics:
Over the past few weeks, Obama has issued several upbeat statements crafted to assure an uneasy American people that the fight against terror is going well, only to have the facts come back and bite him.. . . "No word yet if the US sailors detained in Iran will be flashing “the Hawaiian good luck sign” at their captors, but it would certainly have double meaning this time around."
He is starting to develop a “credibility gap,” faced by Lyndon Baines Johnson during the Vietnam War. LBJ and his commanders kept telling the nation that the war was going well when it really was not.
Iran promises to release detained U.S. sailors
. . . ""Iran seized 10 sailors aboard two small Navy ships that drifted into Iranian waters in the Persian Gulf after experiencing mechanical problems. The Pentagon said it lost communication with the vessels but was informed that Iran would soon return the sailors and ships.
Story Continued Below
“ 'Earlier today, we lost contact with two small U.S. naval craft en route from Kuwait to Bahrain,” a senior administration official said. “We subsequently have been in communication with Iranian authorities, who have informed us of the safety and well-being of our personnel. We have received assurances the sailors will promptly be allowed to continue their journey.”
"White House press secretary Josh Earnest confirmed that U.S. officials have been in touch with Iran and are monitoring the situation closely." . . .
Well, Iran does owe Obama a big favor, you know:
Report: Obama Ordered the CIA Not to Support Green Movement in Iran in 2009
. . . "The most widely known victim of the regime's brutality was innocent onlooker Neda Agha-Soltan, who was shot dead in the street during one of the massive protests. Her last moments were caught on a video that went viral around the world. The president's famous response? He went out for ice cream.
Well, Iran does owe Obama a big favor, you know:
Report: Obama Ordered the CIA Not to Support Green Movement in Iran in 2009

"Obama was handed a unique opportunity in history to be the sort of inspirational and transformative figure Ronald Reagan was for Eastern Europe before the Berlin Wall fell. All he had to do was say and do the right things to denounce the illegitimate Iranian government and stand with the people in the street.
"At Jihad Watch, Robert Spencer couldn't help but notice that of the many demonstrations and revolts that have swept the Muslim world during Obama's presidency, he has only supported the Muslim Brotherhood-backed, Islamic-supremacist ones."
Black Lives Matter Revolutionary Leader Invited to SOTU
Why didn't we just elect Al Sharpton or Louis Farrakhan as president in 2008? What would have been different?
Independent Sentinel
"In the President Obama’s final State of the Union, “you’ll hear the president talk about making sure that every American has a chance to influence this democracy. Not the select few, not the millionaires and the billionaires, but every American.” White House Chief of Staff Bill McDonough said Sunday.
"That’s why it’s so appropriate that Barbara Lee invited Black Lives Matter to the State of the Union. What better way to showcase what he’s done and who he wants influencing our democracy?
"Leftist Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA) has invited Alicia Garza to attend the State of the Union. Garza is the revolutionary co-founder of the radical and violent hate group, Black Lives Matter. The group was founded on the now fully debunked, Hands Up, Don’t Shoot.
"They have confirmed via Twitter.
"Black Lives Matter travels around to political events to disrupt speeches and bully politicians, they show up in restaurants to ruin peoples’ dining experiences, they’ve disrupted military award ceremonies, but mostly they foment trouble in places like Ferguson and Baltimore. Their main goal is to stoke black rage against whites and against police.
"Three militant feminists co-founded the organization: Parisse Cullors, Alicia Garza, an open borders leftist, and Opel Tometi." . . .
How sad that the American voters put these elected officials in place. A nation gets the government it deserves.
Vetting Hillary as we failed to do with Obama. Did she sell US secrets? Updated
terrellaftermath |
"But of course, it's not an isolated instance of poor decision-making on her part. So far, we know she's sent at least 1,340 emails that held classified material via her personal, non-secure email. . . . Fox News is reporting that the FBI probe into her email "has expanded to look at whether the possible 'intersection' of Clinton Foundation work and State Department business may have violated public corruption laws."
"Emails aren't her only problem, though. Husband Bill and his 1990s popularity were supposed to be a formidable asset for her campaign. Instead, he's become a millstone around her neck. She's running as a feminist, but his reputation as a womanizer has become an issue." . . . Full article
Noisy Room
Emails reveal Hillary vetted plans to undermine Israel with covert ops . . . "The second email dated September 24, 2010 comes from Anne-Marie Slaughter, who was Hillary’s Director of Policy Planning at the State Department, and was sent staff-wide to Hillary’s inner circle. In it, she recommended mobilizing Hillary’s millionaire and billionaire friends to take a “pledge for Palestine” and devote significant portions of their wealth to the Palestinian cause:" . . .
Hillary Clinton believes that 'white terrorism' and 'police violence' are as much a threat as ISIS "Hillary Clinton took part in the "Brown and Black" candidate forum in Iowa yesterday and laid the pandering on thick to her minority audience.
"She agreed with the moderator who asked her if "white terrorisms and extremism is as much a threat to some in this country as something like ISIS?”
"Her rambling answer starts about 1:20 into the video."
And last - for now - but by no means least:
The real email question: Did Hillary Clinton sell US secrets? "While the media is focusing your attention on the shiny object that is her email server, the real story is not being told. The circumstantial evidence indicates that Hillary Clinton, or members of her inner circle with her connivance, purloined highly classified US intelligence and either sold it, traded it, or used it for personal gain. This is not a conspiracy theory and it is not hyperbole. Stick with me for a moment."
Read the full article via Lucianne
Read the full article via Lucianne
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